Obama Campaign attacks Mrs. Romney, breast cancer/MS survivor who raised 5 kids.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
What a political f**k-up. You Obama zombies must be outraged at the Obama 2012 campaign. Who does this? Who attacks a woman who survives breast cancer, perseverse through MS, raises five kids, and supports a husband working a time demanding job.....like so many women in America do?

The Obama Admin, campaign and hordes of zombie followers are so out of touch with America its fucking laughable.

Now, literally right now, the radio is saying Michelle Obama tweeted or messaged "Every woman works hard...".

No, not every woman. Most women. Not every. Just like not all men work hard.
They don't even blink. she's a white rich conservative woman. Remember the hatchet job they did on Mrs. Palin?
Yep. It baffles me.....but not really, because I know how left wingers are. They have no soul. They have only a few passions: Hatred, control of people, power, envy and spite. They hate everything about traditional America. They want it to crumble.

Just like transgender people who are "females trapped in a male body", left wingers are transnational citizens, meaning European communists trapped in an American citizen's body.
I guess it would had been better for her to accept a hospital 'community affairs director' position collecting $270k a year like Michelle O just because her husband was a Senator. I'm sure that was hard work.
Michelle's brother has made a "career" of coaching basketball at gov't funded colleges. Guess he doesn't work hard either.
What a political f**k-up. You Obama zombies must be outraged at the Obama 2012 campaign. Who does this? Who attacks a woman who survives breast cancer, perseverse through MS, raises five kids, and supports a husband working a time demanding job.....like so many women in America do?

The Obama Admin, campaign and hordes of zombie followers are so out of touch with America its fucking laughable.

Now, literally right now, the radio is saying Michelle Obama tweeted or messaged "Every woman works hard...".

No, not every woman. Most women. Not every. Just like not all men work hard.

Yep. It baffles me.....but not really, because I know how left wingers are. They have no soul. They have only a few passions: Hatred, control of people, power, envy and spite. They hate everything about traditional America. They want it to crumble.

Just like transgender people who are "females trapped in a male body", left wingers are transnational citizens, meaning European communists trapped in an American citizen's body.

What about the rich liberals? You know, most of Hollywood, and rich Democrats? What tre they envious of? Or is it THEY who seek to control the rest of us? And convince all of us we can't or shouldn't succeed, but instead let THEM take care of us?
This one thing and obama's response or lack of response is a watershed moment. This is a turning point. I don't know if obama can recover from it, not paying female white house staff 18% less than male white house staff. Not excluding women from his good old boy get togethers.
Granny says, "Get day jobs ladies...
Night work may boost women's breast cancer risk: study
19 June`12 - Night work may increase a woman's chances of developing breast cancer by 30 percent -- a slightly elevated but "statistically significant" risk, French researchers said Tuesday.
This placed night work in the same order of risk as factors like genetic mutation, a late first pregnancy or hormonal treatment, Pascal Guenel, director of French health research body INSERM, told AFP. Put into context, a smoker was eight times as likely to contract lung cancer as a woman working night shifts was to get breast cancer, he explained. About 1,3 million women around the world are diagnosed with breast cancer every year.

In a study published in the International Journal of Cancer, the INSERM-led team said an association between night work with breast cancer "was mainly observed in women working during overnight shifts, those who worked at night for 4.5 or more years and less than three nights per week on average. "The association was stronger in women who worked at night before their first full-term pregnancy than in women who started working at night later in life."

The scientists said more study was needed to determine the reasons. Hypotheses include disruption of "body clock" genes, internal desynchronisation and sleep deprivation altering the immune system. The study was conducted in France among 1,232 women diagnosed with breast cancer between 2005 and 2007.


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