Obama Aide: With These Republicans, 'There'd Still be Slavery' Today


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Obama Aide: With These Republicans, 'There'd Still be Slavery' Today

By: Daniel Halper

MSNBC host Chuck Todd reported that a "very smart White House aide" told him that "with this Republican, with the way politics of Washington are today, there'd still be slavery." Watch here:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC02Y-A9HoU]Obama Aide: The Way Politics Are Today, There Would Still Be Slavery - YouTube[/ame]


Read more:
Obama Aide: With These Republicans, 'There'd Still be Slavery' Today | The Weekly Standard
So says the party that not only fought for slavery but is still leading the people back into slavery.
So says the party that not only fought for slavery but is still leading the people back into slavery.

Wasn't Jefferson Davis former Senator of Mississippi a Democrat and the president of the Confederacy? Hmm..?

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