Obama 2012 campaign vs the Bin Laden Killing; The irony.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Lets see here. Obama seems to be shaping his 2012 campaign around:

- Rich people are evil.
- "I" killed Bin Laden.

How ironic.

The killing of Bin Laden was.........

- The product of years of intelligence gathering, by services that Obama spent years criticizing.
- Done using interrogation techniques Obama and the left spent years condemning.
- At a place Obama and the left demanded by closed, Gitmo.
- In the efforts of 2 wars which Obama and the left spent 7 years trying to undermine.
- By an elite team of men, many of which I'm sure were "typical white persons".

- Using assault rifles....that Obama and the left demonize and want banned.

In fact, the OBL operation was made possible by, and completed with, agencies, services, techniques, weapons, tools and people that the pre-2008 Barack Hussein Obama would have passionately argued against.

And now, his campaign is rooted in the fruits of all those things.

How freakin' ironic.
Lets see here. Obama seems to be shaping his 2012 campaign around:

- Rich people are evil.
- "I" killed Bin Laden.

How ironic.

The killing of Bin Laden was.........

- The product of years of intelligence gathering, by services that Obama spent years criticizing.
- Done using interrogation techniques Obama and the left spent years condemning.
- At a place Obama and the left demanded by closed, Gitmo.
- In the efforts of 2 wars which Obama and the left spent 7 years trying to undermine.
- By an elite team of men, many of which I'm sure were "typical white persons".

- Using assault rifles....that Obama and the left demonize and want banned.

In fact, the OBL operation was made possible by, and completed with, agencies, services, techniques, weapons, tools and people that the pre-2008 Barack Hussein Obama would have passionately argued against.

And now, his campaign is rooted in the fruits of all those things.

How freakin' ironic.

Must be the White Elitist in him.....by way of his Grandmother.
Its quite astonishing how a man can spend 30 years of his life bashing everything that went into that operation.......then run his campaign by taking credit for it.
Here's Bush claiming credit 8 years too soon. It took Obama to end it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOhBmVCCXYc]Aircraft Carrier, 2 Bushes and a Furtive Wish - YouTube[/ame]
Did you know that Mission Accomplished sign was for the ship, upon completing IT'S mission?
Oh look, another "We got OBL" celebration thread.

As a Navy vet, I'm suprised you aren't sickened that a man who spent his adult life trashing the military....is now taking credit for one of the military's great accomplishments, an accomplishment he spent 7 years working against. Oh well, I suppose you're party loyalty is deeper than your other loyalties.
Lets see here. Obama seems to be shaping his 2012 campaign around:

- Rich people are evil.
- "I" killed Bin Laden.

How ironic.

The killing of Bin Laden was.........

- The product of years of intelligence gathering, by services that Obama spent years criticizing.
Actually in 2005 the intelligence community had no idea where Bin laden was and in 2006 Bush disbanded the group searching for him

- Done using interrogation techniques Obama and the left spent years condemning.
Actually none of the information that led to Bin laden came from torture

- In the efforts of 2 wars which Obama and the left spent 7 years trying to undermine.
Only braindead people liek you think invading Iraq lead to the killing of Bin Laden

- Using assault rifles....that Obama and the left demonize and want banned.
Plz quote one democrat who has advocating banning rifles for military service members

Come back when youa ren't r total retard
Its quite astonishing how a man can spend 30 years of his life bashing everything that went into that operation.......then run his campaign by taking credit for it.

Are you talking about all the republicans who bashed Obama for saying he would enter Pakistan to kill him? The facts remain that if we followed GOP policy Bin Laden would still be alive
Bush era policies are still having big effects years later? I guess that doesn't count when it comes to the economy.
Lets see here. Obama seems to be shaping his 2012 campaign around:

- Rich people are evil.
- "I" killed Bin Laden.

How ironic.

The killing of Bin Laden was.........

- The product of years of intelligence gathering, by services that Obama spent years criticizing.
Actually in 2005 the intelligence community had no idea where Bin laden was and in 2006 Bush disbanded the group searching for him

- Done using interrogation techniques Obama and the left spent years condemning.
Actually none of the information that led to Bin laden came from torture

- In the efforts of 2 wars which Obama and the left spent 7 years trying to undermine.
Only braindead people liek you think invading Iraq lead to the killing of Bin Laden

- Using assault rifles....that Obama and the left demonize and want banned.
Plz quote one democrat who has advocating banning rifles for military service members

Come back when youa ren't r total retard

Hmmm. Funny. The CIA disagrees with you. The man who just got interviewed on a global news network, who oversaw the waterboarding, stated their info came from waterboarding and seeing KSM's reaction when they said they were following the messenger that led them to OBL.

