OBAMA admits EPA costing JOBS!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama: I Will Be Taking 'Executive Actions' Without Congress ..


So why then the 400+ billion dollars?

And Obama how come it takes "executive action" to
The White House announced steps to speed environmental and other regulatory approvals for 14 public works projects across the country."


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see above message on your link...
But tell me again how come $440+ billion for jobs if all Obama has to do is to speed up EPA????

All you need is an adult brain...

You title is FALSE. You don't know shit about construction projects, do you?

Well I know that Obama said he was going to speed up EPA.
EPA shut down hundreds of oil jobs in Alaska because Shell didn't file a report about how a supply ship was going to handling its waste water that might have an affect on a village 70 miles away of 245 people!
IS THAT ENOUGH knowledge about "SHIT" for you?

In case you don't believe me..
EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans | Vision to America

EPA Wants to Kill Off 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year With New Regs
The analysis, done on behalf of ACCCE by NERA, relies on state-of-the-art modeling tools, as well as government data for almost all of its assumptions. NERA’s analysis projects that EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and proposed Maximum Achievable Control Technology, coal combustion residuals, and cooling water intake requirements for power plants would, over the 2012-2020 period:

** Cost the power industry $21 billion per year;
** Cause an average loss of 183,000 jobs per year;
** Increase electricity costs by double digits in many regions of the U.S.;
** Cost consumers over $50 billion more for natural gas; and
** Reduce the disposable income of the average American family
by $270 a year.

At the same time, the EPA says it will need another 230,000 new bureaucrats to implement their disastrous job killing policies.
Good Grief. EPA Wants to Kill Off 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year With New Regs | The Gateway Pundit

see above message on your link...
But tell me again how come $440+ billion for jobs if all Obama has to do is to speed up EPA????

All you need is an adult brain...

You title is FALSE. You don't know shit about construction projects, do you?

Well I know that Obama said he was going to speed up EPA.
EPA shut down hundreds of oil jobs in Alaska because Shell didn't file a report about how a supply ship was going to handling its waste water that might have an affect on a village 70 miles away of 245 people!
IS THAT ENOUGH knowledge about "SHIT" for you?

In case you don't believe me..
EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans*|*Vision to America

EPA Wants to Kill Off 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year With New Regs
The analysis, done on behalf of ACCCE by NERA, relies on state-of-the-art modeling tools, as well as government data for almost all of its assumptions. NERA’s analysis projects that EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and proposed Maximum Achievable Control Technology, coal combustion residuals, and cooling water intake requirements for power plants would, over the 2012-2020 period:

** Cost the power industry $21 billion per year;
** Cause an average loss of 183,000 jobs per year;
** Increase electricity costs by double digits in many regions of the U.S.;
** Cost consumers over $50 billion more for natural gas; and
** Reduce the disposable income of the average American family
by $270 a year.

At the same time, the EPA says it will need another 230,000 new bureaucrats to implement their disastrous job killing policies.
Good Grief. EPA Wants to Kill Off 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year With New Regs | The Gateway Pundit


Yea, because it IS SHIT. SHIT from a front group for the coal industry.

Regulations do not cause job losses

The editorial, "Pick your poison: jobs or clean air" (Oct. 19), illustrates what a phony choice some want to foist upon our nation's families.

Studies by government and academics over the last 30 years have proven that environmental regulations do not cause job losses. In fact, the opposite occurs. Regulations spur job growth, and the work required to install pollution controls and modernize power plants and factories creates more jobs. And clean air reduces the cost of treating disease, increases worker productivity and avoids needless early death.

The Clean Air Act has been one of our most successful laws; over the last 30 years it has worked well to improve air quality and safeguard public health.

But more needs to be done. Many coal-fired power plants have avoided installing modern pollution controls. They've had a free ride for more than three decades - it's time to finally require them to clean up or shut down. Let's put people to work installing 21st century pollution controls or building new, clean power plants and renewable energy projects.

We need both jobs and clean air to guarantee our future health and prosperity, and thanks to the Clean Air Act and the EPA, both are within our grasp.
All you need is an adult brain...

You title is FALSE. You don't know shit about construction projects, do you?

Well I know that Obama said he was going to speed up EPA.
EPA shut down hundreds of oil jobs in Alaska because Shell didn't file a report about how a supply ship was going to handling its waste water that might have an affect on a village 70 miles away of 245 people!
IS THAT ENOUGH knowledge about "SHIT" for you?

