Obama and Putin


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obama and Putin

By Kim Zigfeld

The scope and intensity of the neo-Soviet crackdown now underway in Vladimir Putin's Russia is truly breathtaking to behold, even for those of us who saw it coming. But even more terrifying is the craven, dishonorable response to that crackdown by the President of the United States.

Let's start in the Duma, Russia's answer to the U.S. House of Representatives. Within the last two weeks, two of the leading figures opposing the Putin regime in the legislature have been politically liquidated. First, deputy Gennady Gudkov was actually thrown out of the body; then his colleague Ilya Ponomarev was banned from speaking in it. Both are members of the "Just Russia" party, the only group in the legislature willing to tweak Putin from time to time. Gudkov was accused of criminal activity without even having been arrested, much less convicted, and Ponomarev was accused of calling Putin's party United Russia a "party of swindlers and thieves" from the Duma floor.

For Putin's United Russia to silence Ponomarev is like Obama's Democrats silencing Paul Ryan. Ponomarev has that kind of profile in Russia, and Putin's move is that heedlessly bold. Meeting a group of foreign ambassadors to receive their credentials recently, Putin told them: "Attempts to replace the universal principles of the U.N. Charter by unilateral actions or partisan deals, moreover to use force bypassing the U.N. do not do any good, as is well known." This statement, made in defense of the murderous regime in Syria and ignoring the fact that in attacking Georgia in 2008, Putin acted as unilaterally and as heedless of the U.N. as he possibly could have, rivals the most deranged pronouncements of the Politburo in Soviet times. Putin simply does not care about consequences, because for him, as for the Politburo, there are none.

Now for the Russian White House, where the prime minister works. That would be Dmitri Medvedev, the so-called liberal future of Russia as anointed by Obama during a cheeseburger lunch in D.C, a while back. Medvedev is about to be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. In one of the epic humiliations of an office-holder in world history, Putin announced that he doesn't think Medvedev's alterations to Russia's daylight savings time scheme were smart, and he's scrapping them -- literally turning back the clock on reform. One by one, Putin has shot down each of the so-called reform measures adopted by Medvedev during his term in office -- measures which were in fact only lip service to democracy, not serious moves to achieve it.


If Putin and Obama remain in office for another four years, the world could see Russia descend into the same sort of bleak darkness that envelopes Belarus, except of course that Belarus does not wield a U.N. Security Council veto, hold a seat on the G-8, or have an arsenal of ICBMs. This could leave the U.S. to face a whole new era of Cold-War terror, not to mention the permanent loss of credibility as a the great beacon of hope for those who struggle to advance American values in Russia.

Read more: Articles: Obama and Putin
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Usual bollox written for American consumption.

The first half a sentence does it: "he scope and intensity of the neo-Soviet crackdown now underway in Vladimir Putin's Russia..."

If the author only knew just how many people in former Soviet republics wish that was true!..
Let's start in the Duma, Russia's answer to the U.S. House of Representatives.

two of the leading figures opposing the Putin regime in the legislature have been politically liquidated. First, deputy Gennady Gudkov was actually thrown out of the body; then his colleague Ilya Ponomarev was banned from speaking in it. Both are members of the "Just Russia" party, the only group in the legislature willing to tweak Putin from time to time. Gudkov was accused of criminal activity without even having been arrested, much less convicted, and Ponomarev was accused of calling Putin's party United Russia a "party of swindlers and thieves" from the Duma floor.

For Putin's United Russia

Yep! The journo wrote his crap for US public:

1. Duma was Russian parliament long before the first European settler set its foot in N. America. So, it's U.S. House of Representatives is American answer to Russian Duma.

2. Ponomaryov was banned for a month (something journo forgot to mention since it would've spoilt his pitch) for publicly insulting members of parliament. Rightly so.

3. Journo "forgot" to mention that in Russia members of parliament can not be arrested or investigated; they need to be stripped of their privileges first. That's why Gudkov was not investigated or arrested prior to him being booted out of parliament. That's the law; but journo could not mention that either because it would've spoilt his script.

4. Again, journo lied about "United Russia" being "Putin's" party. Journo knows fully well that MEDVEDEV is a leader of the "United Russia". But mentioning this fact would've spoilt the idea of the article, and journo knows that Westerners are clueless as to what is Russia, what is happening in Russia...

Basically, journo got paid to produce a crock of shite for the consumption of the US human colony.

As Obama Pauses Action, Putin Takes Center Stage



Yet suddenly Mr. Putin has eclipsed Mr. Obama as the world leader driving the agenda in the Syria crisis. He is offering a potential, if still highly uncertain, alternative to what he has vocally criticized as America’s militarism and reasserted Russian interests in a region where it had been marginalized since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Although circumstances could shift yet again, Mr. Putin appears to have achieved several objectives, largely at Washington’s expense. He has handed a diplomatic lifeline to his longtime ally in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad, who not long ago appeared at risk of losing power and who President Obama twice said must step down. He has stopped Mr. Obama from going around the United Nations Security Council, where Russia holds a veto, to assert American priorities unilaterally.

