obama Camp In Full MELTDOWN Over Extraodinary Factual Paul Ryan Speech


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
You knew it was coming... when the leftists finally see their lead gone, their power about to be stripped away, everything they've been shoving down America's throat with complete power over the entire government for two straight years about to be wiped out by the people in almost complete rejection of what they've done, you knew they'd be melting down, and they are...

Obama Camp Melts Down Over Ryan's Speech
In years to come in the near future, words like "liberal" and "progressive" and "socialism" will become dirty words, because it's them and their agenda that carries the burden of blame for the near destruction and downward spiral of this nation.

If it were possible to load up all the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash in barges and ship them out to some island where they could all implement their failed agenda's, America would take off like a roman candle and prosper as never prospered before. Meanwhile, the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash would all starve and die, because there was no one they could rob from to keep them in existence. They all sat around waiting on their worthless, lazy ass for someone else to do the work and died.
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who the in hell is guy Benson? Some right wing radio Fuckwad, I'd be willing to bet.

What difference does it make who disseminates the facts, so long as they're TRUE?

Thank you for your additional display of MELT DOWN, nipple head.
In years to come in the near future, words like "liberal" and "progressive" and "socialism" will become dirty words, because it's them and their agenda that carries the burden of blame for the near destruction and downward spiral of this nation.

If it were possible to load up all the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash in barges and ship them out to some island where they could all implement their failed agenda's, America would take off like a roman candle and prosper as never prospered before. Meanwhile, the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash would all starve and die, because there was no one they could rob from to keep them in existence. They all sat around waiting on their worthless, lazy ass for someone else to do the work and died.

Ah.....the compassionate rationality of Conservatism on display folks....step right up and see how Conservatives feel about their fellow Americans....then they have the GUTS to call Obama "divisive".
In years to come in the near future, words like "liberal" and "progressive" and "socialism" will become dirty words, because it's them and their agenda that carries the burden of blame for the near destruction and downward spiral of this nation.

If it were possible to load up all the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash in barges and ship them out to some island where they could all implement their failed agenda's, America would take off like a roman candle and prosper as never prospered before. Meanwhile, the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash would all starve and die, because there was no one they could rob from to keep them in existence. They all sat around waiting on their worthless, lazy ass for someone else to do the work and died.

Ah.....the compassionate rationality of Conservatism on display folks....step right up and see how Conservatives feel about their fellow Americans....then they have the GUTS to call Obama "divisive".
Cry me a river... pussy

Then get a job. I've got no compassion for lazy, worthless, human trash.
In years to come in the near future, words like "liberal" and "progressive" and "socialism" will become dirty words, because it's them and their agenda that carries the burden of blame for the near destruction and downward spiral of this nation.

If it were possible to load up all the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash in barges and ship them out to some island where they could all implement their failed agenda's, America would take off like a roman candle and prosper as never prospered before. Meanwhile, the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash would all starve and die, because there was no one they could rob from to keep them in existence. They all sat around waiting on their worthless, lazy ass for someone else to do the work and died.

Ah.....the compassionate rationality of Conservatism on display folks....step right up and see how Conservatives feel about their fellow Americans....then they have the GUTS to call Obama "divisive".

Why would we say he's divisive...oh yeah he pits poor against rich against middle class, blacks vs whites, gays vs straights, men vs women and bacially I've never seeen liberals like you approach an issue as americans, nope you have to break it down among demographics and groups, you like the identity politics, we dont........
In years to come in the near future, words like "liberal" and "progressive" and "socialism" will become dirty words, because it's them and their agenda that carries the burden of blame for the near destruction and downward spiral of this nation.

If it were possible to load up all the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash in barges and ship them out to some island where they could all implement their failed agenda's, America would take off like a roman candle and prosper as never prospered before. Meanwhile, the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash would all starve and die, because there was no one they could rob from to keep them in existence. They all sat around waiting on their worthless, lazy ass for someone else to do the work and died.