In case you don't believe me..
EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans*|*Vision to America

EPA Wants to Kill Off 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year With New Regs
The analysis, done on behalf of ACCCE by NERA, relies on state-of-the-art modeling tools, as well as government data for almost all of its assumptions. NERA’s analysis projects that EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and proposed Maximum Achievable Control Technology, coal combustion residuals, and cooling water intake requirements for power plants would, over the 2012-2020 period:

** Cost the power industry $21 billion per year;
** Cause an average loss of 183,000 jobs per year;
** Increase electricity costs by double digits in many regions of the U.S.;
** Cost consumers over $50 billion more for natural gas; and
** Reduce the disposable income of the average American family
by $270 a year.

At the same time, the EPA says it will need another 230,000 new bureaucrats to implement their disastrous job killing policies.
Good Grief. EPA Wants to Kill Off 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year With New Regs | The Gateway Pundit


Yea, because it IS SHIT. SHIT from a front group for the coal industry.

Regulations do not cause job losses

The editorial, "Pick your poison: jobs or clean air" (Oct. 19), illustrates what a phony choice some want to foist upon our nation's families.

Studies by government and academics over the last 30 years have proven that environmental regulations do not cause job losses. In fact, the opposite occurs. Regulations spur job growth, and the work required to install pollution controls and modernize power plants and factories creates more jobs. And clean air reduces the cost of treating disease, increases worker productivity and avoids needless early death.

The Clean Air Act has been one of our most successful laws; over the last 30 years it has worked well to improve air quality and safeguard public health.

But more needs to be done. Many coal-fired power plants have avoided installing modern pollution controls. They've had a free ride for more than three decades - it's time to finally require them to clean up or shut down. Let's put people to work installing 21st century pollution controls or building new, clean power plants and renewable energy projects.

We need both jobs and clean air to guarantee our future health and prosperity, and thanks to the Clean Air Act and the EPA, both are within our grasp.


National Economic Research Associates (NERA) used the Federal Government’s own data in finding that Obama’s proposed EPA regulations would cost America over 180,000 jobs per year between 2013 and 2020.

This includes effects from the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) as well as Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) rules.

Here’s a break down of just a handful of the states affected by these regulations:

Projected Job Losses between 2013-2020:

Pennsylvania: 59,000
Ohio: 53,500
West Virginia: 38,500
Michigan: 40,000
Illinois: 48,000
Indiana: 51,500
Wisconsin: 24,500
Iowa: 26,500
Minnesota: 12,500
Florida: 135,000
Missouri: 76,000

Total nationwide will be in the range of 1.44 million jobs lost.

EPA Regulations Will Result in 1.44 Million Job Losses | RedState

The study also concluded that average U.S. electricity prices in 2016 would increase by 12%, with regional increases as much as about 24%....

It's enough shit for me. I'd like to see something a little more tangible, than grasping trivialities.
So losing your job and having your electric bill "necessarily skyrocket" 24% is too "trivial" for you.....?

Speaking of grasping.....The title of the tread says Obama admits to something. I'd like to see something tangible to that effect. Not grasping trivialities that attempt to merely, and distantly, imply it.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdi4onAQBWQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player]SHOCK Audio Unearthed OBAMA TELLS SAN FRANCISCO HE WILL BANKRUPT THE COAL INDUSTRY - YouTube[/ame]
So losing your job and having your electric bill "necessarily skyrocket" 24% is too "trivial" for you.....?

Speaking of grasping.....The title of the tread says Obama admits to something. I'd like to see something tangible to that effect. Not grasping trivialities that attempt to merely, and distantly, imply it.

well grasp this.....

Obama last month retreated specifically only on his revision of Ozone regs....i'm sure only because he HAD to because of the ZERO jobs report in August....however there are still 6 MORE billion+ dollar$ projects he is pushing....including his war on the coal industry...

President Obama announced today that he is withdrawing proposed new ozone regulations that the Environmental Protection Agency estimated would cost the U.S. economy $90 billion per year. Obama said he hoped the decision would reduce the "regulatory burdens and regulatory uncertainty" that are hampering job creation.

Obama's announcement came just hours after the latest Labor Department jobs report showed the economy added zero jobs in August.

