NRSC -- No Plans To Fund O'Donnell


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
NRSC: No Plans to Fund O’Donnell
By Danny Yadron

The National Republican Senatorial Committee does not plan to spend money on its Delaware Senate nominee, Christine O’Donnell, an NRSC official said tonight.

O’Donnell, who defeated Republican stalwart Rep. Mike Castle in the state’s GOP Senate primary, surged in recent weeks amid donations from tea party groups and an endorsement from Sarah Palin. But she trails her general election opponent, Democrat Chris Coons, in most polls.

The official noted that if her position improves, the committee might reconsider its allocation of scarce resources.

Both parties’ campaign committees typically fund races they consider winnable. According to an NRSC tally, its Democratic counterpart has reserved TV time for ads in Missouri, Kentucky and Colorado, but not in Ohio, Arkansas and Indiana.

Still, the group’s decision not to fund O’Donnell will likely grab headlines since Castle had such strong backing from party leaders.

NRSC: No Plans to Fund O’Donnell - Washington Wire - WSJ

yeah, dumping the moderate Castle was a great idea.

oh... and they just said on the news it looks like rangel won his primary in NYC :eusa_whistle:

you betcha!
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yeah, dumping the moderate republican was a great idea.

I never really considered Delaware to be a hotbed of conservatism...I guess instead of voting for a moderate republican, they will likely vote for a democrat.
yeah, dumping the moderate republican was a great idea.

I never really considered Delaware to be a hotbed of conservatism...I guess instead of voting for a moderate republican, they will likely vote for a democrat.

o'donnell's polling at about 23% statewide.... exactly where bush's rightwingnut 'base' always was.

same nutters... different name.

castle would have had about 60% of the vote statewide.
LOL.....Delaware is a fucking tollbooth. You can have it. We've already won by sending the message to the RNC that we CONSERVATIVES won't accept any more RINO's even if we lose a few elections. By the time the left wing nutters like you figure that out, you'll be the minority party again.

We will gladly lose the battle over the tollbooth that is Delaware, and win the war for the country.

PS - I can't understand why any hyper partisan left wing nutjob would be happy that Rangel won? His corruption trial won't be a distraction will it?? Nah!! not at all!! :lol:
I thought the Tea Party was a non-player?

It seems they're actually winning their primaries now...

It seems like the goal of tossing R's who tend to support leftist causes out is actually bearing fruit...

Maybe Castle and Arlen Specturd can collaborate on their memoirs together...

They can call it their greatest "shits"....


Maybe Murkowski can ghost write it....

Naw, She'd so dumb she'd still need a ghost writer to ghost write it.....:lol:

I wonder if the Shitstain that crapped out the tripe that Obama put his name on is available? At least he could bang out the meaningless rhetoric in epic volume.....the left wing nutters lapped it up like drunk homosexuals lap up manspunk at a glory hole.
You know I like you, Jillian, but I'm not sure I'd be taking pride a Rangel win...

As for Castle/O'Donnell, I'm not convinced she will win, in fact I'm guessing she won't. Castle would have been a shoo-in. If control comes down to one senator, Republicans/conservatives will be kicking themselves for not recognizing the need for backing a candidate who could win over the need to "send a message." Any message conservatives are trying to send will be lost amidst the laughter over their short sightedness in Delaware.
You know I like you, Jillian, but I'm not sure I'd be taking pride a Rangel win...

As for Castle/O'Donnell, I'm not convinced she will win, in fact I'm guessing she won't. Castle would have been a shoo-in. If control comes down to one senator, Republicans/conservatives will be kicking themselves for not recognizing the need for backing a candidate who could win over the need to "send a message." Any message conservatives are trying to send will be lost amidst the laughter over their short sightedness in Delaware.

