NY Guv Considering Supporting Construction of a Wall


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
NY Guv Considering Supporting Construction of a Wall

SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: February 10, 2019 Edition - National News/Current Events - The Briefing Room
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is reported to be leaning toward supporting the construction of a wall around his state's borders. "We are facing a major fiscal crisis," he said. "Our state's high tax rates have encouraged many of our highest earning residents to move to other states. We may need a wall to impede further attempts to escape paying these taxes."
Cuomo is said to be impressed by the Berlin Wall's long period of success in deterring those living in Communist East Germany from escaping to capitalist West Germany in the nearly three decades of its existence following its 1961 construction. Made of basic concrete blocks, bolstered with razor wire and manned by well-armed guards, it prevented nearly 100% of those trying to leave from succeeding.
NY State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) said he shares the Governor's concerns, but wondered if a wall, per se was the best approach. "If we build a wall wouldn't that undermine our Party's objection to Trump's wall on the Mexican border?" Heastie wondered. "Wouldn't pre-dawn raids on the homes of residents suspected of planning to flee be more effective? The element of surprise and the sense of terror such raids would instill strikes me as a more flexible option than a static wall. Besides, while we're there we could just seize whatever money or other items of value might be lying around."

Hmm....., Just imagine Cuomo can start his own STASI and DeBlasio can head it up. Of course if that doesn't work, they'd have to close the highways, tunnels and bridges in and out of the States. Aah the lofty ideas of tyrants.

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