Obama 2012 catch phrase: "Compassion".

Saw today on news the Obama 2012 theme phrase, like "Hope and Change" in 2008, is gonna be built around the idea of "Compassion". I suppose he means compassion as in "Give the government more money so we can expand welfare". Have some compassion for the poor. Some compassion for foreign countries. Have some compassion and take some "Shared responsibility" (the other catch phrase.)

Obama 2012: "Compassion and Shared Responsibility". Thoughts?

Well, compassion is voluntary, not mandatory. If I see a homeless guy on the corner, and give him $5, thats compassion. If a government passes a law that threatens me with arrest if I don't give them $5 to direct to another person, thats not compassion, thats coercion. Give up the cash our you're going to jail. That ain't compassion folks. Thats tyranny.

What Obama and the libiots don't understand is this: We as a society accept a modest social welfare net out of compassion. We fund it out of coercion. But we accept it, as in we don't riot in the streets to protest it, because we have enough compassion to accept it.

But what Obama is proposing isn't compassion. It's flat out communist wealth confiscation and redistribution. He's disguised it as "shared responsibility". Well I'm no more responsible for the lazy fucking welfare queen on the corner than you are. So why should I be threatened by jail if I do not want to give EVEN MORE to the masses of Obama sympathizers when I already give 1/4 of all my paycheck to them. I'm a free man. Taking 1/4 of my check is taking 1/4 of my freedom, as that is 1/4 less ability I have to purchase, travel, invest. But I quitely accept that, because I have enough compassion to understand it's needed, and enough love of the remaining 3/4 of my freedom that I don't wanna go to jail over not paying that 1/4.

But thats God-damn enough. Fuck Obama 2012.

So he thinks another pretty word will help people out of this mess? I'll stick with hopey and changy for now.

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