Now They're Everywhere! (WMDs/Bush Stimulus I)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Fast approaching 9/11--with Washington, D. C. on vacation as is usual--calls to mind the original $800.0 bil. stimulus package of the new 21st Century in America!

Actually, there were none(?) There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq after all.

No one even dares to ask, "What was all the money for?" much less "Where did all the money go!"

In the world of Comparisons and Contrasts, the Republicans created the Stimulus I, post-9/11, in their way. The Democrats are creating the Stimulus, post "The Bernanke Blitz," in the their way.

Anyone notices that serious "preservatives" are involved in America, even now.

It's just that they are different, somehow(?). Now it's Afghanistan, now buried under the general Town Hall Meeting concept, "Health Care Reform!"

There is likely more stimulus in the U. S. involvement in Afghanistan, anyone guesses, than there was in the actual jobs-creating stimulus that arose for three weeks, in "Cars For Clunkers!'

No one seems to recall that the "Terrorists" of "9/11" are actually dead, (and atomized, and apparently "everywhere" after all!)

Even the Nazis had enough sense to simply apply the Gun Registraton laws as selectively as the popular fashions of the time would allow.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(There are actual Intelligence Organizations, anyone notices, and then there is the way in which The Colonies do it!)
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem Mooslamics is tryin' to blow us up...
'A weapon of mass destruction was found in the U.S.': Shock confession of Customs officer
14th February 2011 - A port official has admitted that a 'weapon of mass effect' has been found by 'partner agencies' in the U.S., raising major questions over a possible government cover-up.
The disturbing revelation came in an interview with San Diego's assistant port director screened by a television channel in the city. The Customs and Border Protection Department tried to dampen speculation over his remarks, but doubts remained over whether he had inadvertently revealed a dirty bomb plot to attack the U.S. mainland.

Concern over a secret WMD bust came after U.S. cables made public by the Wikileaks whistleblower website revealed terror groups were plotting a 'nuclear 911.' In the interview screened by San Diego’s 10News, Al Hallor, assistant San Diego port director, said ‘weapons of mass effect’ had been found, although he did not specify exactly where or what they were.

Reporter Mitch Blacher asked Mr Hallor: ‘Do you ever find things that are dangerous like a chemical agent or a weaponised device?’ ‘At the airport, seaport, at our port of entry we have not this past fiscal year, but our partner agencies have found those things,’ the customs official replied.


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