NRA facts...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Would any of you be surprised to find out that the NRA's total Congressional lobbying expenditures are less then 0.0016% of these top 50 Congressional lobbyist?
In the top 10 Lobbying client are 4 health industries that spent nearly $100 million to influence Congress..

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2017 | OpenSecrets

So where are these people shouting about NRA being so influential on Congress cause they spend so much money facts?
Americans are frightened, scared people, thus we have loud mouth, moron for president, the 'worst' according to historians, a draft dodger and tax cheat who told 2140 confirmed untruths in 2017 and yet the right wing snowflakes follow along for tough words from a weak man manage them. Sad.

Why the NRA Always Wins

Guns kill 1,300 US children every year, study finds
Guns kill 1,300 US children every year
A day in America
"3 adults, 1 child found shot to death inside Alaska hotel room
Police: Man shot dead while trying to stop man from beating woman
3 shot while hanging Christmas lights amid fight with driver
Good Samaritan fatally shot outside Northwest Side Walmart
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof competent to stand trial"

“Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense industry, gun dealers and the lobbyists who represent them in Congress, it comes as no surprise that the culture of violence cannot be abstracted from either the culture of business or the corruption of politics. Violence runs through US society like an electric current offering instant pleasure from all cultural sources, whether it be the nightly news or a television series that glorifies serial killers.” Henry A. Giroux

Guns don't kill people, people don't kill people, America kills people. "It has happened yet again: Inevitably, predictably, fatefully, a gunman shot dead 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday. These incidents are peculiarly American tragedies, and what’s particularly heartbreaking is that they aren’t shocking. People all over the world become furious and try to harm others, but only in the United States do we suffer such mass shootings so regularly; only in the U.S. do we lose one person every 15 minutes to gun violence." Opinion | How to Reduce Shootings
If the NRA had members answering phones who could answer my questions I would still be a member.
Americans are frightened, scared people, thus we have loud mouth, moron for president, the 'worst' according to historians, a draft dodger and tax cheat who told 2140 confirmed untruths in 2017 and yet the right wing snowflakes follow along for tough words from a weak man manage them. Sad.

Why the NRA Always Wins

Guns kill 1,300 US children every year, study finds
Guns kill 1,300 US children every year
A day in America
"3 adults, 1 child found shot to death inside Alaska hotel room
Police: Man shot dead while trying to stop man from beating woman
3 shot while hanging Christmas lights amid fight with driver
Good Samaritan fatally shot outside Northwest Side Walmart
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof competent to stand trial"

“Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense industry, gun dealers and the lobbyists who represent them in Congress, it comes as no surprise that the culture of violence cannot be abstracted from either the culture of business or the corruption of politics. Violence runs through US society like an electric current offering instant pleasure from all cultural sources, whether it be the nightly news or a television series that glorifies serial killers.” Henry A. Giroux

Guns don't kill people, people don't kill people, America kills people. "It has happened yet again: Inevitably, predictably, fatefully, a gunman shot dead 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday. These incidents are peculiarly American tragedies, and what’s particularly heartbreaking is that they aren’t shocking. People all over the world become furious and try to harm others, but only in the United States do we suffer such mass shootings so regularly; only in the U.S. do we lose one person every 15 minutes to gun violence." Opinion | How to Reduce Shootings

You are SO concerned about 1,300 children. What about the 2,640 lives snuffed out EVERYDAY! Yet I'm sure you are totally either:
1) ignorant of the following facts: OR
2) You don't care!

From this source:
342 mass shooting deaths since 1980s through 2017 in 37 years!

And you are so distraught by 342 deaths while in the meantime:

1,524,982 people killed by cars since 1980! Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year - Wikipedia

36,649,884 abortions since 1980! Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia

PEOPLE!!!! Where is your sense of proportion???

NO the problem is NOT guns. Not the NRA. But the simple fact that the MSM continues to make these EXCEPTIONS sound like they happen EVERYDAY!
When EVERYDAY 2,640 lives are snuffed out by ignorant people like these:

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control continue to act as pre-meditated murders at that point.
U.S. Abortion Statistics

NOW you want a CRIME? Here you have women some with 3 or more abortions and they continue to have abortions?
Where is my money going? What are you doing specifically for hunters?...other gun owners aren't my concern. Only hunters are my concern.that's where all my money should have been going. The person didn't !lime it when I got upset.... Snowflake they were.
Americans are frightened, scared people, thus we have loud mouth, moron for president, the 'worst' according to historians, a draft dodger and tax cheat who told 2140 confirmed untruths in 2017 and yet the right wing snowflakes follow along for tough words from a weak man manage them. Sad.

