Now we know. It's the Tea Party's fault!!!

Regarding the Tea Party. . . .

  • I mostly support Tea Party goals.

    Votes: 37 75.5%
  • I mostly oppose Tea Party goals.

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
According to Joe Biden, the economy would be fixed if it just hadn't been for that nasty old Tea Party. (Presumably we would also have a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, the millionaires would have been humbled, corporate welfare would be ended, and everybody would be healthy, wealthy, and wise too??????)

Vice President Joe Biden admitted to a group of supporters in New Hampshire this afternoon that the President would have been able help the economy "much, more" if the Tea Party hadn't taken the House.

Biden showed the audience the Obama campaigns chart of job growth during the President's first term in office and accused the Tea Party for stalling the recovery, because of the debt limit fight.
Biden: Tea Party stopped us from growing economy | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Of course we dont want to mention the two years that President Obama had a super majority in the Senate, a healthy majority in the House for his first two years while he ran up trillion dollar plus deficits and passed a healthcare bill that now a large majority of Americans want repealed and the Supreme Court will probably declare unconstitutional. And he didn't do a damn thing to fix the economy.
Oh and we also shouldn't mention President Obama condeming President Bush and the GOP for raising the debt limit in the previous administration.

[ame=]Obama Vote's Against Raising Debt Ceiling in 2006 - YouTube[/ame]

We're coming up on another debt limit fight?

So who do you stand with? The Tea Party who opposes any increase unless spending cuts are real and sigynificant?

Or the Administration who will almost certainly will not wish to tie any spending cuts to a debt limit increase?
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Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.
Now we know. It's the Tea Party's fault!!!

“Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than the Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with the Republican Party’s own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the fucking money!”

[ame=]Tea Party Pioneer Karl Denninger on Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

According to Joe Biden, the economy would be fixed if it just hadn't been for that nasty old Tea Party. (Presumably we would also have a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, the millionaires would have been humbled, corporate welfare would be ended, and everybody would be healthy, wealthy, and wise too??????)

Vice President Joe Biden admitted to a group of supporters in New Hampshire this afternoon that the President would have been able help the economy "much, more" if the Tea Party hadn't taken the House.

Biden showed the audience the Obama campaigns chart of job growth during the President's first term in office and accused the Tea Party for stalling the recovery, because of the debt limit fight.
Biden: Tea Party stopped us from growing economy | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Of course we dont want to mention the two years that President Obama had a super majority in the Senate, a healthy majority in the House for his first two years while he ran up trillion dollar plus deficits and passed a healthcare bill that now a large majority of Americans want repealed and the Supreme Court will probably declare unconstitutional. And he didn't do a damn thing to fix the economy.


Our job growth does drop a few months after the TPers get into the House.
Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.

lol, of course it's EVERYBODY elses fault BUT THEIR OWN..
nothing else has worked for them so far so it's time to drag out the Tea Party made us do it...:lol:
Obama has offered 4.1 TRILLION in cuts and Boehner and Pubs ran for the hills. He also wants to tax (ONLY) the bloated rich. You are totally duped.

Screwing with the Debt Limit only caused a a four month stall in the recovery and a rating cut. BAD GOVERNMENT by brainwashed a-holes.
According to Joe Biden, the economy would be fixed if it just hadn't been for that nasty old Tea Party. (Presumably we would also have a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, the millionaires would have been humbled, corporate welfare would be ended, and everybody would be healthy, wealthy, and wise too??????)

Vice President Joe Biden admitted to a group of supporters in New Hampshire this afternoon that the President would have been able help the economy "much, more" if the Tea Party hadn't taken the House.

Biden showed the audience the Obama campaigns chart of job growth during the President's first term in office and accused the Tea Party for stalling the recovery, because of the debt limit fight.
Biden: Tea Party stopped us from growing economy | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Of course we dont want to mention the two years that President Obama had a super majority in the Senate, a healthy majority in the House for his first two years while he ran up trillion dollar plus deficits and passed a healthcare bill that now a large majority of Americans want repealed and the Supreme Court will probably declare unconstitutional. And he didn't do a damn thing to fix the economy.


Our job growth does drop a few months after the TPers get into the House.

Are you saying the teabaggers are responsible for the jobs coming back?

According to Joe Biden, the economy would be fixed if it just hadn't been for that nasty old Tea Party. (Presumably we would also have a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, the millionaires would have been humbled, corporate welfare would be ended, and everybody would be healthy, wealthy, and wise too??????)

Of course we dont want to mention the two years that President Obama had a super majority in the Senate, a healthy majority in the House for his first two years while he ran up trillion dollar plus deficits and passed a healthcare bill that now a large majority of Americans want repealed and the Supreme Court will probably declare unconstitutional. And he didn't do a damn thing to fix the economy.


Our job growth does drop a few months after the TPers get into the House.

Are you saying the teabaggers are responsible for the jobs coming back?


No. I'm saying there is clearly a drop in the job growth shortly after the TPers took office. I'd have to look at specific legislation and such, but wasn't that the debt ceiling threat? That could have caused the drop.
Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.

lol, of course it's EVERYBODY elses fault BUT THEIR OWN..
nothing else has worked for them so far so it's time to drag out the Tea Party made us do it...:lol:

Everything the Dems were able to do has worked perfectly thanks, while everything the GOP has done has been a disaster for years. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the Depression, and 90% of the debt. Now fuq off, stupid. LOL!