Ah.....the compassionate rationality of Conservatism on display folks....step right up and see how Conservatives feel about their fellow Americans....then they have the GUTS to call Obama "divisive".
Cry me a river... pussy

Then get a job. I've got no compassion for lazy, worthless, human trash.

only people who say shit like you do, as passionately as you do, have something to hide....I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck....that you're an unemployed angry young man who wants to blame everyone but yourself for your own failings. Move out of Mommy's basement and take responsibility for yourself.
Hahaha the only one melting down seems to be Pole-Rider.

Goddamnit I think some of his spittle is coming through the screen.

Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.
only people who say shit like you do, as passionately as you do, have something to hide....I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck....that you're an unemployed angry young man who wants to blame everyone but yourself for your own failings. Move out of Mommy's basement and take responsibility for yourself.

Tell you what... go look at this thread...
Look how passionately the lefties are claiming FOX NEWS called Ryan a liar, simply because they posted a liberal writers response to the Ryan speech.

Do those libtards have something to hide? According to you, yes. Or does your logic not apply to libtards?
In years to come in the near future, words like "liberal" and "progressive" and "socialism" will become dirty words, because it's them and their agenda that carries the burden of blame for the near destruction and downward spiral of this nation.

If it were possible to load up all the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash in barges and ship them out to some island where they could all implement their failed agenda's, America would take off like a roman candle and prosper as never prospered before. Meanwhile, the leftists, liberals, progressives, socialist, commies and otherwise lazy, worthless human trash would all starve and die, because there was no one they could rob from to keep them in existence. They all sat around waiting on their worthless, lazy ass for someone else to do the work and died.

Ah.....the compassionate rationality of Conservatism on display folks....step right up and see how Conservatives feel about their fellow Americans....then they have the GUTS to call Obama "divisive".

Why would we say he's divisive...oh yeah he pits poor against rich against middle class, blacks vs whites, gays vs straights, men vs women and bacially I've never seeen liberals like you approach an issue as americans, nope you have to break it down among demographics and groups, you like the identity politics, we dont........

Bullshit. You fucking assholes have been doing this since November of 2008. Anyone with a D behind their name is as described by Mr. Outrage above....then when anyone from that "other" party says anything that defends their position on any given issue....you scream and holler like the fucking Sissies you are. You far righties are fucking pathetic. Identity Politics? Fuck....you guys are the masters of it.

What do I expect from extremists like you? "accuse your opposition of what you yourself are doing" Straight out of Saul Alinsky....Just like the Heritage Foundation and Freedomworks trained their people to do.
Here’s a list of some of the whoppers that Paul Ryan served up Wednesday night.


only people who say shit like you do, as passionately as you do, have something to hide....I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck....that you're an unemployed angry young man who wants to blame everyone but yourself for your own failings. Move out of Mommy's basement and take responsibility for yourself.

Tell you what... go look at this thread...
Look how passionately the lefties are claiming FOX NEWS called Ryan a liar, simply because they posted a liberal writers response to the Ryan speech.

Do those libtards have something to hide? According to you, yes. Or does your logic not apply to libtards?

What does that have to do with the douchebag of an OP's second paragraph of his second post? That's what I took exception to. I don't give a fuck what this Benson guy says.
only people who say shit like you do, as passionately as you do, have something to hide....I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck....that you're an unemployed angry young man who wants to blame everyone but yourself for your own failings. Move out of Mommy's basement and take responsibility for yourself.

Tell you what... go look at this thread...
Look how passionately the lefties are claiming FOX NEWS called Ryan a liar, simply because they posted a liberal writers response to the Ryan speech.

Do those libtards have something to hide? According to you, yes. Or does your logic not apply to libtards?

What does that have to do with the douchebag of an OP's second paragraph of his second post? That's what I took exception to. I don't give a fuck what this Benson guy says.


have the doctor up your Thorazine.

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