Nuclear fission Vs.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Some Theory of Relativity.Or better still,some theory
behind Bidenomics.As practiced by Buddist Monks in and
around Katmandu.Without need of spiltting hairs.Since
the world is { one's } Oyster.What if somene { anyone } don't
done like oysters.I guess that destroy's Shakesperian drama.
But then Oppenheimer was charged with making inroads
for the creation of a Bomb.Some if not many in his circle were
quite interested in this Communist bidness.Plus of course
cigarettes and how to fix the best martini in a Lab.
All things being relative,of course.Unlike today.
Where reading is about as hazardous to one's health
as Drinking martini's { daily }.
Therefore some caution is noted ... By the Legendary
One-liner Comic { Henny Youngman }
" I read where drinking can be bad for your health.
So I decided to stop reading. "
" Who says nothing is impossible.I've been doing
nothing for years. "
" I take my wife everywhere,but she keeps
finding her way back. "

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