NYT lists all of Trumps lies since taking office . (It's long )

Do you really want to be known as someone who would prefer to believe lies than face reality? Like I told Mike, it's going to hurt your arguments in the long run.

Well, apparently you don't mind hurting yours. I see no vetting, I see no data I can test to verify if any of the quotes are accurate or just why they are lies or untrue! Do you? Or do you just take NYT at their every word?
The statements have all been fact checked elsewhere, which I'm sure you know. No, I don't take the NYT at their word in an opinion piece. No one is supposed to.
WHERE? WHERE? Why can't I check them? Every fake news story the NYT and WaPo has put out they claimed was valid. I'm not about to believe them now on their word. Pretty funny coming from someone worried about their arguments being taken seriously?

I guess when you go in to have your tires rotated and the mechanic tells you that you need all new tires, you just take him at his word too despite the fact that they are brand new and full of tread.
Do you really want to be known as someone who would prefer to believe lies than face reality? Like I told Mike, it's going to hurt your arguments in the long run.

Well, apparently you don't mind hurting yours. I see no vetting, I see no data I can test to verify if any of the quotes are accurate or just why they are lies or untrue! Do you? Or do you just take NYT at their every word?
The statements have all been fact checked elsewhere, which I'm sure you know. No, I don't take the NYT at their word in an opinion piece. No one is supposed to.
WHERE? WHERE? Why can't I check them? Every fake news story the NYT and WaPo has put out they claimed was valid. I'm not about to believe them now on their word. Pretty funny coming from someone worried about their arguments being taken seriously?

I guess when you go in to have your tires rotated and the mechanic tells you that you need all new tires, you just take him at his word too despite the fact that they are brand new and full of tread.
You're again playing that little deflection game of asking posters to spend inordinate time and effort bringing you "proof" of common knowledge assertions from ages past. Then, when we do, you will pull out your ace: the fact checkers are owned by left wingers and they are all lying. Sources be damned. I want to see it with my own eyes or I'm not going to believe it.
Been there and done it already.
Trump has no respect for honest truth telling. He's been a big bullshitting salesman for his whole adult life and he's not about to change. Personally, I think except as a joke, the media ought to get over it and stop making such a big deal out of it. Correct the facts for the record and move on. It's not going to get us anywhere.
It doesn't mean I think he's honest, though.
Do you really want to be known as someone who would prefer to believe lies than face reality? Like I told Mike, it's going to hurt your arguments in the long run.

Well, apparently you don't mind hurting yours. I see no vetting, I see no data I can test to verify if any of the quotes are accurate or just why they are lies or untrue! Do you? Or do you just take NYT at their every word?
The statements have all been fact checked elsewhere, which I'm sure you know. No, I don't take the NYT at their word in an opinion piece. No one is supposed to.
WHERE? WHERE? Why can't I check them? Every fake news story the NYT and WaPo has put out they claimed was valid. I'm not about to believe them now on their word. Pretty funny coming from someone worried about their arguments being taken seriously?

I guess when you go in to have your tires rotated and the mechanic tells you that you need all new tires, you just take him at his word too despite the fact that they are brand new and full of tread.
You're again playing that little deflection game of asking posters to spend inordinate time and effort bringing you "proof" of common knowledge assertions from ages past. Then, when we do, you will pull out your ace: the fact checkers are owned by left wingers and they are all lying. Sources be damned. I want to see it with my own eyes or I'm not going to believe it.
Been there and done it already.
Trump has no respect for honest truth telling. He's been a big bullshitting salesman for his whole adult life and he's not about to change. Personally, I think except as a joke, the media ought to get over it and stop making such a big deal out of it. Correct the facts for the record and move on. It's not going to get us anywhere.
It doesn't mean I think he's honest, though.

Arguing with people who think that Trump tells the truth is every bit as productive as arguing with nuts who are convinced that LBJ had JFK killed by the Mafia.I don't bother, myself.
You're again playing that little deflection game of asking posters to spend inordinate time and effort bringing you "proof" of common knowledge assertions from ages past. Then, when we do, you will pull out your ace: the fact checkers are owned by left wingers and they are all lying. Sources be damned. I want to see it with my own eyes or I'm not going to believe it.
Been there and done it already.
Trump has no respect for honest truth telling. He's been a big bullshitting salesman for his whole adult life and he's not about to change. Personally, I think except as a joke, the media ought to get over it and stop making such a big deal out of it. Correct the facts for the record and move on. It's not going to get us anywhere.

