NYTimes helps Obama...lose 40,000 Tweet followers


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Do you wonder why the NYTimes circulation chart looks like a Double Black Diamond ski slope? It's because Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism sucks! People hate it! It never sells it can only be administered at the end of a gun.

Case in point. The NYTimes, the print media outleft for the Obama Administration threw they support behind Obama's "Tweet Your Rep" campaign and as a result Obama's lost 40,000 Tweet Followers. Keep Tweeting! Keep taking advise from NYTimes!

Now if this were FoxNews advising Sarah Palin...

New York Times | Obama Administration | Media Twitter | The Daily Caller
You think that is bad

Just wait to see how many he loses the next election


with Papa Obama's new lows in the polls
it may be time to bring out the children again to save us

The one is with us

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtGrp5MbzAI]‪Obama Kids Music Video : Cute or Creepy ?‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
The NY Times is 'Old Media' at its worst. They used to be somewhat reasonable though. But now they've gone off the deep end. They've become just another biased Liberal/Democrat Media propaganda machine. I stopped reading it a long time ago. Also,this President has become such a whiny little baby. Say what you want about Bush,but he behaved more like a Man and not such a little boy. This guy whining on Twitter is just so pathetic. It's another new low for this President.
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You think that is bad

Just wait to see how many he loses the next election


with Papa Obama's new lows in the polls
it may be time to bring out the children again to save us

The one is with us

‪Obama Kids Music Video : Cute or Creepy ?‬‏ - YouTube

Is that Obama's Red Guard? Sure sounds like it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EincWbFAyM&feature=related]‪Red Guards song‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

BTW: what happened to Obama's civilian army?

I vote CREEPY!

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