Obama Admin Puts Kabosh on 200k Jobs

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
President Obama's United States Department of Agriculture has delayed shale gas drilling in Ohio for up to six months by cancelling a mineral lease auction for Wayne National Forest (WNF). The move was taken in deference to environmentalists, on the pretext of studying the effects of hydraulic fracturing.

“Conditions have changed since the 2006 Forest Plan was developed," announced WNF Supervisor Anne Carey on Tuesday. "The technology used in the Utica & Marcellus Shale formations need to be studied to see if potential effects to the surface are significantly different than those identified in the Forest Plan." The study will take up to six months to complete. The WNF study reportedly "will focus solely on how it could affect forest land," the significance of hydraulic fracturing to united proponents of the delay, "and not how it could affect groundwater."

Speaking of the WNF gas drilling, one environmentalist group spokesman suggested that moving forward with drilling "could turn the Ohio Valley into Ozone Alley," even though Wayne National Forest already has nearly 1300 oil and gas wells in operation.

The Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) recently estimated that drilling in the Utica shale, which is affected by the suspension of the mineral lease auctions, would produce up 204,500 jobs by 2015.

Obama USDA delays shale drilling, up to 200k jobs | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

More hypocrisy from this administration. He runs around the country preaching about job creation and then stands in the way of every possibility that comes along to do exactly that. Ohio could certainly use the jobs right now too and considering how important that state is in the presidential election, this is an incredibly dumb move on his part.
President Obama's United States Department of Agriculture has delayed shale gas drilling in Ohio for up to six months by cancelling a mineral lease auction for Wayne National Forest (WNF). The move was taken in deference to environmentalists, on the pretext of studying the effects of hydraulic fracturing.

“Conditions have changed since the 2006 Forest Plan was developed," announced WNF Supervisor Anne Carey on Tuesday. "The technology used in the Utica & Marcellus Shale formations need to be studied to see if potential effects to the surface are significantly different than those identified in the Forest Plan." The study will take up to six months to complete. The WNF study reportedly "will focus solely on how it could affect forest land," the significance of hydraulic fracturing to united proponents of the delay, "and not how it could affect groundwater."

Speaking of the WNF gas drilling, one environmentalist group spokesman suggested that moving forward with drilling "could turn the Ohio Valley into Ozone Alley," even though Wayne National Forest already has nearly 1300 oil and gas wells in operation.

The Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) recently estimated that drilling in the Utica shale, which is affected by the suspension of the mineral lease auctions, would produce up 204,500 jobs by 2015.

Obama USDA delays shale drilling, up to 200k jobs | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

More hypocrisy from this administration. He runs around the country preaching about job creation and then stands in the way of every possibility that comes along to do exactly that. Ohio could certainly use the jobs right now too and considering how important that state is in the presidential election, this is an incredibly dumb move on his part.

Meh, he'll blame it on Republicans.
You beat me to it, DTMB! Here's what I was wondering .....

Up to six months? Really, only as much as six months? Are they required to report in that time frame?

It's hard to believe that the Obama administration is going to be willing to act on it in six months. In the middle of the campaign?

Whether it's renewing the lease or putting a permanent kibosh on the jobs, that decision could come with a steep price tag. The cynic in me says it gets deferred until after the election.

Indecision will make less news than decision will. So I have a really hard time foreseeing action.
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If Sarah Palin were in the Wh we wouldn't be having these jobless days. She'd put people to work extracting American energy for the American people..
Barry is just trying to appease his environmentalist supporters. They already threatened non support of his reelection over Keystone.

We all see how that played out.

This looks like more of the same.
Oh, c'mon. The jobs will still be there a year from now after the election and until then it's important Barry keep those environmental kooks from not supporting him in the election. Then he can toss them under the bus and get those drills running. It's politics...Chicago style.
Just have to extend federal unemployment benefits another 52 weeks. Aint no thang.
Oh, c'mon. The jobs will still be there a year from now after the election and until then it's important Barry keep those environmental kooks from not supporting him in the election. Then he can toss them under the bus and get those drills running. It's politics...Chicago style.

exactly.....Obama needs Ohio....
President Obama's United States Department of Agriculture has delayed shale gas drilling in Ohio for up to six months by cancelling a mineral lease auction for Wayne National Forest (WNF). The move was taken in deference to environmentalists, on the pretext of studying the effects of hydraulic fracturing.

“Conditions have changed since the 2006 Forest Plan was developed," announced WNF Supervisor Anne Carey on Tuesday. "The technology used in the Utica & Marcellus Shale formations need to be studied to see if potential effects to the surface are significantly different than those identified in the Forest Plan." The study will take up to six months to complete. The WNF study reportedly "will focus solely on how it could affect forest land," the significance of hydraulic fracturing to united proponents of the delay, "and not how it could affect groundwater."

Speaking of the WNF gas drilling, one environmentalist group spokesman suggested that moving forward with drilling "could turn the Ohio Valley into Ozone Alley," even though Wayne National Forest already has nearly 1300 oil and gas wells in operation.

The Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) recently estimated that drilling in the Utica shale, which is affected by the suspension of the mineral lease auctions, would produce up 204,500 jobs by 2015.

Obama USDA delays shale drilling, up to 200k jobs | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

More hypocrisy from this administration. He runs around the country preaching about job creation and then stands in the way of every possibility that comes along to do exactly that. Ohio could certainly use the jobs right now too and considering how important that state is in the presidential election, this is an incredibly dumb move on his part.

Six month we'll be in the middle of the election year.

Every possibility?

Salazar, Beaudreau Announce Western Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale
The right wing has lost all credibility. No matter what Obama does, they will take the opposite position.

If he says "Black", the right wing will say "White".

First they wanted him to close Gitmo. When he started to, they screamed he wanted to let terrorists into your back yard.

They screamed that he should go into Libya and not two weeks later, screamed he shouldn't.

They guffawed that they got 98% of everything they wanted, when the country was downgraded, it became Obama's fault.

They destroyed our military and saw to more than 30,000 Americans being maimed for life. The "cost" is Obama's fault.

When you ask what it is he's done, they scream it's his "agenda". Which so far has been to keep America safe, doing it in a fiscally responsible way and trying to put Americans back to work. Only now, it seems the right is against all those things. I think it started when he said, "Black".
I find the 200k jobs claim questionable, but ok, I'll play. Didn't the GOP just put the kibosh on Obama's jobs bill? HOw many jobs would the legislation have brought to Boehner's home state? 20k or so? The faux outrage is astounding.
I find the 200k jobs claim questionable, but ok, I'll play. Didn't the GOP just put the kibosh on Obama's jobs bill? HOw many jobs would the legislation have brought to Boehner's home state? 20k or so? The faux outrage is astounding.

hey pervert,, we can't afford for obienoodle to give the unions another half trillion dollars of our money ..
Between this and the XL pipeline the Obama administration is missing out on an opprotunity to add jobs, AND appease, at least partially, the environmental lobby.

By not authorizing both projects, Obama is seeking a short term gain from one branch of his party, while screwing over another. At the same time he is giving Republicans excellent ammunition in the upcoming election cycle.

He's made the environmentalists happy, but is angering the trade unions. My guess is the political calculus states the unions will be heavy dem supporters no matter what, but doing these projects would take the steam out of the environmentally conscious voters.

To me, the best plan would be to ALLOW both projects to proceed, but add in all the regulations and extra "fees" that the industries in question would bear without rejecting the work out of hand. Direct the fees towards sustainable energy development, thus placating the environmental lobby. You then have a ton of jobs to crow about in november.

Also you place the republicans in a bad spot, as now all they have to whine about is regs and onerous fees, which doesnt have the wieght of "Obama is preventing jobs." You could probably even add in prevailing wage requirements to make the unions happy, and the companies would still be fighting for the rights/contracts.

But I dont think the democrats are capable of this currently.
The right wing has lost all credibility. No matter what Obama does, they will take the opposite position.

If he says "Black", the right wing will say "White".

First they wanted him to close Gitmo. When he started to, they screamed he wanted to let terrorists into your back yard.

They screamed that he should go into Libya and not two weeks later, screamed he shouldn't.

They guffawed that they got 98% of everything they wanted, when the country was downgraded, it became Obama's fault.

They destroyed our military and saw to more than 30,000 Americans being maimed for life. The "cost" is Obama's fault.

When you ask what it is he's done, they scream it's his "agenda". Which so far has been to keep America safe, doing it in a fiscally responsible way and trying to put Americans back to work. Only now, it seems the right is against all those things. I think it started when he said, "Black".

So basically the republicans are doing the same things the democrats did to Booshchimpymchitler.

And how is the military destroyed?
I find the 200k jobs claim questionable, but ok, I'll play. Didn't the GOP just put the kibosh on Obama's jobs bill? HOw many jobs would the legislation have brought to Boehner's home state? 20k or so? The faux outrage is astounding.

As I said in another thread far, far away; feigned outrage is feigned.
I find the 200k jobs claim questionable, but ok, I'll play. Didn't the GOP just put the kibosh on Obama's jobs bill? HOw many jobs would the legislation have brought to Boehner's home state? 20k or so? The faux outrage is astounding.

hey pervert,, we can't afford for obienoodle to give the unions another half trillion dollars of our money ..

Shut up, skank.
I find the 200k jobs claim questionable, but ok, I'll play. Didn't the GOP just put the kibosh on Obama's jobs bill? HOw many jobs would the legislation have brought to Boehner's home state? 20k or so? The faux outrage is astounding.

hey pervert,, we can't afford for obienoodle to give the unions another half trillion dollars of our money ..

Shut up, skank.

newp,, not me you freak.
The presidebt's jobs bill was going to work just like the jobs created by Solyandra and Light Squared. That's why the democrats voted against it.

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