No! No! You just don't seem to get it! It isn't a deflection, I am not asking anyone to spend a lot of time researching. I am asking for the ARTICLE to give me enough information to test the veracity of the claims! That is all. I have an article with 252 serious lies and crimes by Obama perpetrated against the nation and every one of them is footnoted with dates and detailed documentation to back it up.

OK, let's take a look at the first few Trump "Lies" in the article:

JAN. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)

So what if he was for or against the invasion years ago as a private citizen? What does that change? In every instance of the many times I've heard him talk of these foreign wars, he was always against them, thought we never should have gone into Iraq. Stick to ourselves and not tell other countries how to run their affairs. But not quite an isolationist. In fact, I'm surprised he has done as much as he has overseas! I guess as president after following Obama's fuck-ups it is a lot harder to ignore these things like N. Korea, Iran, etc. But this is a petty point as it neither gives me a link, date, etc. to go back and see what the author is talking about, and it has no consequence to the nation anyway! He might as well have said he was against ice cream before saying he was for it. So fucking what?! Bottom line as president is that like them or not, he will have to fight foreign wars or whatever as required in the interests of the country first and the world second.

JAN. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.)

Again, a total non-starter. I know the guy well enough to know that he was speaking of impressions, at worst, a conceit If you were to go to him, and SHOW HIM that it was 11 and not 14 and that Nixon was on the cover more, he would shrug it off and say, "OK." He would accept the correction and move on. Again, a total non-starter. He's talking about magazine covers, it isn't like he lied and told the nation they would all save an average of $2500 on healthcare. BIG DIFFERENCE. One AFFECTS my life, the other does not. One is deceit in the execution of the Office, the other is a misspoken statement based on casual impressions about a minor event in his personal life.

JAN. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.)

Oddly enough, I have seen many experts state without a doubt that there is rampant voter fraud across the country and have documented instances and means. To my knowledge, every state where Voter ID is suppressed, Obamas won in 2012. And in every state where it is enforced, he lost. Without a doubt voter fraud occurs and people have caught people being bused around and voting more than once. Now, were they illegal? Or were they simply DNC operatives, I cannot say. But there IS evidence of voter fraud, as to the number, no one can say for sure. Unlike many of the loudmouths on this forum, as I've stated twice before, I actually have some second-hand experience with Trump through a relative in my family that did a lot of business with him. That relative was president of a big company and had many conversations, many lunches, many meetings, etc., with Trump many years ago. So I know the guy often expresses things in ways that cannot be taken literally. His casual conversation is not literal; it is based on impression. Everything is big, wonderful, marvelous, etc., if he means 500,000 he might say millions and millions, not because he is trying to lie or deceive, but simply because he is trying to express the feeling of a very large number. That is the way he is in casual conversation. He speaks in broad generalities because in business, you do not want to pin yourself down. You always want to error on the side of giving yourself room. So again, he got the number wrong, he exaggerated, or no one knows for sure. SO WHAT? That's an opinion. What difference if he thinks 3 million or 10 million? I happen to agree with his thought that there are a great number of fraudulent votes in every cycle, though I cannot prove it. And I would bet that the lion's share are democratic. I've seen experts provide support for that opinion. Another petty grab at bashing Trump. It makes no difference the exact number. We need solid voter ID in every state with checks and balances and a way to corroborate voting logs that are not electronic as a parity check against the electronic ones to be sure they both match to catch any fraud or tampering. Disenfranchise voters? I think that's bull. Show me a person who doesn't have Government ID. The gov requires it, they give it to you for free. Don't want to miss voting? GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS and get a fucking card.

JAN. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.)

