Obama backs assault-weapons ban


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama backs Feinstein bid to reinstate assault-weapons ban | Political Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama supports U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's effort to craft legislation to reinstate an assault-weapons ban and would also back any law to close a loophole in gun-show sales, the White House said on Tuesday

Obama's plan right on schedule ,he will disarm you ,and then he will own you .....

[ame=http://youtu.be/rs1L6DcaOWw]Obama to gun owners in 2008: 'You have nothing to fear from an Obama administration' - YouTube[/ame]
I hope it passes and passes soon. The bill would also ban extended mags. Good.
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Since it's only an AW ban, gun owners have nothing to fear. If you can't survive without an AR-15 and a drum magazine, then curl up and die in a corner. You'll get no sympathy from me.
Obama backs Feinstein bid to reinstate assault-weapons ban | Political Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama supports U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's effort to craft legislation to reinstate an assault-weapons ban and would also back any law to close a loophole in gun-show sales, the White House said on Tuesday

Obama's plan right on schedule ,he will disarm you ,and then he will own you .....

View attachment 23168

OH SHIT! I don't own an assault rifle! I'm OWNED by President Obama!

I didn't even know this.

Now I do
That really sucks, hopefully Congress won't vote for it and hopefully he can't make an Executive Order to implement the ban.

We wouldn't want mass shooters like the Connecticut shooter to not have access to assault rifles.

a lot of people don't want legal abortion either, but you all tell them tough shit

So, a mentally unhinged person killing 20 children with an assault rifle is justified by the existence of a legal medical procedure that you disagree with on moral grounds?
Obama backs Feinstein bid to reinstate assault-weapons ban | Political Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama supports U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's effort to craft legislation to reinstate an assault-weapons ban and would also back any law to close a loophole in gun-show sales, the White House said on Tuesday

Obama's plan right on schedule ,he will disarm you ,and then he will own you .....

View attachment 23168

The AR-15 used in the Oregon shooting most likely does not fall under the AWB. There are dozens of variations on the AR-15. Only some of them are banned by the AWB, based on purely cosmetic differences that have no effect on the weapon itself. A base model AR-15 will still be available with an AWB in place.

The handguns the CT shooter used also do not fall under the AWB. He also used an AR-15, many models of which are not banned by the AWB.

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Obama backs Feinstein bid to reinstate assault-weapons ban | Political Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama supports U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's effort to craft legislation to reinstate an assault-weapons ban and would also back any law to close a loophole in gun-show sales, the White House said on Tuesday

Obama's plan right on schedule ,he will disarm you ,and then he will own you .....

View attachment 23168

No assault weapon ban will disarm you. They will not come for your guns. Don't be an idiot.

Obama backs Feinstein bid to reinstate assault-weapons ban | Political Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama supports U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's effort to craft legislation to reinstate an assault-weapons ban and would also back any law to close a loophole in gun-show sales, the White House said on Tuesday

Obama's plan right on schedule ,he will disarm you ,and then he will own you .....

View attachment 23168

No assault weapon ban will disarm you. They will not come for your guns. Don't be an idiot.


Well, now you're just screwing up the narrative.
Obama backs Feinstein bid to reinstate assault-weapons ban | Political Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama supports U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's effort to craft legislation to reinstate an assault-weapons ban and would also back any law to close a loophole in gun-show sales, the White House said on Tuesday

Obama's plan right on schedule ,he will disarm you ,and then he will own you .....

View attachment 23168

No assault weapon ban will disarm you. They will not come for your guns. Don't be an idiot.



The "assault weapons" (read: any scary looking black gun) ban is vapid feel-good window dressing, meant to appeal to morons.

Little wonder lolberals cheer it.
Connecticut already has an assault weapons ban which is similar to the federal one which expired.

Nevertheless, the semi-automatic rifle the shooter used was entirely legal under CT laws.

So this federal AWB dance is theater for the rubes.

Big deal, assault weapons have always been banned!

Unless he's going to do that hocus-pocus liberal thingy and reclassify something else as being assault weapons to garner public support to ban them too.

Liberals are so incredibly obvious with their shenanigans.

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