Obama Bureaucrats owe Billions in taxes while wanting to Raise yours.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
links in article at site.

President Obama and Congressional Democrats have called for hundreds of billions of dollars in higher taxes on American families and small employers. Yet, there are thousands of federal bureaucrats who owe billions of dollars in taxes. Here are some of the most notable agencies:

Bureaucrat Tax Cheats
Amount Owed to IRS
Delinquency Rate

Executive Office of the President




U.S. Senate

$2.1 million

U.S. House

$8.5 million

Postal Service

$269.6 million

Homeland Security/TSA


$36.9 million


Treasury Department/IRS


$9.3 million


Health and Human Services/Obamacare


$40.7 million


National Labor Relations Board




National Endowment for the Arts




U.S. Office of Government Ethics

Read more: Americans for Tax Reform :: Obama Bureaucrats Owe Billions in Taxes While Wanting to Raise Yours
This was posted a few days ago Steph. The Libs retort - everyone in DC owes back taxes. I realize this piece focuses on the Obama Admin who wants to raise our taxes - but refuses to pay there's. But they're too fucking ignorant to see that point.
This was posted a few days ago Steph. The Libs retort - everyone in DC owes back taxes. I realize this piece focuses on the Obama Admin who wants to raise our taxes - but refuses to pay there's. But they're too fucking ignorant to see that point.

thanks dear...I didn't see it and was too lazy to do a search..
but the responses you talk of is Typical..simply head shaking..
This was posted a few days ago Steph. The Libs retort - everyone in DC owes back taxes. I realize this piece focuses on the Obama Admin who wants to raise our taxes - but refuses to pay there's. But they're too fucking ignorant to see that point.

thanks dear...I didn't see it and was too lazy to do a search..
but the responses you talk of is Typical..simply head shaking..

How do we know the premise is true? The data given doesn't come close to being billions and the OP implies that Obama wanted to raise everyone's taxes. FAIL on two counts.
This was posted a few days ago Steph. The Libs retort - everyone in DC owes back taxes. I realize this piece focuses on the Obama Admin who wants to raise our taxes - but refuses to pay there's. But they're too fucking ignorant to see that point.

This was posted a few days ago Steph. The Libs retort - everyone in DC owes back taxes. I realize this piece focuses on the Obama Admin who wants to raise our taxes - but refuses to pay there's. But they're too fucking ignorant to see that point.

thanks dear...I didn't see it and was too lazy to do a search..
but the responses you talk of is Typical..simply head shaking..

This regime is so full of scandalous assholes!
How do we know the premise is true? The data given doesn't come close to being billions and the OP implies that Obama wanted to raise everyone's taxes. FAIL on two counts.


Obama DOES want to raise our taxes!

Infidel......Obama doesn't want to raise taxes. He wants to let the tax cuts expire. Can't you see the difference? :lol:
How do we know the premise is true? The data given doesn't come close to being billions and the OP implies that Obama wanted to raise everyone's taxes. FAIL on two counts.


Obama DOES want to raise our taxes!

Infidel......Obama doesn't want to raise taxes. He wants to let the tax cuts expire. Can't you see the difference? :lol:

While that may be true in the higher brackets, the OP implied he wanted to raise everyone's taxes. That's a FAIL for the OP and a FAIL for your not picking it up..., or was that an intentional ignore, because it doesn't fit your bias? :doubt:
How do we know the premise is true? The data given doesn't come close to being billions and the OP implies that Obama wanted to raise everyone's taxes. FAIL on two counts.


Obama DOES want to raise our taxes!

Infidel......Obama doesn't want to raise taxes. He wants to let the tax cuts expire. Can't you see the difference? :lol:

Good point, but if ask those Jersey girls about it, they will tell ya he raised there taxes :tongue:

Health care bill imposes 10% tax on tanning salon customers - Mar. 24, 2010


John McCain: I would never tax Snooki's tanning bed – The Marquee Blog - CNN.com Blogs


Obama DOES want to raise our taxes!

Infidel......Obama doesn't want to raise taxes. He wants to let the tax cuts expire. Can't you see the difference? :lol:

While that may be true in the higher brackets, the OP implied he wanted to raise everyone's taxes. That's a FAIL for the OP and a FAIL for your not picking it up..., or was that an intentional ignore, because it doesn't fit your bias? :doubt:

Nice spin.... :clap2:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhEp72u3Sfo]bolz spinning top - YouTube[/ame]


Obama DOES want to raise our taxes!

Infidel......Obama doesn't want to raise taxes. He wants to let the tax cuts expire. Can't you see the difference? :lol:

Good point, but if ask those Jersey girls about it, they will tell ya he raised there taxes :tongue:

Health care bill imposes 10% tax on tanning salon customers - Mar. 24, 2010


John McCain: I would never tax Snooki's tanning bed – The Marquee Blog - CNN.com Blogs

LOL!!! Worried about Snooki, but nobody seems to give a damn about the vote auctions going on whenever someone needs campaign contributions and the consequent rise in spending, as result of those auctions.
How do we know the premise is true? The data given doesn't come close to being billions and the OP implies that Obama wanted to raise everyone's taxes. FAIL on two counts.


Obama DOES want to raise our taxes!

Infidel......Obama doesn't want to raise taxes. He wants to let the tax cuts expire. Can't you see the difference? :lol:

Sadly I think that the US growth will show this difference in a major hit.
And you expected anything different? Bureaucrats always think they are above the laws that they write. Those laws are for the 'little' people, not them. Of course, another part of the problem is that the tax code is so horrifyingly complicated that not even the people who created the mess can understand it.
Sure makes you want to pay more taxes when the feds scam, scheme, and fleece and don't even pay their own. Typical hypocrisy.

That's why we need public financing of elections. There's no political profit in the schemes, if they don't need to take the money.
Sure makes you want to pay more taxes when the feds scam, scheme, and fleece and don't even pay their own. Typical hypocrisy.

That's why we need public financing of elections. There's no political profit in the schemes, if they don't need to take the money.

I am tired of this asinine claim. Public funding cannot work because there are far to many variables involved that give existing government officials FAR too much power.
How do you stop 1000 people running for office? Who decides who is actually going to get that funding? What do you do about incumbents using the office over those that are challengers and simply do not have that ability? What determines the ultimate figures and how will those be adjusted?

Those are just the surface problems and the fist one alone will stop such a system dead in its tracks.

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