Again, that is Trump. That's the way he is! Everything he does he strives for excellence, he wants to be the best, the biggest, and he usually works 20 hours a day striving to do so. I want any president of the USA to be the best, too. He works really hard and he plays hard. I know; golf's his ass off. I will give you that: he criticized Obama for golfing and now he golfs more. He owns the course! But the guy is working all the time. He works 90% of the time, I bet Obama was lucky if he worked 10% of the time. Maybe 5%. So to him, again, his way of casually speaking is to say it was the biggest. That is Trump-speak for "it was really big." And if you read the line above, he reiterates that. "It was massive. Thew crowd was massive." He is not a literal guy. His meaning is usually the combined meaning of several statements put together. Anyone listening to the guy can realize that. Listen to how he repeats himself. His inauguration was NOT as big as Obama's 2009, but smaller by not a lot. I have seen the best estimates. However, it WAS bigger than Obama's 2012 inauguration. And it was right up there in keeping with many other presidents, bigger than most. It was #2 or #3 in size. I think Reagan beat him by a little too. So Trump's inauguration was not significantly off as inaugurations go and the media made it another fake issue. They published fake pictures that I KNOW ARE FAKE, showing dramatically false images suggesting Obama had 7X more people! The difference between 2009 Obama and Trump's was more like 10%. So again, another one of Trump's lies? Just another bullshit nitpick compared to the kinds of real lies, big lies both Obama and Hillary did that directly impacted the country.

EVERY ONE OF THOSE ABOVE is petty and nitpicking. It is a matter of degrees. They do not make a difference to the nation. At worst, they are a style, a vanity. Trump is an ego. If Trump thinks he has ten, if he means to say ten, he will say 15 just to be sure he's covered his ass. That's his business-speak. Call it bullshitting if you want to. He's not being intentionally deceitful, that is just the way he is for the reasons already stated I know that from the many stories I've been told talking to my Uncle. You better have that in a president when he goes out to meet with ruthless world leaders, he better be a swinging dick, too, to make them respect him, even fear him. If all of the listed "lies" were like these, that makes the whole thing just another petty left-wing grasp at something to use to bash Trump with. Petty and trivial. Like beating a bear with a twig. I don't hear the OP or author speaking to Trump's keeping promise after promise such as with the VA fixes he just did the other day, which just shows me the total dishonestly of this thread.
You want real lies and corruption, I could crash this server with shit on both Obama and Hillary.
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To paraphrase Trump's latest nugget of shared wisdom, he basically said that he lied to keep Comey honest. Even THAT statement escapes the "irony meter" of Trump supporters!

What's amusing, Vandal...is that you think Trump's bluff against Comey constitutes a "lie"! It's quite obvious that the person who was PREVENTED from lying was James Comey and that happened because of the mere threat of tapes existing! So why would anyone be outraged that someone was forced to be truthful by such a bluff? That's obvious as well! You were hoping that Comey's testimony would nail Trump with collusion or obstruction of justice and instead it cleared him of both.

What you and Trump do not seem to grasp, is that when a person lies all the time, he has lost all credibility, and simply can not bluff anyone.

And yet Trump managed to bluff Comey, the main stream media and most of the Democrats in Congress...

Obviously he hasn't lost all credibility.

As for James Comey? He's rapidly losing whatever credibility it was that he had!
Trump is the Liar in Chief President and that will forever be his legacy. His cult will always have the legacy of being the suckers who followed him despite knowing what a prolific liar he is.

Latest trump lie. "Obama knew about Russian interference in the election and did nothing about it". Yes, there are dopey trump cultists that believe that lie.

There have been Russian attempts to hack our elections going back decades...Obama did indeed know about them...and did little to address the problem until Hillary lost and progressives like you needed an excuse for Clinton's shocking loss!
Trump is the Liar in Chief President and that will forever be his legacy. His cult will always have the legacy of being the suckers who followed him despite knowing what a prolific liar he is.

Latest trump lie. "Obama knew about Russian interference in the election and did nothing about it". Yes, there are dopey trump cultists that believe that lie.

There have been Russian attempts to hack our elections going back decades...Obama did indeed know about them...and did little to address the problem until Hillary lost and progressives like you needed an excuse for Clinton's shocking loss!
You guys always make up excuses for the lies trump tells. Trump lied about Obama doing nothing. Plain and simple, he lied.
Your excuse does not mean he did not lie, it means you accept his lie like a good cult follower is supposed to.
Trump is the Liar in Chief President and that will forever be his legacy. His cult will always have the legacy of being the suckers who followed him despite knowing what a prolific liar he is.

