Now this is funny! "Obama created more jobs in 2010 than Bush did in 8 years!"


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Mark Shields on Friday demonstrated just how far a liberal media member is willing to go to support President Obama and the Democrat Party.

MARK SHIELDS: I think the President's task right now is compared to the situation the nation is comparable to a subway train that has stopped suddenly between two scheduled stops and the lights go out. And what the American people are looking for just as the passengers on that train are looking for is a voice that comes on and says, "This is what happened, this is what's being done about it, and this when we are going to get out." And, I mean, just the simple fact that more jobs in the private sector have been created in this year, 2010, this terrible year, then were created in the eight years of George W. Bush's administration is something to think about and to mention

Mark Shields: Obama Created More Jobs In 2010 Than Bush Did In Eight Years |

Now this is just hilarious! Does anyone believe that one?

It's like a Wall Street Tycoon boasting he made three million dollars, while forgetting to mention he LOST over 100 million in that same year!

The loss kind of REALLY CANCELS OUT the money made.

Same here. Who cares how many jobs Obama "created" when he lost so many more!

Maybe Bush didn't need to "create" so many jobs, because the marketplace was functioning well enough WITHOUT HIM.


Liberals can't conceive of such an idea. You mean jobs might not NEED our constant interference???????? :eek::eek:

So, yeah, maybe Bush didn't "create" so many jobs. But given the low unemployment under Bush as compared to Obama, is THAT REALLY THE POINT?

Why don't we compare HOW MANY JOBS LOST under Obama to how many lost under Bush?

That's where the real story is told. ;)

"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?
"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

The private sector creates its own jobs. Neither Bush nor Obama can claim any of them as their creation.

But I agree....anyone who buys this line of crap knows absolutely nothing about economics.
"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

The private sector creates its own jobs. Neither Bush nor Obama can claim any of them as their creation.

But I agree....anyone who buys this line of crap knows absolutely nothing about economics.
I certainly agree with you, however I believe the rational is that the President creates a situation that fosters job growth or job decline via his/her administrative policies.
"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

Thank you for proving liberals just don't get it!


Yet another RepubliCON that CANNOT answer a simple DIRECT question.

Nothing new.


"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

The private sector creates its own jobs. Neither Bush nor Obama can claim any of them as their creation.

But I agree....anyone who buys this line of crap knows absolutely nothing about economics.

Which means you DIDN'T READ THE OP!

That's the point. Presidents can't "create" jobs.

All they can do is GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR and allow them to create jobs.

So, Obama touting "creating" jobs is a joke!

Maybe Obama did "create" more jobs (in government!), but is that really the point???????


Bush simple got out of the way and let the private sector, the marketplace do it's job.

So, touting "creating" jobs in almost 10% unemployment? That's a sick joke where you don't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

The private sector creates its own jobs. Neither Bush nor Obama can claim any of them as their creation.

But I agree....anyone who buys this line of crap knows absolutely nothing about economics.
I certainly agree with you, however I believe the rational is that the President creates a situation that fosters job growth or job decline via his/her administrative policies.

The "rationale" is proposed, and can only be accepted, by those who have no understanding of economics. It is a fallacy.
"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

Thank you for proving liberals just don't get it!


Yet another RepubliCON that CANNOT answer a simple DIRECT question.

Nothing new.



Another liberal who is is COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to the OBVIOUS.

REREAD the op. Then MAYBE, JUST MAYBE you will get it.

But, I seriously have my doubts!

You know what is Pathetic. is when the Democrats and their PROPAGANDA comrades in arms have NOTHING LEFT but spin, distortions, and just outright LIES.

get a clue folks. vote vote vote starting in November.
Bush "got out the way and let the private sector do its job" and look what was the result of it.

Near, to the very edge of total and utter financial COLLAPSE!!


"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

The private sector creates its own jobs. Neither Bush nor Obama can claim any of them as their creation.

But I agree....anyone who buys this line of crap knows absolutely nothing about economics.
I certainly agree with you, however I believe the rational is that the President creates a situation that fosters job growth or job decline via his/her administrative policies.

Which means, whether you know it or not, or like it or not, you just strayed into a truth.

Bush created a situation that fostered job growth.

And Obama??????????

Hasn't done so well has he? So, touting jobs he "created" is HUGELY beside the point.

Thanks for proving me right again!

I expect next he will accuse me or racism again. That's what the tool does when he loses.

Declaring that the government plays no role in economic outcomes of private sector employment is a fairly good example of a Reductio ad absurdum agrumentative technique.