Not sure what good a 1 seat majority is. If you can not count on them all to stick to the plan. I rather have them send the message and not win the senate this time. Than end up with a super thin majority with a handful of Liberal Republicans who render you unable to do anything with it.
LOL.....Delaware is a fucking tollbooth. You can have it. We've already won by sending the message to the RNC that we CONSERVATIVES won't accept any more RINO's even if we lose a few elections. By the time the left wing nutters like you figure that out, you'll be the minority party again.

We will gladly lose the battle over the tollbooth that is Delaware, and win the war for the country.

PS - I can't understand why any hyper partisan left wing nutjob would be happy that Rangel won? His corruption trial won't be a distraction will it?? Nah!! not at all!! :lol:

Ahh, just another orchestrated republican gate that won't amount to a hill of beans. A Million bucks and it will be all over.
If the GOP has a problem with the candidates that are running and winning, you'd think they'd find other candidates to stand up against the incumbents who are plainly going to lose.

The message the GOP is sending is that they are NOT hearing the voters, they should ask the administration how that is working for them this year.
yeah, dumping the moderate republican was a great idea.

I never really considered Delaware to be a hotbed of conservatism...I guess instead of voting for a moderate republican, they will likely vote for a democrat.

o'donnell's polling at about 23% statewide.... exactly where bush's rightwingnut 'base' always was.

same nutters... different name.

castle would have had about 60% of the vote statewide.

Democrats engaging in triage is OK. Republicans doing the same is not. Yeah, we got it.:cuckoo:
You mean Pres Bush who won two national elections? That one?:cuckoo:
And when someone crows over Charlie Tax Cheat Rangel winning then the transformation to partisan hack is complete.
I thought the Tea Party was a non-player?

It seems they're actually winning their primaries now...

It seems like the goal of tossing R's who tend to support leftist causes out is actually bearing fruit...

.....And, those leftist causes would be.....what?? :eusa_eh:

(You Teabaggers need to get-over using such generalized-terms. They don't make you look like you actually know what's going-on. :rolleyes: )
If the GOP has a problem with the candidates that are running and winning, you'd think they'd find other candidates to stand up against the incumbents who are plainly going to lose.

The message the GOP is sending is that they are NOT hearing the voters, they should ask the administration how that is working for them this year.
The Teabaggers need to be turned-on to a lil' History (See: John Anderson & Ross Perot), to prep them for the typical 3rd Party Experience.

LOL.....Delaware is a fucking tollbooth. You can have it. We've already won by sending the message to the RNC that we CONSERVATIVES won't accept any more RINO's even if we lose a few elections. By the time the left wing nutters like you figure that out, you'll be the minority party again.

We will gladly lose the battle over the tollbooth that is Delaware, and win the war for the country.

PS - I can't understand why any hyper partisan left wing nutjob would be happy that Rangel won? His corruption trial won't be a distraction will it?? Nah!! not at all!! :lol:

You have sent notice that you are content with a party that represents the 25-30% far right conservatives only........a sure formula for failure

The GOP needs to dump its social conservative wing and establish itself as a party of fiscal conservatism. Fiscal conservatism does not mean cut taxes, it means balancing a budget. Something Republicans have never done
LOL.....Delaware is a fucking tollbooth. You can have it. We've already won by sending the message to the RNC that we CONSERVATIVES won't accept any more RINO's even if we lose a few elections. By the time the left wing nutters like you figure that out, you'll be the minority party again.

We will gladly lose the battle over the tollbooth that is Delaware, and win the war for the country.

PS - I can't understand why any hyper partisan left wing nutjob would be happy that Rangel won? His corruption trial won't be a distraction will it?? Nah!! not at all!! :lol:

You have sent notice that you are content with a party that represents the 25-30% far right conservatives only........a sure formula for failure

The GOP needs to dump its social conservative wing and establish itself as a party of fiscal conservatism. Fiscal conservatism does not mean cut taxes, it means balancing a budget. Something Republicans have never done

I'd say that taking advice from partisans as yourself would be an exercise in stupidity. I'm amazed at the time liberal partisans spend advising the other party partisans, seems there are better ways to spend your time like working for your own candidates?

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