Latest trump lie. "Obama knew about Russian interference in the election and did nothing about it". Yes, there are dopey trump cultists that believe that lie.

There have been Russian attempts to hack our elections going back decades...Obama did indeed know about them...and did little to address the problem until Hillary lost and progressives like you needed an excuse for Clinton's shocking loss!
You guys always make up excuses for the lies trump tells. Trump lied about Obama doing nothing. Plain and simple, he lied.
Your excuse does not mean he did not lie, it means you accept his lie like a good cult follower is supposed to.

Obama was informed about Russian attempts to hack the election back in August...what did he do? Obama didn't really care about what Russia was doing then because it was obvious it wouldn't affect the election and Hillary was heavily favored to win. It's only AFTER Clinton lost that you heard screams of OUTRAGE coming from the left about Russian hacking! Trump didn't lie...Obama did little to nothing about Russian hacking.
You're again playing that little deflection game of asking posters to spend inordinate time and effort bringing you "proof" of common knowledge assertions from ages past. Then, when we do, you will pull out your ace: the fact checkers are owned by left wingers and they are all lying. Sources be damned. I want to see it with my own eyes or I'm not going to believe it.
Been there and done it already.
Trump has no respect for honest truth telling. He's been a big bullshitting salesman for his whole adult life and he's not about to change. Personally, I think except as a joke, the media ought to get over it and stop making such a big deal out of it. Correct the facts for the record and move on. It's not going to get us anywhere.

No! No! You just don't seem to get it! It isn't a deflection, I am not asking anyone to spend a lot of time researching. I am asking for the ARTICLE to give me enough information to test the veracity of the claims! That is all. I have an article with 252 serious lies and crimes by Obama perpetrated against the nation and every one of them is footnoted with dates and detailed documentation to back it up.

OK, let's take a look at the first few Trump "Lies" in the article:

JAN. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)

So what if he was for or against the invasion years ago as a private citizen? What does that change? In every instance of the many times I've heard him talk of these foreign wars, he was always against them, thought we never should have gone into Iraq. Stick to ourselves and not tell other countries how to run their affairs. But not quite an isolationist. In fact, I'm surprised he has done as much as he has overseas! I guess as president after following Obama's fuck-ups it is a lot harder to ignore these things like N. Korea, Iran, etc. But this is a petty point as it neither gives me a link, date, etc. to go back and see what the author is talking about, and it has no consequence to the nation anyway! He might as well have said he was against ice cream before saying he was for it. So fucking what?! Bottom line as president is that like them or not, he will have to fight foreign wars or whatever as required in the interests of the country first and the world second.

JAN. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.)

Again, a total non-starter. I know the guy well enough to know that he was speaking of impressions, at worst, a conceit If you were to go to him, and SHOW HIM that it was 11 and not 14 and that Nixon was on the cover more, he would shrug it off and say, "OK." He would accept the correction and move on. Again, a total non-starter. He's talking about magazine covers, it isn't like he lied and told the nation they would all save an average of $2500 on healthcare. BIG DIFFERENCE. One AFFECTS my life, the other does not. One is deceit in the execution of the Office, the other is a misspoken statement based on casual impressions about a minor event in his personal life.

JAN. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.)