Why the NRA Always Wins

Guns kill 1,300 US children every year, study finds
Guns kill 1,300 US children every year
A day in America
"3 adults, 1 child found shot to death inside Alaska hotel room
Police: Man shot dead while trying to stop man from beating woman
3 shot while hanging Christmas lights amid fight with driver
Good Samaritan fatally shot outside Northwest Side Walmart
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof competent to stand trial"

“Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense industry, gun dealers and the lobbyists who represent them in Congress, it comes as no surprise that the culture of violence cannot be abstracted from either the culture of business or the corruption of politics. Violence runs through US society like an electric current offering instant pleasure from all cultural sources, whether it be the nightly news or a television series that glorifies serial killers.” Henry A. Giroux

Guns don't kill people, people don't kill people, America kills people. "It has happened yet again: Inevitably, predictably, fatefully, a gunman shot dead 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday. These incidents are peculiarly American tragedies, and what’s particularly heartbreaking is that they aren’t shocking. People all over the world become furious and try to harm others, but only in the United States do we suffer such mass shootings so regularly; only in the U.S. do we lose one person every 15 minutes to gun violence." Opinion | How to Reduce Shootings

If you hate America so much, how about a one way ticket?

Right to Venezuela for example... the prices are bottoming.

Pretty much everyone wants to get here so if you move out, that would be great so we could have more space for actual Americans, thank you.
Would any of you be surprised to find out that the NRA's total Congressional lobbying expenditures are less then 0.0016% of these top 50 Congressional lobbyist?
In the top 10 Lobbying client are 4 health industries that spent nearly $100 million to influence Congress..

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2017 | OpenSecrets

So where are these people shouting about NRA being so influential on Congress cause they spend so much money facts?
View attachment 177869

No one talks about how the union lobby enabled incompetent teachers who didn't even spot an obvious shooter.
Why the NRA Always Wins
The reason the NRA gets it was is the same one that obtains success for many an organization: resources spent in pursuit of having its way.
  • $4.23M spent on political candidate campaigns in 2016; $13M in total between 1998 and 2016.
  • $144M in "independent expenditures" (i.e, without involving or collaborating with a given candidate, using resources to advocate for or against issues or candidates)
  • $203M in total spent since 1998.
Of course, the NRA isn't the only organization that spends lots of money. What distinguishes the NRA and other conservative advocacy groups is that they are more effective than are liberal advocacy groups at converting into votes trepidation among the electorate.
Would any of you be surprised to find out that the NRA's total Congressional lobbying expenditures are less then 0.0016% of these top 50 Congressional lobbyist?
In the top 10 Lobbying client are 4 health industries that spent nearly $100 million to influence Congress..

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2017 | OpenSecrets

So where are these people shouting about NRA being so influential on Congress cause they spend so much money facts?
View attachment 177869

“Lobbying “ is Not the only thing the NRA does. Does your number include all the other advertisements and expenditures?
Would any of you be surprised to find out that the NRA's total Congressional lobbying expenditures are less then 0.0016% of these top 50 Congressional lobbyist?
In the top 10 Lobbying client are 4 health industries that spent nearly $100 million to influence Congress..

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2017 | OpenSecrets

So where are these people shouting about NRA being so influential on Congress cause they spend so much money facts?
View attachment 177869

Nice try.

But did you really think we wouldn't figure out the lie.

The NRA "lobbying expenses" are paying the rent and employee (registered lobbyists) salaries. Keeping the lights on and coffee in the break room. Not contributions to candidates.... Not ad buys in media markets, not contributes to PACs, not all the other things they do at the state level to fuck with elections and policy...

Think about it, you're leaving out....Contributions to incumbent campaigns, PACs, ad buys, and funding primaries against incumbents...

NRA OUTSIDE SPENDING 2016: $54,398,558. -- which makes them #9

National Rifle Assn: Summary | OpenSecrets

all-in for the 2016 election they spent $419 million to deliver Trump and GOP loyalist to the WH over Hillary....


But here's the kicker -- this money is NOT FROM MEMBERS. You know, the gun owners.


On the revenue side of the equation, the growth was far more modest, going from just under $343 million in 2015 to $375 million in 2016. That growth had little to do with dues paid by NRA members, which actually dropped by more than $2 million. Rather, most of the growth was fueled by $31 million in non-dues contributions.

As a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, the NRA can receive unlimited contributions from individuals and corporations without disclosing those donors to the public, so there is no full accounting of who contributed to the organization or how much. But gun manufacturers like Smith & Wesson, Beretta and Sturm, Ruger & Co — which profit from the NRA’s message — have publicly announced large donations to the NRA in the past, according to CNN.

These are facts on record.

Nice try on the lie.

But we're smarter than you.
Would any of you be surprised to find out that the NRA's total Congressional lobbying expenditures are less then 0.0016% of these top 50 Congressional lobbyist?
In the top 10 Lobbying client are 4 health industries that spent nearly $100 million to influence Congress..

Lobbying Spending Database - National Rifle Assn, 2017 | OpenSecrets

So where are these people shouting about NRA being so influential on Congress cause they spend so much money facts?
View attachment 177869

It’s what thy call a lie.
Would any of you be surprised to find out that the NRA's total Congressional lobbying expenditures are less then 0.0016% of these top 50 Congressional lobbyist?
No one is surprised when you bring up lobbying when no one is talking about lobbying. The NRA, using Russian money, spent the most money of any group in ELECTING Tramp in 2016.

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