Obama Bans Drilling On 11.5 Million Acres Of Alaska´s Petroleum Reserve- Alaska favor


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama Bans Drilling On 11.5 Million Acres Of Alaska´s Petroleum Reserve- Alaska favors exploration in the reserve


President Obama is campaigning as a champion of the oil and gas boom he's had nothing to do with, and even as his regulators try to stifle it. The latest example is the Interior Department's little-noticed August decision to close off from drilling nearly half of the 23.5 million acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.

The area is called the National Petroleum Reserve because in 1976 Congress designated it as a strategic oil and natural gas stockpile to meet the "energy needs of the nation." Alaska favors exploration in nearly the entire reserve. The feds had been reviewing four potential development plans, and the state of Alaska had strongly objected to the most restrictive of the four. Sure enough, that was the plan Interior chose.
Review & Outlook: Obama's Great Alaska Shutout - WSJ.com
We've already got so much natural gas from fracking that this nation is already exporting propane and natural gas.

So I am beginning to question why we're continuing to drill in fragile environmental areas for oil that is becoming less and less important every day.
We've already got so much natural gas from fracking that this nation is already exporting propane and natural gas.

So I am beginning to question why we're continuing to drill in fragile environmental areas for oil that is becoming less and less important every day.

Both crude and natural gas are still valuable commodities.

The entire environment is fragile, including land that is used for agriculture. Yet, we export millions of metric tons of grains each year while bespoiling earth and water.

When it comes to hydrocarbons, it's not so much about the environment - it's about politics.
Meaning they are opening up another 11.5 million acres for new exploration and drilling?
We've already got so much natural gas from fracking that this nation is already exporting propane and natural gas.

So I am beginning to question why we're continuing to drill in fragile environmental areas for oil that is becoming less and less important every day.
Until we can use propane or natural gas in our vehicles, oil is important. And more important is energy independence.

Fragile environmental areas?...It's a barren wasteland. Stop the whining.
Obama Bans Drilling On 11.5 Million Acres Of Alaska´s Petroleum Reserve- Alaska favors exploration in the reserve


President Obama is campaigning as a champion of the oil and gas boom he's had nothing to do with, and even as his regulators try to stifle it. The latest example is the Interior Department's little-noticed August decision to close off from drilling nearly half of the 23.5 million acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.

The area is called the National Petroleum Reserve because in 1976 Congress designated it as a strategic oil and natural gas stockpile to meet the "energy needs of the nation." Alaska favors exploration in nearly the entire reserve. The feds had been reviewing four potential development plans, and the state of Alaska had strongly objected to the most restrictive of the four. Sure enough, that was the plan Interior chose.
Review & Outlook: Obama's Great Alaska Shutout - WSJ.com

This is a fun read for people who think Obama is such a champion of the Oil, gas, and Coal industries: American Energy Roadblocks by the Obama Administration - House Committee on Natural Resources

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