The proposed National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone rescinded today were one of the seven regulations Obama listed after House Speaker John Boenher, R-Ohio, requested a list of all regulations that could cost $1 billion or more a year. There are still six other regulations from the EPA alone that the Obama administration admits will cost the U.S. economy almost $1 billion a year.

Obama admits his regulatory agenda is killing jobs | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner


Obama: 7 regulations could cost $109.5 bln | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
Well I know that Obama said he was going to speed up EPA.
EPA shut down hundreds of oil jobs in Alaska because Shell didn't file a report about how a supply ship was going to handling its waste water that might have an affect on a village 70 miles away of 245 people!
IS THAT ENOUGH knowledge about "SHIT" for you?

In case you don't believe me..
EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans*|*Vision to America

EPA Wants to Kill Off 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year With New Regs
The analysis, done on behalf of ACCCE by NERA, relies on state-of-the-art modeling tools, as well as government data for almost all of its assumptions. NERA’s analysis projects that EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and proposed Maximum Achievable Control Technology, coal combustion residuals, and cooling water intake requirements for power plants would, over the 2012-2020 period:

** Cost the power industry $21 billion per year;
** Cause an average loss of 183,000 jobs per year;
** Increase electricity costs by double digits in many regions of the U.S.;
** Cost consumers over $50 billion more for natural gas; and
** Reduce the disposable income of the average American family
by $270 a year.

At the same time, the EPA says it will need another 230,000 new bureaucrats to implement their disastrous job killing policies.
Good Grief. EPA Wants to Kill Off 183,000 Private Sector Jobs a Year With New Regs | The Gateway Pundit


Yea, because it IS SHIT. SHIT from a front group for the coal industry.

Regulations do not cause job losses

The editorial, "Pick your poison: jobs or clean air" (Oct. 19), illustrates what a phony choice some want to foist upon our nation's families.

Studies by government and academics over the last 30 years have proven that environmental regulations do not cause job losses. In fact, the opposite occurs. Regulations spur job growth, and the work required to install pollution controls and modernize power plants and factories creates more jobs. And clean air reduces the cost of treating disease, increases worker productivity and avoids needless early death.

The Clean Air Act has been one of our most successful laws; over the last 30 years it has worked well to improve air quality and safeguard public health.

But more needs to be done. Many coal-fired power plants have avoided installing modern pollution controls. They've had a free ride for more than three decades - it's time to finally require them to clean up or shut down. Let's put people to work installing 21st century pollution controls or building new, clean power plants and renewable energy projects.

We need both jobs and clean air to guarantee our future health and prosperity, and thanks to the Clean Air Act and the EPA, both are within our grasp.


National Economic Research Associates (NERA) used the Federal Government’s own data in finding that Obama’s proposed EPA regulations would cost America over 180,000 jobs per year between 2013 and 2020.

This includes effects from the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) as well as Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) rules.

Here’s a break down of just a handful of the states affected by these regulations:

Projected Job Losses between 2013-2020:

Pennsylvania: 59,000
Ohio: 53,500
West Virginia: 38,500
Michigan: 40,000
Illinois: 48,000
Indiana: 51,500
Wisconsin: 24,500
Iowa: 26,500
Minnesota: 12,500
Florida: 135,000
Missouri: 76,000

Total nationwide will be in the range of 1.44 million jobs lost.

EPA Regulations Will Result in 1.44 Million Job Losses | RedState

The study also concluded that average U.S. electricity prices in 2016 would increase by 12%, with regional increases as much as about 24%....


Explain what jobs will be lost and for what reason?

Here is another report from NERA explaining the uncertainty in their study. Also, they admit there ZERO human capital in their cost estimates. Meaning they don't take into account the COST society bears through poor health, disease, missed work, and death of a breadwinner due to the dirtiest power on the planet.

I wonder how many undertakers, grave diggers and chemotherapy technicians will lose their jobs because of clean air and water?
Obama: I Will Be Taking 'Executive Actions' Without Congress ..


So why then the 400+ billion dollars?

And Obama how come it takes "executive action" to
The White House announced steps to speed environmental and other regulatory approvals for 14 public works projects across the country."


Not following your logic...

How is the EPA not allowing job creation in this case? The environmental regulations are not being waived, they are being fast tracked.

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