ObaCare Reduces MediCare Costs Already: Opposed By All Of GOP!

Funny how these companies that can't function because all of President Obama's "regulations" are doing just fine...

Health Insurers Making Record Profits

Are you surprised? Thats who buddied up with DEAR LEADER to help craft the legislation. You dont bad mouth us and you will reap rewards.

NOW, you Teabaggers are AGAINST Capitalism, huh???


It's GOTTA be the inbreeding.

"More than one of every four Americans last year received a free mammogram, colonoscopy, or flu shot, thanks to a federal law that many of them despise. Roughly 3.6 million Medicare recipients saved an average of $604 as the same law began closing a gap in their prescription drug coverage. And 2.5 million young adults were allowed to remain on their parents’ health insurance plans until their 26th birthday.

For two years, even as a debate has raged over what Republicans deride as Obamacare, the new health-care law has begun benefiting consumers and refashioning a $2.6 trillion industry. Insurers, hospitals, and doctors are forming alliances and adopting new procedures, preparing for a reshaped market that will materialize when—or if—the law aimed at covering at least 30 million uninsured Americans is fully implemented in 2018. “This is probably the most transformative period I’ve lived through,” says Dr. David Longworth, chairman of the Medicine Institute at Ohio’s Cleveland Clinic, who heads teams making the health-care changes there."


"Ya' WHUPPED 'em!!!"
Hold onto your hat Sog.

They are going up more.

After all ya gotta pay for those that can't pay for themselves.

We have been paying for those who cannot pay for themselves for years. I destitue drunk or street persons is taken to the ER. Who do you think pays for his treatment? The Tax Payer does.

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