Obama Attending East Coast Communist Hollywood Fundraiser


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Connecticut's Governor established his own Marxist credentials by including a $300,000 expenditure in the cash strapped, nearly bankrupt states budget for renovating the Communist Party Headquarters located in Marxist Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro's district. Governor Dan Malloy also graciously closed Sherwood Island State Park in order to provide a base for the Obama campaign to stage their in state operations depriving the residents of the nearby cities of Stamford, Norwalk, and Bridgeport, a total of some 250,000 people, of facilities for recreation and beating the summer's heat for a day.]

"McCarthy was right, Hollywood is and always has been commie-infested.

Via Washington Examiner:

Tonight, Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein will host an exclusive fundraiser for President Obama on his $15.5 million beachfront estate according to the Hartford Courant.

Only about 50 plan to attend the event which costs $35,800 per person. The event is co-hosted by actress Anne Hathaway and producer Aaron Sorkin. Earlier in the evening, Obama will attend a fundraiser featuring musician Ben Harper.

President Obama has personally attended over 30 fundraisers in this election cycle featuring Hollywood actors, producers or famous singers.

Keep reading…"

Obama To Attend Another Celebrity Campaign Fundraiser, Features Anne Hathaway And Arron Sorkin… | Weasel Zippers

"A small price to pay for King Obama to raise millions of campaign dollars.

Via Keith Koffler:

A popular Connecticut park and its 234 acres of wetlands, woodlands and beach on Long Island Sound will be shut down all day Monday so that President Obama can use the location as a base for fundraising nearby.

The Sherwood Island State Park in Westport, Connecticut will have to turn away thousands of bathers so that Obama can get to and from his events, including a $35,800 per head bash at the 9,000-square-foot, $8.3-million waterfront estate of movie mogul Harvey Wienstein, according to The Connecticut Post.

Keep reading…"

Connecticut To Shut Down Popular Park To Thousands Of Beachgoers So Obama Can Hold $35,800 Per Head Fundraiser… | Weasel Zippers

[Then there's this gem from the Far Left Coast. Has anybody ever considered using one year of Caterpillar Tractors production to cut California's ties with the rest of Continental United States and letting it float farther out to sea than Hawaii so we could no longer consider it a state?]

No Joke: UCLA To Offer Illegal Aliens Classes At “National Dream University,” Can Earn Up To 18 College Credits… | Weasel Zippers
At least Connecticut's citizens and others are losing park access for a good cause. And just knowing Barry and the Hollyweird pukes are having a good time nearby at their expense is likely far more rewarding than enjoying various outdoor recreational activities.
At least Connecticut's citizens and others are losing park access for a good cause. And just knowing Barry and the Hollyweird pukes are having a good time nearby at their expense is likely far more rewarding than enjoying various outdoor recreational activities.

The voters brought it down upon themselves. Every time the state's voters enter the voting booths, they act as if they saw the ghosts of JFK and FDR standing by the booths, politely pulling the curtain back for them and ushering them in. The population has been static for years, revenues falling, businesses chafing at the bit for the first opportunity to flee the state and its burdensome regulations and taxes, this despite the states open door policy of welcoming P and P immigration (plug in the name of your favorite immigrant group and add pregnant) by meeting them as they deplane while simultaneously handing them their welfare cards. Malloy gained the Governorship as the result of ballot box stuffing, ie the discovery of a bag of 10,000 uncounted exclusively Democratic ballots behind the boarded up windows of a vacant Main Street Bridgeport storefront 36 hours after the polls had closed. The Democratic candidate for Representative in one of the states Congressional districts lost his campaign manager and several others for Campaign Finance violations, using an SEIU Union Steward as bag man collecting campaign donations from smokeshop owners and proprietors in return for his thwarting a bill designed to increase the taxation level on the roll your own smokeshops.
The State's Government is filthy and corrupt from the top down. The State's primary newspaper, The Hartford Courant lead the campaign that brought down former Republican Governor John Rowland for accepting gratis construction services from a state vendor, but when the Democratic Mayor of Hartford gets caught doing the exact same thing all the Courant can say is poor Eddie Perez.
[The Boy King is falling short of his billion dollar fund raising goal. His fund raising schedule is starting to look more like a factory punch press operator's piece work ledger. Going, going,.........
Well, maybe not, provided the Democrats get their planned bus runs North ftrom the Mexican Border to the sanctuary cities up and operational in a timely manner. Here! This paper tells you in Spanish how to vote once you get inside the voting booth. Here's your welfare cards and checks. Just remember who brought you here.]

"It is now accepted political reality that Romney and the wildly successful Republican super-PACs will out-raise Obama, and outspend him on the airwaves. Despite that, the president was always expected to at the very least match his record-breaking 2008 numbers — enough to keep his unparalleled ground game humming along. That may be increasingly unlikely, reports the New York Times, after perusing the president's reelection finances. So far, the Obama campaign has spent over $400 million (a fifth of that went to advertising), with another $52 million on payroll and benefits. For the first time ever, the president and the Democrats have less money in the bank than Romney and the Republican National Committee.
With monthly fund-raising totals consistently falling short of expectations, source close to the campaign told the Times that more and more campaign days are being set aside for extra fund-raisers, with Democratic super-PAC Priorities USA Action tapping Bill Clinton for help. Naturally, Democratic and campaign officials are quick to wave off talk of cash flow problems, arguing that the president's spend-early strategy is actually a winning one. As explained by the Times' anonymous source:"

President Obama
Malloy pulls funding request by group with Communist ties

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy on Monday nixed a controversial $300,000 state funding request that would have benefited a community center in New Haven with ties to the Communist Party.

The governor pulled the proposal from the State Bond Commission's agenda shortly before a scheduled vote. The money was slated for roofing and other repairs to the New Haven People's Center, which occupies a 161-year-old brick residence on Howe Street in New Haven.

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