Nuremberg Style trials to be conducted by Al Gore on Global Warming Opponents...


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
Philadelphia, Amazing huh...
:rolleyes: Thats what we need. Such wonderful freedom of Speech there. You get put on trial for disagreeing with Al Gore. Excelsior!



CONTACT: MARC MORANO ( [email protected] ), MATT DEMPSEY ( [email protected] )

A U.S. based environmental magazine that both former Vice President Al Gore ( ) and PBS newsman Bill Moyers, for his October 11th global warming edition of “Moyers on America” titled “Is God Green?”

( ) have deemed respectable enough to grant one-on-one interviews to promote their projects, is now advocating Nuremberg-style war crimes trials for skeptics of human caused catastrophic global warming.

Grist Magazine’s staff writer David Roberts called for the Nuremberg-style trials for the “bastards” who were members of what he termed the global warming “denial industry.”

Roberts wrote in the online publication on September 19, 2006, "When we've finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we're in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these bastards -- some sort of climate Nuremberg.” ( )

Gore and Moyers have not yet commented on Grist's advocacy of prosecuting skeptics of global warming with a Nuremberg-style war crimes trial. Gore has used the phrase "global warming deniers" to describe scientists and others who don't share his view of the Earth's climate. It remains to be seen what Gore and Moyers will have to say about proposals to make skepticism a crime comparable to Holocaust atrocities.

The use of Holocaust terminology has drawn the ire of Roger Pielke, Jr. of the University of Colorado's Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. “The phrase ‘climate change denier’ is meant to be evocative of the phrase ‘holocaust denier,’” Pielke, Jr. wrote on October 9, 2006 (

“Let's be blunt. This allusion is an affront to those who suffered and died in the Holocaust. This allusion has no place in the discourse on climate change. I say this as someone fully convinced of a significant human role in the behavior of the climate system,” Pielke, Jr. explained.

The article Global Warming: The Chilling Effect On Free Speech ( )last week in Spiked Online addresses this new found penchant by environmentalists and some media members to charge skeptics of human caused catastrophic global warming with “crimes against humanity” and urge Nuremberg-style prosecution of them.
These guys should be watched CAREFULLY, they will hurt someone.

What is it with the liberals?

No cause is too far out.

No statement is over the edge.

No action is too crazy.

No issue too out of bounds.

These people are worth a second look, a look that puts them away for good.

Lets close the chapter in American history on Al Gore.........:clap1:

As far as the other clown, :gives: .
Do you know what this tells me? That i need to take a more serious look at the claims against Global warming. The number one sign that someone is wrong is that they want to silence anyone who disagrees with them.
I think someone should take these up on their offer. A trial would be a good avenue to prove legally that these wackos are wrong, or at least that there is too much discourse within the scientific community to state, as Al Gore has that 'the debate is over'.
I think someone should take these up on their offer. A trial would be a good avenue to prove legally that these wackos are wrong, or at least that there is too much discourse within the scientific community to state, as Al Gore has that 'the debate is over'.

You know you have lost a debate when you have to declare yourself the winner.

I actually heard about this yesterday on Boortz and Limbaugh, but I couldn't find a link the actual quote, so I didn't post it. Limbaugh said he's probably on the top of the list of people they want to try.

So, apparantly, these are the rules the liberals want to play by. They declare a flimsy theory truth, then try to criminalize those who disagree with them, as has already been seen with evolution.

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