Oddly enough, I have seen many experts state without a doubt that there is rampant voter fraud across the country and have documented instances and means. To my knowledge, every state where Voter ID is suppressed, Obamas won in 2012. And in every state where it is enforced, he lost. Without a doubt voter fraud occurs and people have caught people being bused around and voting more than once. Now, were they illegal? Or were they simply DNC operatives, I cannot say. But there IS evidence of voter fraud, as to the number, no one can say for sure. Unlike many of the loudmouths on this forum, as I've stated twice before, I actually have some second-hand experience with Trump through a relative in my family that did a lot of business with him. That relative was president of a big company and had many conversations, many lunches, many meetings, etc., with Trump many years ago. So I know the guy often expresses things in ways that cannot be taken literally. His casual conversation is not literal; it is based on impression. Everything is big, wonderful, marvelous, etc., if he means 500,000 he might say millions and millions, not because he is trying to lie or deceive, but simply because he is trying to express the feeling of a very large number. That is the way he is in casual conversation. He speaks in broad generalities because in business, you do not want to pin yourself down. You always want to error on the side of giving yourself room. So again, he got the number wrong, he exaggerated, or no one knows for sure. SO WHAT? That's an opinion. What difference if he thinks 3 million or 10 million? I happen to agree with his thought that there are a great number of fraudulent votes in every cycle, though I cannot prove it. And I would bet that the lion's share are democratic. I've seen experts provide support for that opinion. Another petty grab at bashing Trump. It makes no difference the exact number. We need solid voter ID in every state with checks and balances and a way to corroborate voting logs that are not electronic as a parity check against the electronic ones to be sure they both match to catch any fraud or tampering. Disenfranchise voters? I think that's bull. Show me a person who doesn't have Government ID. The gov requires it, they give it to you for free. Don't want to miss voting? GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS and get a fucking card.

JAN. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.)

Again, that is Trump. That's the way he is! Everything he does he strives for excellence, he wants to be the best, the biggest, and he usually works 20 hours a day striving to do so. I want any president of the USA to be the best, too. He works really hard and he plays hard. I know; golf's his ass off. I will give you that: he criticized Obama for golfing and now he golfs more. He owns the course! But the guy is working all the time. He works 90% of the time, I bet Obama was lucky if he worked 10% of the time. Maybe 5%. So to him, again, his way of casually speaking is to say it was the biggest. That is Trump-speak for "it was really big." And if you read the line above, he reiterates that. "It was massive. Thew crowd was massive." He is not a literal guy. His meaning is usually the combined meaning of several statements put together. Anyone listening to the guy can realize that. Listen to how he repeats himself. His inauguration was NOT as big as Obama's 2009, but smaller by not a lot. I have seen the best estimates. However, it WAS bigger than Obama's 2012 inauguration. And it was right up there in keeping with many other presidents, bigger than most. It was #2 or #3 in size. I think Reagan beat him by a little too. So Trump's inauguration was not significantly off as inaugurations go and the media made it another fake issue. They published fake pictures that I KNOW ARE FAKE, showing dramatically false images suggesting Obama had 7X more people! The difference between 2009 Obama and Trump's was more like 10%. So again, another one of Trump's lies? Just another bullshit nitpick compared to the kinds of real lies, big lies both Obama and Hillary did that directly impacted the country.

EVERY ONE OF THOSE ABOVE is petty and nitpicking. It is a matter of degrees. They do not make a difference to the nation. At worst, they are a style, a vanity. Trump is an ego. If Trump thinks he has ten, if he means to say ten, he will say 15 just to be sure he's covered his ass. That's his business-speak. Call it bullshitting if you want to. He's not being intentionally deceitful, that is just the way he is for the reasons already stated I know that from the many stories I've been told talking to my Uncle. You better have that in a president when he goes out to meet with ruthless world leaders, he better be a swinging dick, too, to make them respect him, even fear him. If all of the listed "lies" were like these, that makes the whole thing just another petty left-wing grasp at something to use to bash Trump with. Petty and trivial. Like beating a bear with a twig. I don't hear the OP or author speaking to Trump's keeping promise after promise such as with the VA fixes he just did the other day, which just shows me the total dishonestly of this thread.
You want real lies and corruption, I could crash this server with shit on both Obama and Hillary.

Claiming three was millions of illegal voters is not petty or nitpicking . There is no proof of that shot . He's a liar! He also claimed bussloads of voters went from Mass to New Hampshire to vote . Another lie !
Claiming three was millions of illegal voters is not petty or nitpicking . There is no proof of that shot . He's a liar!

But Timmy! Prove that there WASN'T millions of illegal voters! You are saying that Trump lied, but how can one prove it either way??? SO LIKE I SAID, SUE HIM. That's HIS opinion. I tend to believe it. And how is Trump's statement any different or worse (or even as bad?) as Hillary's claim of a "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?" or Obama's claim in the Lois Lerner/IRS Scandal that there wasn't even a "smidgen" of corruption? BTW, that investigation hadn't even concluded yet and Obama is saying what evidence there is before the investigation and investigator had even finished? Was the man clairvoyant? Was he trying to obstruct an investigation? Sure SEEMS THAT WAY. Let me know when you get a special counsel to look into THAT.