More generally, Russia has at least for now made itself indispensable in containing the conflict in Syria, which Mr. Putin has argued could ignite Islamic unrest around the region, even as far as Russia’s own restive Muslim regions, if it is mismanaged. He has boxed Mr. Obama into treating Moscow as an essential partner for much of the next year, if Pentagon estimates of the time it will take to secure Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile are accurate.


There was also satisfaction that it was Mr. Putin who gave an American president whom he clearly distrusts a way out of a political and diplomatic crisis of his own making. Aleksei K. Pushkov, the chairman of the lower house of Parliament’s foreign affairs committee, wrote on Twitter that Mr. Obama should gratefully grab Russia’s proposal with “both hands.”

“It gives him a chance not to start another war, not to lose in the Congress and not to become the second Bush,” Mr. Pushkov said.


As Obama Pauses Action, Putin Takes Center Stage



Yet suddenly Mr. Putin has eclipsed Mr. Obama as the world leader driving the agenda in the Syria crisis. He is offering a potential, if still highly uncertain, alternative to what he has vocally criticized as America’s militarism and reasserted Russian interests in a region where it had been marginalized since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Although circumstances could shift yet again, Mr. Putin appears to have achieved several objectives, largely at Washington’s expense. He has handed a diplomatic lifeline to his longtime ally in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad, who not long ago appeared at risk of losing power and who President Obama twice said must step down. He has stopped Mr. Obama from going around the United Nations Security Council, where Russia holds a veto, to assert American priorities unilaterally.

More generally, Russia has at least for now made itself indispensable in containing the conflict in Syria, which Mr. Putin has argued could ignite Islamic unrest around the region, even as far as Russia’s own restive Muslim regions, if it is mismanaged. He has boxed Mr. Obama into treating Moscow as an essential partner for much of the next year, if Pentagon estimates of the time it will take to secure Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile are accurate.


There was also satisfaction that it was Mr. Putin who gave an American president whom he clearly distrusts a way out of a political and diplomatic crisis of his own making. Aleksei K. Pushkov, the chairman of the lower house of Parliament’s foreign affairs committee, wrote on Twitter that Mr. Obama should gratefully grab Russia’s proposal with “both hands.”

“It gives him a chance not to start another war, not to lose in the Congress and not to become the second Bush,” Mr. Pushkov said.


Again with the Bush!

As Obama Pauses Action, Putin Takes Center Stage



Yet suddenly Mr. Putin has eclipsed Mr. Obama as the world leader driving the agenda in the Syria crisis. He is offering a potential, if still highly uncertain, alternative to what he has vocally criticized as America’s militarism and reasserted Russian interests in a region where it had been marginalized since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Although circumstances could shift yet again, Mr. Putin appears to have achieved several objectives, largely at Washington’s expense. He has handed a diplomatic lifeline to his longtime ally in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad, who not long ago appeared at risk of losing power and who President Obama twice said must step down. He has stopped Mr. Obama from going around the United Nations Security Council, where Russia holds a veto, to assert American priorities unilaterally.

More generally, Russia has at least for now made itself indispensable in containing the conflict in Syria, which Mr. Putin has argued could ignite Islamic unrest around the region, even as far as Russia’s own restive Muslim regions, if it is mismanaged. He has boxed Mr. Obama into treating Moscow as an essential partner for much of the next year, if Pentagon estimates of the time it will take to secure Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile are accurate.


There was also satisfaction that it was Mr. Putin who gave an American president whom he clearly distrusts a way out of a political and diplomatic crisis of his own making. Aleksei K. Pushkov, the chairman of the lower house of Parliament’s foreign affairs committee, wrote on Twitter that Mr. Obama should gratefully grab Russia’s proposal with “both hands.”

“It gives him a chance not to start another war, not to lose in the Congress and not to become the second Bush,” Mr. Pushkov said.


Again with the Bush!

Obama won't remain in office for the next four years. It is impossible...
No, I'm afraid we're stuck with him for the duration. Impeaching the first Affirmative Action president would certainly bring a civil rights law suit against Congress.
Obama won't remain in office for the next four years. It is impossible...
No, I'm afraid we're stuck with him for the duration. Impeaching the first Affirmative Action president would certainly bring a civil rights law suit against Congress.

Then why do idiots like Bachmann, McConnell and others keep asking for impeachment?
Maybe they still believe the Constitution matters.
Putin’s Power and the Late Great United States

November 4, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


After a suicide bombing in the Moscow subway by a Muslim terrorist, Vladimir Putin said, “Russia doesn’t conduct negotiations with terrorists — it destroys them.”

The last American president to say something like that and mean it was Ronald Reagan, who also defeated Putin’s old bosses. The current administration, which frees Taliban leaders and makes concessions to Iran for the sake of what it calls “Smart Power,” couldn’t defeat a wet paper bag.

Fresh from his serial humiliations of Obama on the NSA and Syria, Putin has risen to the top of Forbes’ Most Powerful People list. At No. 2 is Obama, right ahead of his banker and loan shark, Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party.


Liberals like Obama believed that international conflicts were caused by American power. And so they set out to destroy that power. Their success means that the real wars that the Pax Americana repressed will begin again.

The end of American power means the end of world peace.

Putin?s Power and the Late Great United States | FrontPage Magazine

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