I didn't say they wanted to ban rifles from the military. They just wanna ban them from everyone else.

Oh, and it's "led", not "lead". Speaking of brain dead. Referring to your Iraq War statement. "Led" is the past tense of "lead". Anyway, too many grammar errors to mention.
Bush era policies are still having big effects years later? I guess that doesn't count when it comes to the economy.

Sure they have. The Bush Tax Cuts have helped people stay afloat during this economy. Although, Obama did try to allow our taxes to go back up.
Have some people forgotten how in the 2008 campaign Obama was attacked and ridiculed for saying if he knew where someone like Bin Laden was he'd go after him whether he had that country's permission or not?

Remember how the Right pointed to that as a sign that Obama didn't know what he was doing, wasn't fit to be president?
President Obama Suggests the Public Look at Romney's Previous Statements on Going After OBL - Yahoo! News

Without mentioning his opponent by name, President Obama took clear political aim at Mitt Romney on Monday, continuing a line of attack from his campaign that Romney would not have given the go-ahead to the mission that ended in the death of Osama bin Laden .
Asked about Romney's comments from earlier this morning belittling how difficult the decision to go after bin Laden may have been, the president said "As far as my personal role and what other folks would do, I'd just recommend that everybody take a look at people's previous statements in terms of whether they thought it was appropriate to go into Pakistan and take out bin Laden. I assume that people meant what they said when they said it. That's been at least my practice."
The president was alluding to Romney's 2007 comments about bin Laden that "it's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." The Obama campaign last Friday released a web ad suggestion that this sentence suggests he would not have been willing to take the risk and order Navy SEALs to cross into Pakistan and infiltrate bin Laden's Abbotabad compound.
Continued the president, "I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him and I did. If there are others who have said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, then I'd go ahead and let them explain it."
Oh look, another "We got OBL" celebration thread.

As a Navy vet, I'm suprised you aren't sickened that a man who spent his adult life trashing the military....is now taking credit for one of the military's great accomplishments, an accomplishment he spent 7 years working against. Oh well, I suppose you're party loyalty is deeper than your other loyalties.

Truely? When did he do that....his "ENTIRE adult life"? Quotes of him "trashing the military", please.
Have some people forgotten how in the 2008 campaign Obama was attacked and ridiculed for saying if he knew where someone like Bin Laden was he'd go after him whether he had that country's permission or not?

Remember how the Right pointed to that as a sign that Obama didn't know what he was doing, wasn't fit to be president?

So now sending military forces into another country (that didn't attack us) is OK?????? Or is it not? Or does it just depend on which president is in office? You have confused me. See...also in 2008, the left was irate about a military strike against a country that "didn't attack us", just for possibly harboring something dangerous to us. But, you also support Obama in striking a country, who didn't attack us, for possibly harboring something dangerous to us?

I suppose being a Democrat AND black gets a lot of passes from you guys.
Have some people forgotten how in the 2008 campaign Obama was attacked and ridiculed for saying if he knew where someone like Bin Laden was he'd go after him whether he had that country's permission or not?

Remember how the Right pointed to that as a sign that Obama didn't know what he was doing, wasn't fit to be president?

I certainly remember that.
Have some people forgotten how in the 2008 campaign Obama was attacked and ridiculed for saying if he knew where someone like Bin Laden was he'd go after him whether he had that country's permission or not?

Remember how the Right pointed to that as a sign that Obama didn't know what he was doing, wasn't fit to be president?

So now sending military forces into another country (that didn't attack us) is OK?????? Or is it not? Or does it just depend on which president is in office? You have confused me. See...also in 2008, the left was irate about a military strike against a country that "didn't attack us", just for possibly harboring something dangerous to us. But, you also support Obama in striking a country, who didn't attack us, for possibly harboring something dangerous to us?

I suppose being a Democrat AND black gets a lot of passes from you guys.

I feel your pain.
Oh look, another "We got OBL" celebration thread.

As a Navy vet, I'm suprised you aren't sickened that a man who spent his adult life trashing the military....is now taking credit for one of the military's great accomplishments, an accomplishment he spent 7 years working against. Oh well, I suppose you're party loyalty is deeper than your other loyalties.

Truely? When did he do that....his "ENTIRE adult life"? Quotes of him "trashing the military", please.

Seriously? A self-professed "radical" at Columbia University, and you think he was pro-military? Or that he sat in THAT church, listening to the anti-military venom, and think he disn't agree?

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