Obama 2012 catch phrase: "Compassion".


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Saw today on news the Obama 2012 theme phrase, like "Hope and Change" in 2008, is gonna be built around the idea of "Compassion". I suppose he means compassion as in "Give the government more money so we can expand welfare". Have some compassion for the poor. Some compassion for foreign countries. Have some compassion and take some "Shared responsibility" (the other catch phrase.)

Obama 2012: "Compassion and Shared Responsibility". Thoughts?

Well, compassion is voluntary, not mandatory. If I see a homeless guy on the corner, and give him $5, thats compassion. If a government passes a law that threatens me with arrest if I don't give them $5 to direct to another person, thats not compassion, thats coercion. Give up the cash our you're going to jail. That ain't compassion folks. Thats tyranny.

What Obama and the libiots don't understand is this: We as a society accept a modest social welfare net out of compassion. We fund it out of coercion. But we accept it, as in we don't riot in the streets to protest it, because we have enough compassion to accept it.

But what Obama is proposing isn't compassion. It's flat out communist wealth confiscation and redistribution. He's disguised it as "shared responsibility". Well I'm no more responsible for the lazy fucking welfare queen on the corner than you are. So why should I be threatened by jail if I do not want to give EVEN MORE to the masses of Obama sympathizers when I already give 1/4 of all my paycheck to them. I'm a free man. Taking 1/4 of my check is taking 1/4 of my freedom, as that is 1/4 less ability I have to purchase, travel, invest. But I quitely accept that, because I have enough compassion to understand it's needed, and enough love of the remaining 3/4 of my freedom that I don't wanna go to jail over not paying that 1/4.

But thats God-damn enough. Fuck Obama 2012.
Compasson is defined by Obama on how much HE and the Statists can BILK from taxpayers...and give to those that don't even try.

I have a feeling Obama's idea of "compassion" includes a lot. Including compassion for the planet (aka, global warming legislation), compassion for the elderly and the poor (aka higher taxes), as well as a long list of other people and causes we must have compassion for.

And by compassion.....he means coercion of forced payments to the gov't by threat of arrest for disobedience.
CaféAuLait;3549726 said:
That was the theme of the town hall he gave a speech at today, I wondered on another thread if anyone listened to it-- but added to the "Shared Responsibility" was "Shared Prosperity" too.

Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall with President Obama

Watch: Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall with President Obama, 10:15 a.m. ET | Democrats.org

Yep. He's hinting towards his left wing tyranny all over, but the libs of course are too delusional with Obama man-love to realize it.

I learned "shared prosperity" in kindergarten. If Johnnie earns 10 eggs, and Joey earns 0 eggs, and the teacher takes 5 of Johnnies eggs to give them to Joey, then they are sharing prosperity.

Obama likes.
The top 1% of income earners pay around 38% of the income taxes collected. Isn't that a fair share of compassion?

The bottom 50% of income earners pay less than 1% of the income taxes collected. Is that a fair share?

Obama is using the liberal "human shield" bleeding heart, appealing to the emotional, rather than the sensible solutions, for his nanny state ambitions. Question to the president: How will everybody eat when the country is out of money? There won't be any corn left. Do you know that there are over 4000 food items that have corn in them? That sounds like an already started and creeping fast, not too distant future of inflation, to me, when we are out of corn, that is going into our gas tanks because you won't issue permits for more drilling in the US. Man, we are onto your redistributional, pro-global, anti-American assistance ass!
Obama will dump tons of slogans out until something sticks.

Well, as for left wingers, ANY slogan will pass. This man could slaughter the Easter bunny on live, Monday night 8pm television, and they'd praise him.

Other Obama 2012 slogans liberals have accepted:

"Obama 2012: Pimp My Budget."

"Obama 2012: Death to the Rich."

"Obama 2012: Did You Remember I'm Black?"

"Obama 2012: Fuck It."

"Obama 2012: I'm Rich Biyatch!"

"Obama 2012: Did You Remember How Bad Bush Was"

"Obama 2012: Once Again, I'm Not Bush"

"Obama 2012: Yeah Right, Like You're NOT Gonna Vote for Me HAHA!"

"Obama 2012: Vote For Me Or You're Racist"
The top 1% of income earners pay around 38% of the income taxes collected. Isn't that a fair share of compassion?

The bottom 50% of income earners pay less than 1% of the income taxes collected. Is that a fair share?

Obama is using the liberal "human shield" bleeding heart, appealing to the emotional, rather than the sensible solutions, for his nanny state ambitions. Question to the president: How will everybody eat when the country is out of money? There won't be any corn left. Do you know that there are over 4000 food items that have corn in them? That sounds like an already started and creeping fast, not too distant future of inflation, to me, when we are out of corn, that is going into our gas tanks because you won't issue permits for more drilling in the US. Man, we are onto your redistributional, pro-global, anti-American assistance ass!

Theres a weird, kinda out-there but very popular radio program called "Coast to Coast AM" that comes on after midnight. Home - Coast to Coast AM

It's actually really entertaining, and worldwide, if you ever get bored and insomnia. Anyway.....coming back from the gym one night, they had a guy on talking about a possible food shortage in the future. And the guy was talking about corn and biofuels that have failed. And he said something that hit the nail on the head:

"The United States will be history's first nation that is looked at as being the society that starved after burning their own food. It's crazy."

And he's right.
CaféAuLait;3549726 said:
That was the theme of the town hall he gave a speech at today, I wondered on another thread if anyone listened to it-- but added to the "Shared Responsibility" was "Shared Prosperity" too.

Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall with President Obama

Watch: Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall with President Obama, 10:15 a.m. ET | Democrats.org

Yep. He's hinting towards his left wing tyranny all over, but the libs of course are too delusional with Obama man-love to realize it.

I learned "shared prosperity" in kindergarten. If Johnnie earns 10 eggs, and Joey earns 0 eggs, and the teacher takes 5 of Johnnies eggs to give them to Joey, then they are sharing prosperity.

Obama likes.

Seems everyone is moving towards embracing the lifestyle of the "Ant" while relying on the "Grasshopper"-- the freaking Grasshopper is tired and his wealth was earned not handed to him.
Obama 2012: "Compassion and Shared Responsibility". Thoughts?

It's a snake oil type of phrase made by somebody who intends to slip a yoke over one's neck and make one pull the load for him.
I am still sorta for the slogan.

Hope and change.

Maybe whoever runs against him should use it. Srota funny i think.
I am still sorta for the slogan.

Hope and change.

Maybe whoever runs against him should use it. Srota funny i think.

I could see the perfect ad.

They show Obama doing his "Hope and change" slogan while in the background they show the unemployment rate getting higher, gasoline prices getting higher, food prices, getting higher. They show riots in the streets from these stupid progressive groups and then at the end ask the question: Do you still believe in this change?
Yup. Hope and Change. I HOPE I can beat Obama so I can CHANGE the way things are going.

Whichever Rep runs against him should use it.

Very fitting.

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