Obama Administration Security Plan in Libya: "Hope That Everything Would Get Better"


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
We need leadership in Washington. This is what happens when you get someone who'd rather go on The View, than meet with world leaders. More videos at the link.

Obama Administration Security Plan in Libya: "Hope That Everything Would Get Better"

Oct 10, 2012 06:01 PM EST
This may have been one of the more damning statements in today's Congressional hearings on the deadly terrorist in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11. Watch the State Department's security officer in Libya, Eric Nordstrom, explain how he was provided with no guidance or leadership from Washington, repeatedly denied resources, and left to fend for himself in a country crawling with dangerous jihadists:

Libya Embassy Security Officer -Obama's Plan For Libya: "Hope That Everything Would Get Better" - YouTube

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Obama goin' after the terrorists...
White House mulls how to strike over Libya attack
Oct 15,`12 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House has put special operations strike forces on standby and moved drones into the skies above Africa, ready to strike militant targets from Libya to Mali - if investigators can find the al-Qaida-linked group responsible for the death of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya.
But officials say the administration, with weeks until the presidential election, is weighing whether the short-term payoff of exacting retribution on al-Qaida is worth the risk that such strikes could elevate the group's profile in the region, alienate governments the U.S. needs to fight it in the future and do little to slow the growing terror threat in North Africa. Details on the administration's position and on its search for a possible target were provided by three current and one former administration official, as well as an analyst who was approached by the White House for help. All four spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the high-level debates publicly.

The dilemma shows the tension of the White House's need to demonstrate it is responding forcefully to al-Qaida, balanced against its long-term plans to develop relationships and trust with local governments and build a permanent U.S. counterterrorist network in the region. Vice President Joe Biden pledged in his debate last week with Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan to find those responsible for the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. "We will find and bring to justice the men who did this," Biden said in response to a question about whether intelligence failures led to lax security around Stevens and the consulate. Referring back to the raid that killed Osama bin Laden last year, Biden said American counterterror policy should be, "if you do harm to America, we will track you to the gates of hell if need be."

The White House declined to comment on the debate over how best to respond to the Benghazi attack. The attack has become an issue in the U.S. election season, with Republicans accusing the Obama administration of being slow to label the assault an act of terrorism early on, and slow to strike back at those responsible. "They are aiming for a small pop, a flash in the pan, so as to be able to say, `Hey, we're doing something about it,'" said retired Air Force Lt. Col. Rudy Attalah, the former Africa counterterrorism director for the Department of Defense under President George W. Bush.

Attalah noted that in 1998, after the embassy bombing in Nairobi, the Clinton administration fired cruise missiles to take out a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan that may have been producing chemical weapons for al-Qaida. "It was a way to say, `Look, we did something,'" he said.

"Hope is not a strategy".

Considering he won the Presidency on hope, is anyone really surprised he is using the only "strategy" he has seen work in the past 4 years? Because clearly nothing else he has done has made a positive effect in the nation.
Nuff Said...

And Willard doesn't like it!

First, I could have sworn you guys says that Corporations weren't alive. But now I see that's only a convenient argument.

Second, Mitt's plan would have had GM survive without a tax payer bailout. By using the laws already on the books allowing them to restructure.
Nuff Said...

And Willard doesn't like it!

Bin Laden Dead, Chris Stevens DEAD, and GM still owes us a buttload of money we'll never get back, along with the 90 billion flushed down the green energy bowl.
Nuff Said...

And Willard doesn't like it!

First, I could have sworn you guys says that Corporations weren't alive. But now I see that's only a convenient argument.

Second, Mitt's plan would have had GM survive without a tax payer bailout. By using the laws already on the books allowing them to restructure.

Nitwits, I swear. GM would have survived either way. Instead of the "surgical" procedure that Obama used in order to present carve-outs to the unions, a traditional bankruptcy would've shucked them off. It was still bankruptcy either way. We didn't "bail out" GM and Chrysler. We bailed out the fucking UAW. :rolleyes:
Nuff Said...

And Willard doesn't like it!

Are you completely insane? Every drone strike kills 50 innocent civilians for one AQ.

You hypocritical bastards wearing a big mac cheeseburgers on your dicks because your team leader actually had the some sort of testicular fortitude to go OK if you say so. I'll let you kill him And you wear this death on your sleeves like you killed Osama yourselves?

You are sick puppies.
Nuff Said...

And Willard doesn't like it!

First, I could have sworn you guys says that Corporations weren't alive. But now I see that's only a convenient argument.

Second, Mitt's plan would have had GM survive without a tax payer bailout. By using the laws already on the books allowing them to restructure.

Nitwits, I swear. GM would have survived either way. Instead of the "surgical" procedure that Obama used in order to present carve-outs to the unions, a traditional bankruptcy would've shucked them off. It was still bankruptcy either way. We didn't "bail out" GM and Chrysler. We bailed out the fucking UAW. :rolleyes:

GM survived up here. And it's just fine. What you had was like a Ponzi scheme where the money went to the unions, the bosses took the money off the top, screwed so many investors because this did not go the proper route of bankruptcy and then lo and behold the DNC got a ton of donations back.


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