The issue here isn't Trump's statements, or if any of them were tiny white lies; just like the golf course which he OWNS, or the scoops of ice cream, the issue here is the interminable HYPOCRISY of the Left to always try to look for molehills in Trump and make mountains out of them while there ARE mountains of lies and corruption in your own party staring you RIGHT IN THE FACE.

But I'm not complaining. That NYT article just proves once again why the Democrats continue to spiral down. American voters are concerned for their nation and fixing its problems, Democrats and Liberals are fixated on tearing down Trump. The voters are looking for people who will act on the things that concern their lives while liberals can't get Trump out of their hair! And I think that is JUST HOW HE INTENDS IT!!! He has got you people by the short hairs and is playing you for the biggest suckers of all time. While the GOP addresses big issues, all the Democratic party works on besides trying to obstruct everything is how to bash Trump on late comedy shows, not perform if he is in the audience, or draw silly cartoons depicting him as an ass. And while the little children sneer and snicker, the voters are taking note and making their minds up for 2018..
Trump lied about Obama doing nothing. Plain and simple, he lied.

No, in this case I have to 100% agree with you! Trump did lie. Obama really did do absolutely nothing at all. Obama was the most worthless lying POS president in the history of this nation and he wasn't even a natural born citizen.
Every single thing that he promised to do about healthcare was a lie

That's funny. I don't even remember Obama talking about healthcare or his desire to socialize it when he was running in 2008. That wasn't even an issue. He lied. Everything he talked about while running was a lie. He said that he would be the most transparent administration. He totally lied. All he did was block investigation after investigation and FOIA requests. And when he went to sell the ACA on America, he lied about keeping our doctors, he lied about saving $2500, he lied about Benghazi, he lied about the IRS, he lied about Solyndra. And it would take VOLUMES to cover all of Hillary's lies about taking bribes, selling uranium, killing our Ambassador, talking fees, and control of top secret information and destroying government emails.

While Obama's and Hillary's lies are High Crimes and Treason, Trump lied about what? Lied about the Border Wall he is working on? Lied about Healthcare that is up to the Congress, not him? Lied about the number of people he thinks voted illegally? Lied about not having the biggest inauguration crowd? You people are hilarious!!!
Every single thing that he promised to do about healthcare was a lie

That's funny. I don't even remember Obama talking about healthcare or his desire to socialize it when he was running in 2008. That wasn't even an issue. He lied. Everything he talked about while running was a lie. He said that he would be the most transparent administration. He totally lied. All he did was block investigation after investigation and FOIA requests. And when he went to sell the ACA on America, he lied about keeping our doctors, he lied about saving $2500, he lied about Benghazi, he lied about the IRS, he lied about Solyndra. And it would take VOLUMES to cover all of Hillary's lies about taking bribes, selling uranium, killing our Ambassador, talking fees, and control of top secret information and destroying government emails.

While Obama's and Hillary's lies are High Crimes and Treason, Trump lied about what? Lied about the Border Wall he is working on? Lied about Healthcare that is up to the Congress, not him? Lied about the number of people he thinks voted illegally? Lied about not having the biggest inauguration crowd? You people are hilarious!!!

I must have stumbled onto the wrong thread. I thought this thread was about Trump's lies........
To paraphrase Trump's latest nugget of shared wisdom, he basically said that he lied to keep Comey honest. Even THAT statement escapes the "irony meter" of Trump supporters!

What's amusing, Vandal...is that you think Trump's bluff against Comey constitutes a "lie"! It's quite obvious that the person who was PREVENTED from lying was James Comey and that happened because of the mere threat of tapes existing! So why would anyone be outraged that someone was forced to be truthful by such a bluff? That's obvious as well! You were hoping that Comey's testimony would nail Trump with collusion or obstruction of justice and instead it cleared him of both.

What you and Trump do not seem to grasp, is that when a person lies all the time, he has lost all credibility, and simply can not bluff anyone.

