Not all good or bad


Jul 14, 2009
Californians will welcome 725 new laws on Jan. 1. Here's a glance at some of the laws taking effect when you ring in the new year:

AB 119 prevents insurance companies from charging different rates for men and women for identical coverage.
SB 782 prevents landlords from evicting tenants who are victims of domestic or sexual abuse or stalking.
AB 1844—informally known as Chelsea's Law and authored by local Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher—will increase penalties, parole provisions and oversight of sex offenders, including a "one-strike, life-without-parole penalty" for some. 
AB 1871 allows people to lease out their cars when they are not being used—alleviating the need to purchase additional insurance.
AB 537 will make food stamps an acceptable form of payment at farmers markets through an EBT process.

There Oughta Be a Law: Californians Getting 725 New Ones in 2011 - La Mesa, CA Patch

Kiss your 100-watt lightbulb goodbye

By Tracy Seipel
[email protected]
Posted: 01/01/2011 06:16:27 PM PST
Updated: 01/01/2011 10:02:47 PM PST

Californians can start saying goodbye to traditional 100-watt incandescent light bulbs now that the state has become the first in the country to require a new standard for the screw-base bulbs.
Experts say the new rules, which took effect New Year's Day, will save residents money and energy. California is already the nation's leader in energy-efficiency standards.
As of Saturday, what used to be a 100-watt light bulb manufactured and sold in California will have to use 72 watts or less. The 72-watt replacement bulb, also called an energy-saving halogen light, will provide the same amount of light, called lumens, for lower energy cost.
Similar new standards for traditional 75-watt, 60-watt and 40-watt incandescent bulbs will go into effect in California over the next few years, with wattages reduced to 53, 43 and 29 respectively.
The new rule does not ban incandescent light bulbs; it just requires those bulbs to be 25 to 30 percent more efficient. And it only affects incandescent light bulbs manufactured in 2011 or later, not those already in use or on store shelves.
The new lights are comparably priced to the regular incandescent lights. A two-bulb package of 100-watt incandescent bulbs is about $4.32 at Lowe's, while a four-bulb package of new 72-watt halogen bulbs is $8.66, or $4.33 for two. By contrast, a two-bulb package of energy-saving compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) is $11.28.
"The 72-watt bulb is improving

Kiss your 100-watt lightbulb goodbye - San Jose Mercury News
Are you kidding? Who is going to compensate landlords who can barely make ends meet when a dead-beat tenant says he/she is a victim of stalking?
I like the ones you highlighted...great laws for the people.
I wish the law codes weren't so freaking huge. If the law were simple, there would be no need (or at least, much less need) for lawyers.
Humanity, The Human Experience and Humans are not simple, therefore how can a sensible person truly expect laws to be "simple?"
Well... point taken. But I've heard that the ancient Greeks made it illegal to represent anyone in court for a fee; you could still be a lawyer, but you had to maintain the fiction that you were representing a friend. That fiction prevents a lawyer from getting steady business as such, and removes the entire class of lawgiver-priests from a society. Do you think Athenian law codes were as complicated as ours are?
I like the ones you highlighted...great laws for the people.
How so? The only laws I'd prefer to follow are the laws of nature, however when you're born under any nation or government, you're screwed out of half of it. Some folks are screwed more than others, however you're still screwed.

Humanity, The Human Experience and Humans are not simple, therefore how can a sensible person truly expect laws to be "simple?"
That's because after years of civilization's reign, humans over-complexified their own existence and look where that has got us? We're knee deep in a cesspool of overpopulation, pollution, mass produced poverty, a hierarchical structure which egregiously favors corruption/murder/thievery/avarice/lies/gluttony, and globalism. The first and last, wading in the cesspool, have considerably sped up the destruction of our the world as we know it.

Earth was created with an ecological balance in mind and humans sure have fucked that up, haven't they? Even after the advent of agriculture and civilization, there was a chance to make something spectacular from our ability to build, teach, and learn, but what did we do with that skill and intellect? What was the culmination of civilization's achievements? The mass production of people, machines, and consumerism.

The hell with this noise. I'm ready to hitchhike the galaxy. Perhaps to a planet that isn't as bereft of spirituality and actually has the ability to socially evolve. Though maybe it's impossible for us to do so. Maybe we're chained to our DNA to remain slovenly brutes. Ones with shiny trinkets, technology and consciousness but slovenly brutes nonetheless.
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Just more rapid progress towards becoming a full-fledged Police State. The Socialists/Progressives are taking us there with blinding speed. People are just so willing to give all their Freedom & Liberty away. I don't understand it. How many more new Laws do we really need? When are people gonna wake up? Less Government is the answer,not more. A Police State is coming. It's no longer an exaggeration to state this. It's very sad.
Well.. I of course agree with harsher penalties for criminals.... and I do agree that if we are going to have entitlement programs such as food stamps (though I fucking HATE entitlements) that they should be able to be used in any kind of food market... but the others selective posted in the beginning of this thread are all bullshit and unnecessary

And as for the lightbulb nazis... they can go fuck themselves....

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