Now, a guy tries to bong rip a Carolina reaper, and things don't go so well.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

At first I thought his immediate reaction was fake. I think he started speaking in tongues.

youtubers make money on hits..kinda like furby and screens.....did you not hear about the idiot who had his g/f fire the desert eagle at him...he is dead and she is charged with murder....
Are you f*cking kidding me?!?! Of course, you are not. I just watched that moron inhale vaporized capsaicin directly into his lungs!

Why is his a moron? Because, by his own words, he didn't know what would happen were he to smoke habanero pepper, yet he did it anyway (!), yet there was apparently nothing obliging him to do so other than his own obstinance for doing so. Moreover, he attested to having done a lot of stupid things on the Internet, yet he's not concluded that if he's doing something for the purpose of putting it on the Internet, insofar as he's the performing the act, it is quite likely a stupid act to perform. Only mentally disabled people lack the ability to figure out such things and, in turn, not perform the acts.
i am going for fake..anyone who does hot stuff knows ...fuck want milk
He inhaled capsaicin into his lungs, not he esophagus. Neither water nor milk were going to ameliorate what he was feeling. Moreover, were he to have used either to abate the burning sensation he was feeling in his lungs, he may well have become one of the very few people who drowned while not in a body of water.
Youtube is filled with these guys. Ted Barrus, is making a name for himself by doing this type of stuff.

A lot of it is pretty funny. Basically, Jackass type of stuff.

Him eating Chinese candy balls.

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