If the first place the government creates jobs outright when it hires people either directly or indirectly to implement policies

In the second place, it's trade, tax, and other fiscal policies encourage or discourage private sector job growth, as well.

Our continue adherence, for example, to FREE TRADE has probably cost the USA 30,000,000 private sector jobs in the last generation or so.

AFAIC, both parties have been about the business of discouraging job growth in the USA for the last 40 years.
Getting out of the way and creating the a situation are two OPPOSITE and CONTRARY things Einstein.

Which one did Bush do?

Don't bother to answer, I prefer not to see any more of your already did...he "got out the way."

Which means the OAF did NOTHING but stand to the side and look STEWPITT!!

Hence the economy finally nearly COLLAPSED and competent people had to figure out a way to avoid that from happening.
Bush "got out the way and let the private sector do its job" and look what was the result of it.

Near, to the very edge of total and utter financial COLLAPSE!!


What??????????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Shall we stroll down memory lane. You seem to have short term memory loss!

2001 4.76
2002 5.76
2003 5.99
2004 5.33
2005 5.08
2006 4.63
2007 4.61
2008 5.76
2009 9.26

The United States Unemployment Rate By Year

And this is your idea of economic failure????????????

Honey, we see the economic failure and IT'S UNDER OBAMA!

Declaring that the government plays no role in economic outcomes of private sector employment is a fairly good example of a Reductio ad absurdum agrumentative technique.

If the first place the government creates jobs outright when it hires people either directly or indirectly to implement policies

In the second place, it's trade, tax, and other fiscal policies encourage or discourage private sector job growth, as well.

Our continue adherence, for example, to FREE TRADE has probably cost the USA 30,000,000 private sector jobs in the last generation or so.

AFAIC, both parties have been about the business of discouraging job growth in the USA for the last 40 years.

Free trade has cost jobs???????????

Then explain why unemployment was so low under Clinton and Bush IN SPITE OF NAFTA???????

Getting out of the way and creating the a situation are two OPPOSITE and CONTRARY things Einstein.

Which one did Bush do?

Don't bother to answer, I prefer not to see any more of your already did...he "got out the way."

Which means the OAF did NOTHING but stand to the side and look STEWPITT!!

Hence the economy finally nearly COLLAPSED and competent people had to figure out a way to avoid that from happening.

While I join you in heaping contempt of the Bush II legacy, I have to tell you that both parties were largely responsible for the meltdown, Marc.

The events leading up that meltdown were long in coming.

Bush II just happened to be in office when we went over that event horizon.
Getting out of the way and creating the a situation are two OPPOSITE and CONTRARY things Einstein.

Which one did Bush do?

Don't bother to answer, I prefer not to see any more of your already did...he "got out the way."

Which means the OAF did NOTHING but stand to the side and look STEWPITT!!

Hence the economy finally nearly COLLAPSED and competent people had to figure out a way to avoid that from happening.

See, I told you!

The concept of allowing the market place to flourish and create jobs is just anathma to liberals. They can't wrap their minds around it.

But Bush got out of the way and you see the results. Obama has interfered it every way imaginable and plans to double down on that next year with tax increases and WE SEE THE RESULTS.

You can spew and sputter about lies, but the REAL UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS don't fit your fiction or your sputtering.

Lets look at the numbers...

How many jobs did Bush create? Slightly over 1 million over eight years

What happened to the unemployment rate under Bush? It nearly doubled

How about GDP, how did that do? it was negative in five of the last six quarters

Stock Market, how was that? Over eight years it lost 2000 points

Why would we want to return to these Republican policies? Beats the hell out of me
Getting out of the way and creating the a situation are two OPPOSITE and CONTRARY things Einstein.

Which one did Bush do?

Don't bother to answer, I prefer not to see any more of your already did...he "got out the way."

Which means the OAF did NOTHING but stand to the side and look STEWPITT!!

Hence the economy finally nearly COLLAPSED and competent people had to figure out a way to avoid that from happening.

While I join you in heaping contempt of the Bush II legacy, I have to tell you that both parties were largely responsible for the meltdown, Marc.

The events leading up that meltdown were long in coming.

Bush II just happened to be in office when we went over that event horizon.

Now there is something we both agree on.

In fact the housing meltdown that led to the first big blow to the economy began under Carter with the Democrat's bright idea of the sub prime mortgage. Clinton doubled down on that.

To his credit Bush DID try to head that off by reforming Fanny and Freddie. It was Barney Frank and Chris Dodd that headed that off.

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