And yet Trump managed to bluff Comey, the main stream media and most of the Democrats in Congress...

Obviously he hasn't lost all credibility.

As for James Comey? He's rapidly losing whatever credibility it was that he had!

Trump hasn't bluffed congress about anything. He has tried repeatedly. he has even threatened them to get ACA repealed. In fact, He can't even pressure his own party to bring ACA replacement bills to a vote. He also tried to bluff Ford about Mexican car production. Well, maybe that worked. Ford just announced that they are moving car production to China instead. Great bluff!
To paraphrase Trump's latest nugget of shared wisdom, he basically said that he lied to keep Comey honest. Even THAT statement escapes the "irony meter" of Trump supporters!

What's amusing, Vandal...is that you think Trump's bluff against Comey constitutes a "lie"! It's quite obvious that the person who was PREVENTED from lying was James Comey and that happened because of the mere threat of tapes existing! So why would anyone be outraged that someone was forced to be truthful by such a bluff? That's obvious as well! You were hoping that Comey's testimony would nail Trump with collusion or obstruction of justice and instead it cleared him of both.

What you and Trump do not seem to grasp, is that when a person lies all the time, he has lost all credibility, and simply can not bluff anyone.

And yet Trump managed to bluff Comey, the main stream media and most of the Democrats in Congress...

Obviously he hasn't lost all credibility.

As for James Comey? He's rapidly losing whatever credibility it was that he had!

Trump hasn't bluffed congress about anything. He has tried repeatedly. he has even threatened them to get ACA repealed. In fact, He can't even pressure his own party to bring ACA replacement bills to a vote. He also tried to bluff Ford about Mexican car production. Well, maybe that worked. Ford just announced that they are moving car production to China instead. Great bluff!

New healthcare legislation is moving towards passage, Vandal and it's due to Donald Trump not a wishy washy Congress! Getting rid of Obamacare was never going to be easy...the progressives that wrote it back loaded costs so they would kick in YEARS after the ACA was passed! They wanted millions of Americans used to the subsidies before the people who would have to pay for all that largess realized how much it was going to cost them!
To paraphrase Trump's latest nugget of shared wisdom, he basically said that he lied to keep Comey honest. Even THAT statement escapes the "irony meter" of Trump supporters!

What's amusing, Vandal...is that you think Trump's bluff against Comey constitutes a "lie"! It's quite obvious that the person who was PREVENTED from lying was James Comey and that happened because of the mere threat of tapes existing! So why would anyone be outraged that someone was forced to be truthful by such a bluff? That's obvious as well! You were hoping that Comey's testimony would nail Trump with collusion or obstruction of justice and instead it cleared him of both.

What you and Trump do not seem to grasp, is that when a person lies all the time, he has lost all credibility, and simply can not bluff anyone.

And yet Trump managed to bluff Comey, the main stream media and most of the Democrats in Congress...

Obviously he hasn't lost all credibility.

As for James Comey? He's rapidly losing whatever credibility it was that he had!

Trump hasn't bluffed congress about anything. He has tried repeatedly. he has even threatened them to get ACA repealed. In fact, He can't even pressure his own party to bring ACA replacement bills to a vote. He also tried to bluff Ford about Mexican car production. Well, maybe that worked. Ford just announced that they are moving car production to China instead. Great bluff!

New healthcare legislation is moving towards passage, Vandal and it's due to Donald Trump not a wishy washy Congress! Getting rid of Obamacare was never going to be easy...the progressives that wrote it back loaded costs so they would kick in YEARS after the ACA was passed! They wanted millions of Americans used to the subsidies before the people who would have to pay for all that largess realized how much it was going to cost them!

Well, if all that is true, it makes one wonder why Trump had to lie about his health plan having lower deductibles, lower premium (older people will be charged 5 times younger people's rates), universal coverage, which certainly means no uninsureds, and no Medicaid cuts.....

One has also got to wonder why the GOP can not come up with a plan that is better than ACA, despite have voted 50 times to repeal it over an 8 year period.
What's amusing, Vandal...is that you think Trump's bluff against Comey constitutes a "lie"! It's quite obvious that the person who was PREVENTED from lying was James Comey and that happened because of the mere threat of tapes existing! So why would anyone be outraged that someone was forced to be truthful by such a bluff? That's obvious as well! You were hoping that Comey's testimony would nail Trump with collusion or obstruction of justice and instead it cleared him of both.

