NYC murder spree via stabbing; Couldn't gun law prevent this?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
A man went on a stabbing spree in NYC recently, killing several people by stabbing them to death.

Thought NYC's handgun ban was supposed to prevent these type of murder sprees?

And second thought, what if any of his victims were allowed to have a handgun? Would they be alive today if so?
Anti gun laws have no appreciable affect on homicides, bludgeoning, beatings and clubbings are the most common of murder homicides,,, even of some people armed with hand guns. Self defense is not inherent in every person regardless their untried self proclamations of bad self. Most non-health related deaths are caused by automobiles and divorce.
A man went on a stabbing spree in NYC recently, killing several people by stabbing them to death.

Thought NYC's handgun ban was supposed to prevent these type of murder sprees?

And second thought, what if any of his victims were allowed to have a handgun? Would they be alive today if so?

You know that Knives are illegal in NYC too, right???
Pretty soon they're going to outlaw teeth because they can be used to bite someone else.

There is a Law that Anything you turn into a weapon can result in you being charged with a crime here. You could in effect be attacked by 6 Perpetrators, use a garbage can lid to defend yourself, and end up charged and jailed, depending on circumstances. NYC has a very hard time recognizing Individual Rights as more Important than the feelings of the collective.
A man went on a stabbing spree in NYC recently, killing several people by stabbing them to death.

Thought NYC's handgun ban was supposed to prevent these type of murder sprees?

And second thought, what if any of his victims were allowed to have a handgun? Would they be alive today if so?

I Bet you if you let everyone openly carry guns on their Hips. The Amount of Violent crime in this country would plummet.
A man went on a stabbing spree in NYC recently, killing several people by stabbing them to death.

Thought NYC's handgun ban was supposed to prevent these type of murder sprees?

And second thought, what if any of his victims were allowed to have a handgun? Would they be alive today if so?

I Bet you if you let everyone openly carry guns on their Hips. The Amount of Violent crime in this country would plummet.

After the shooting spree ends, maybe.
I Bet you if you let everyone openly carry guns on their Hips. The Amount of Violent crime in this country would plummet.

Fun fact: Violent crime has gone down dramatically since the 80's and early 90's. As has the property crime rate and homicide rate.

Crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Over the past thirty years, the crime rate rose throughout the 1980s, reached its peak in 1993 and then began to decrease throughout the 1990s and 2000s. One hypothesis suggests there is a causal link between legalized abortion and this drop.[1] Another suggests reduced lead exposure as the cause; Scholar Mark A.R. Kleiman writes: "Given the decrease in lead exposure among children since the 1980s and the estimated effects of lead on crime, reduced lead exposure could easily explain a very large proportion—certainly more than half—of the crime decrease of the 1994-2004 period. A careful statistical study relating local changes in lead exposure to local crime rates estimates the fraction of the crime decline due to lead reduction as greater than 90 percent. (When Brute Force Fails: How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment, Princeton University Press 2009 page 133 citing Richard Nevin, "How Lead Exposure Relates to Temoral Changes in IQ, Violent Crime and Unwed Pregnancy," Environmental Research 83, 1 (2000): 1-22.)

The year 2005 was overall the safest year in the past thirty years. The recent overall decrease has reflected upon all significant types of crime, with all violent and property crimes having decreased and reached an all-time low. The homicide rate in particular has decreased over 42% between its record high point in 1991 and 2005.

Recently, however, the homicide rate has stagnated.[7] While the homicide rate decreased continuously between 1991 and 2000 from 9.8 homicides per 100,000 persons to 5.5 per 100,000, it has remained level through 2005.

Despite the recent stagnation of the homicide rate, however, property and violent crimes overall have continued to decrease, though at a considerably slower pace than in the 1990s.[7] Overall, the crime rate in the U.S. was the same in 2004 as in 1969, with the homicide rate being roughly the same as in 1966. Violent crime overall, however, is still at the same level as in 1974, despite having decreased steadily since 1991.[6]

A nice graph illustrates this all after the jump.
A man went on a stabbing spree in NYC recently, killing several people by stabbing them to death.

Thought NYC's handgun ban was supposed to prevent these type of murder sprees?

And second thought, what if any of his victims were allowed to have a handgun? Would they be alive today if so?

You know that Knives are illegal in NYC too, right???

Didn't stop this guy. :tongue:

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