Our job growth does drop a few months after the TPers get into the House.

Are you saying the teabaggers are responsible for the jobs coming back?


No. I'm saying there is clearly a drop in the job growth shortly after the TPers took office. I'd have to look at specific legislation and such, but wasn't that the debt ceiling threat? That could have caused the drop.

It was a combination of that, as well as the fact that they didn't pass legislation on job creation, but rather abortion, DOMA and persecution of gays.
Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.

Wrong, he had over a year.

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in - Washington Times

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in

The Washington Times

Friday, February 5, 2010

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican Scott Brown took over the seat of the late Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy on Thursday, vowing to be an independent voice in a bitterly divided Senate.

Brown was sworn-in by Vice President Joe Biden Thursday at a Capitol Hill ceremony a week earlier than he originally planned, and just in time to plunge into a partisan fight over President Barack Obama's choice of a union attorney for a top labor job.

Brown's arrival in the Senate ends the Democrats' supermajority and gives the GOP 41 votes they can use to block President Barack Obama's agenda...

It was after this that Obama rammed through the health care 'reform'. Scott Brown isn't a wingnut, nor are more Republican Senators than Democrats. Same in the House, you'll find more Republicans ready to compromise than Democrats.
Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.

Wrong, he had over a year.

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in - Washington Times

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in

The Washington Times

Friday, February 5, 2010

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican Scott Brown took over the seat of the late Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy on Thursday, vowing to be an independent voice in a bitterly divided Senate.

Brown was sworn-in by Vice President Joe Biden Thursday at a Capitol Hill ceremony a week earlier than he originally planned, and just in time to plunge into a partisan fight over President Barack Obama's choice of a union attorney for a top labor job.

Brown's arrival in the Senate ends the Democrats' supermajority and gives the GOP 41 votes they can use to block President Barack Obama's agenda...

It was after this that Obama rammed through the health care 'reform'. Scott Brown isn't a wingnut, nor are more Republican Senators than Democrats. Same in the House, you'll find more Republicans ready to compromise than Democrats.

Wow. I would have thought the Washington Times would fact check articles better.
Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.

Wrong, he had over a year.

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in - Washington Times

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in

The Washington Times

Friday, February 5, 2010

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican Scott Brown took over the seat of the late Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy on Thursday, vowing to be an independent voice in a bitterly divided Senate.

Brown was sworn-in by Vice President Joe Biden Thursday at a Capitol Hill ceremony a week earlier than he originally planned, and just in time to plunge into a partisan fight over President Barack Obama's choice of a union attorney for a top labor job.

Brown's arrival in the Senate ends the Democrats' supermajority and gives the GOP 41 votes they can use to block President Barack Obama's agenda...

It was after this that Obama rammed through the health care 'reform'. Scott Brown isn't a wingnut, nor are more Republican Senators than Democrats. Same in the House, you'll find more Republicans ready to compromise than Democrats.

Wow. I would have thought the Washington Times would fact check articles better.

Your quibble? You didn't mention one.
Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.

Wrong, he had over a year.

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in - Washington Times

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in

The Washington Times

Friday, February 5, 2010

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican Scott Brown took over the seat of the late Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy on Thursday, vowing to be an independent voice in a bitterly divided Senate.

Brown was sworn-in by Vice President Joe Biden Thursday at a Capitol Hill ceremony a week earlier than he originally planned, and just in time to plunge into a partisan fight over President Barack Obama's choice of a union attorney for a top labor job.

Brown's arrival in the Senate ends the Democrats' supermajority and gives the GOP 41 votes they can use to block President Barack Obama's agenda...

It was after this that Obama rammed through the health care 'reform'. Scott Brown isn't a wingnut, nor are more Republican Senators than Democrats. Same in the House, you'll find more Republicans ready to compromise than Democrats.

How many, more??????


Wrong, he had over a year.

Democrats lose supermajority as Brown sworn in - Washington Times

It was after this that Obama rammed through the health care 'reform'. Scott Brown isn't a wingnut, nor are more Republican Senators than Democrats. Same in the House, you'll find more Republicans ready to compromise than Democrats.

Wow. I would have thought the Washington Times would fact check articles better.

Your quibble? You didn't mention one.

Got ahead of myself there. The Times article is correct. They don't mention a one-year super majority. You did. You were the one wrong.
Of course we dont want to mention the two years that President Obama had a super majority in the Senate, a healthy majority in the House for his first two years....

....And, you pretty-conveniently forget how the Teabaggers' No. 1 Priority was.....

....As in......​

"Yes. And I love gridlock. Gridlock is the peoples freind. Think of it this way. After the founders created this nation, how many important laws do you think they missed after say the first 20-30 years? now imagine some of our best minds continueing to meet every year for another 200 years with the sole purpose of trying to make sure our government was just right in terms of outlawing just what was needed and nothing more. Do you really think after 225 years we would still need 100's of laws made every year? I doubt it. After the initial decade or two I think they would have most worked out. As new technology comes out, and as the world changes somewhat, sure there might be a few new laws to work out every year. But generally they are not even that urgent. If they end up debating them for a couple years, they are more likely to come to the right decision. Gridlock prevents too many laws from being passed and also prevents them from being passed quickly and without debate."

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