Obama Administration's Incompetence Explained???


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
OK - I'll admit it from the get go - copy & paste from a great email!

Explains alot about the Democrats choice for a nominee though...

The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet.

Here are the percentages:

T. Roosevelt................... 38%
Taft............................... 40%
Wilson.......................... 52%
Harding......................... 49%
Coolidge....................... 48%
Hoover ......................... 42%
F. Roosevelt...................50%
Truman......................... 50%
Johnson........................ 47%
Nixon............................ 53%
Ford............................. 42%
Carter........................... 32%
GH Bush....................... 51%
Clinton .......................... 39%
GW Bush...................... 55%

And the winner is:

Obama................... 08%

This helps to explain the incompetence of this administration - only 8% of them have ever worked in a job not supported by tax money!

That's right! Only eight percent---the least, by far, of the last 19 presidents!

And these people are trying to tell our big corporations how to run their business?

They know what's best for GM, Chrysler, Wall Street, and you and me?

How can the president of a major nation and society, the one with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he's never worked for one? Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They've spent most of their time in academia, government and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers." They should have been in an employment line.
I guess that is what he meant by Hope and change.

he was going to change the way we do things (appoint only academics and Career Government types to his admin) so that we would all Hope for a change in 2012.
Gotta love Conservo-spam. It's almost always completely fabricated.

Got a real source?

Just because it's spam doesn't mean it's untrue. It probably is. but I wouldnt make an assumption in this case.

I mean if it was someone some conservative made up, id expect to see much higher percentages with the conservative Presidents.
I was asked to source this.

Media Matters, a liberal apologist site, calls this data "debunked"

However, JP Morgan created this report:

Help Wanted, No Private Sector Experience Required « The Enterprise Blog

and an HONEST liberal (is that an oxy-moron???) posted this intelligent reply:

It is clear that Obama has way too low a percentage of private sector experience, and it is hoped that the percentage will grow to be in the 30-45 percentile over time.

Are Private Sector Experiences A Plus For A President’s Cabinet? | The Progressive Professor
I was asked to source this.

Media Matters, a liberal apologist site, calls this data "debunked"

However, JP Morgan created this report:

Help Wanted, No Private Sector Experience Required « The Enterprise Blog

and an HONEST liberal (is that an oxy-moron???) posted this intelligent reply:

It is clear that Obama has way too low a percentage of private sector experience, and it is hoped that the percentage will grow to be in the 30-45 percentile over time.

Are Private Sector Experiences A Plus For A President’s Cabinet? | The Progressive Professor

Politifact rates this "False".
PolitiFact | Beck says less than 10 percent of Obama Cabinet has worked in private sector
Gotta love Conservo-spam. It's almost always completely fabricated.

Got a real source?

Just because it's spam doesn't mean it's untrue. It probably is. but I wouldnt make an assumption in this case.

I mean if it was someone some conservative made up, id expect to see much higher percentages with the conservative Presidents.

My assumption was accurate.
Obama's Business Blind Spot - Forbes.com

Looks like about 21%.
Which is still nearly 50% lower than the next lowest.

Is that supposed to be reassuring?
Gotta love Conservo-spam. It's almost always completely fabricated.

Got a real source?

Just because it's spam doesn't mean it's untrue. It probably is. but I wouldnt make an assumption in this case.

I mean if it was someone some conservative made up, id expect to see much higher percentages with the conservative Presidents.

My assumption was accurate.
Obama's Business Blind Spot - Forbes.com

Looks like about 21%.

21% may be correct. I DID notate in the OP that this was a cut and paste (full disclosure from the get-go)

Here is a quote from Media Matters (who FAILED to include the actual percentage, if 21% is correct, it is still PATHETIC)

...the claim "False," noting that Cembalest said he "discount[ed] the corporate experience of the three lawyers we identified -- Clinton, Vilsack and Locke -- and added that he awarded nothing for Donovan, Chu or Salazar, even though we found they had a fair amount private sector experience"

Gingrich pushes debunked claim on private sector experience of Obama Cabinet | Media Matters for America
Just because it's spam doesn't mean it's untrue. It probably is. but I wouldnt make an assumption in this case.

I mean if it was someone some conservative made up, id expect to see much higher percentages with the conservative Presidents.

My assumption was accurate.
Obama's Business Blind Spot - Forbes.com

Looks like about 21%.
Which is still nearly 50% lower than the next lowest.

Is that supposed to be reassuring?

No, just factual.
Gotta love Conservo-spam. It's almost always completely fabricated.

Got a real source?

Just because it's spam doesn't mean it's untrue. It probably is. but I wouldnt make an assumption in this case.

I mean if it was someone some conservative made up, id expect to see much higher percentages with the conservative Presidents.

My assumption was accurate.
Obama's Business Blind Spot - Forbes.com

Looks like about 21%.

I came up with 20% when I looked over just the cabinet, Heads of Major Agencies, and some of the Czars, Sounds about right, and is still the lowest by far of any of the last 19 Presidents, if we assume anyways the rest of the list is right. and the next lowest one on the list... Carter... To funny. I been saying all Along Obama is Carter part II. It seems he is trying to do an even better job of fucking shit up.

ok, so do you think it is wise that only 21% of the people he picks, have any practice Experience in the real world?
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Just because it's spam doesn't mean it's untrue. It probably is. but I wouldnt make an assumption in this case.

I mean if it was someone some conservative made up, id expect to see much higher percentages with the conservative Presidents.

My assumption was accurate.
Obama's Business Blind Spot - Forbes.com

Looks like about 21%.

I came up with 20% when I looked over just the cabinet, Heads of Major Agencies, and some of the Czars, Sounds about right, and is still the lowest by far of any of the last 19 Presidents, if we assume anyways the rest of the list is right. and the next lowest one on the list... Carter... To funny. I been saying all Along Obama is Carter part II. It seems he is trying to do an even better job of fucking shit up.

ok, so do you think it is wise that only 21% of the people he picks, have any practice Experience in the real world?

Actually, according to the numbers I see, it looks like JFK was the second-lowest, with about 28%.

All in all, I actually don't give a shit. I don't think that "private-sector" experience is needed for most cabinet positions, and I'm not going to vote for Obama either way.

I'm just a stickler for truth, that's all.

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