Now Obama blames Google!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Now the Obama Aministration wants to blame Google for allowing the anti Muslim video to go on the internet for the attacks on the embassies although Libya states it was definitely a premeditated planned attack!

They blamed Gallup for poor poll results!

They blamed Bush for everything short of stopped up toilets!

Who is he going to blame for the third credit downgrade?

Who is he going to blame for Solyndra?

Who is he going to blame for all of unrest all over the Middle East and Northen Africa?

There were no protests before the attack on the Libya attack.

Sudan has said the Marines are not welcome to come to protect the embassy there and there is no comment from the State Department. Why? It is our soil!

Per Fox news
Google has blocked access of the video to Indonesia, Libya and Egypt (and another country) due to their laws but would not acquiesce to the president. It defended out freedoms.

The Papa Obama aplogists are hard at work to cover
for the failures of Papa Obama's Arab spring

Ambassador dies...
Papa Obama goes to Vegas to raise cash

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