What you and Trump do not seem to grasp, is that when a person lies all the time, he has lost all credibility, and simply can not bluff anyone.

And yet Trump managed to bluff Comey, the main stream media and most of the Democrats in Congress...

Obviously he hasn't lost all credibility.

As for James Comey? He's rapidly losing whatever credibility it was that he had!

Trump hasn't bluffed congress about anything. He has tried repeatedly. he has even threatened them to get ACA repealed. In fact, He can't even pressure his own party to bring ACA replacement bills to a vote. He also tried to bluff Ford about Mexican car production. Well, maybe that worked. Ford just announced that they are moving car production to China instead. Great bluff!

New healthcare legislation is moving towards passage, Vandal and it's due to Donald Trump not a wishy washy Congress! Getting rid of Obamacare was never going to be easy...the progressives that wrote it back loaded costs so they would kick in YEARS after the ACA was passed! They wanted millions of Americans used to the subsidies before the people who would have to pay for all that largess realized how much it was going to cost them!

Well, if all that is true, it makes one wonder why Trump had to lie about his health plan having lower deductibles, lower premium (older people will be charged 5 times younger people's rates), universal coverage, which certainly means no uninsureds, and no Medicaid cuts.....

One has also got to wonder why the GOP can not come up with a plan that is better than ACA, despite have voted 50 times to repeal it over an 8 year period.

Gee, a politician making promises that aren't realistic? Stop the presses! Are you serious?

The GOP's problem is they need to replace something that doesn't work and is imploding on itself...with a new plan. You Democrats have given low income people huge subsidies that we as a nation can't afford without massive tax increases on the Middle Class...something that you totally LIED to the Middle Class about when you were passing the ACA! Now the Republicans have to be the "mean" guys who point out we can't pay for this massive new entitlement.
What you and Trump do not seem to grasp, is that when a person lies all the time, he has lost all credibility, and simply can not bluff anyone.

And yet Trump managed to bluff Comey, the main stream media and most of the Democrats in Congress...

Obviously he hasn't lost all credibility.

As for James Comey? He's rapidly losing whatever credibility it was that he had!

Trump hasn't bluffed congress about anything. He has tried repeatedly. he has even threatened them to get ACA repealed. In fact, He can't even pressure his own party to bring ACA replacement bills to a vote. He also tried to bluff Ford about Mexican car production. Well, maybe that worked. Ford just announced that they are moving car production to China instead. Great bluff!

New healthcare legislation is moving towards passage, Vandal and it's due to Donald Trump not a wishy washy Congress! Getting rid of Obamacare was never going to be easy...the progressives that wrote it back loaded costs so they would kick in YEARS after the ACA was passed! They wanted millions of Americans used to the subsidies before the people who would have to pay for all that largess realized how much it was going to cost them!

Well, if all that is true, it makes one wonder why Trump had to lie about his health plan having lower deductibles, lower premium (older people will be charged 5 times younger people's rates), universal coverage, which certainly means no uninsureds, and no Medicaid cuts.....

One has also got to wonder why the GOP can not come up with a plan that is better than ACA, despite have voted 50 times to repeal it over an 8 year period.

Gee, a politician making promises that aren't realistic? Stop the presses! Are you serious?

The GOP's problem is they need to replace something that doesn't work and is imploding on itself...with a new plan. You Democrats have given low income people huge subsidies that we as a nation can't afford without massive tax increases on the Middle Class...something that you totally LIED to the Middle Class about when you were passing the ACA! Now the Republicans have to be the "mean" guys who point out we can't pay for this massive new entitlement.

Fascinating! We are the richest nation on the planet, but the only industrialized nation on earth that does not provide some sort of universal health coverage for our citizens! Yet, We spend more than the next seven nations combined on military expenses, and maintain over 200 military bases on foreign soil, even though the cold war has ended, and our present enemy drives around in 1993 Nissan pickup trucks!

But, why go into all that, when the thread is about Trump's lying, and I have posted proof positive that he is a serial liar..

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