Not a smart thing to do with unemployment at 10%. Not smart when unemployment is 4%

Sep 12, 2008
Some guy felt his job was boring.

Now he is probably spending all his time playing Wizards of Warcraft.
Granny says, "Dat's right - done caught the gov't. in another lie...
Unemployment Actually 10.2 Percent, 1 in 5 Workers Can’t Find Full-Time Job, Says Gallup
Thursday, March 17, 2011 - One out of five American workers who wants a full-time job cannot find one, according to a Gallup survey released today.
This news comes 25 months after President Barack Obama signed a stimulus law designed to keep the U.S. unemployment rate under 8 percent. Gallup derives what it calls the “underemployment” rate by combining the percentage of unemployed workers with the percentage of workers who are employed only part-time but want a full-time job.

As of mid-March, Gallup reported in its new survey, 10.2 percent of American workers were unemployed and 9.7 percent were working part-time but wanted a full-time job. That equals an underemployment rate of 19.9 percent—or approximately one out of every five workers.

According to Gallup, the employment picture in the United States is virtually unchanged from a year ago. In mid-March 2010, 10.3 percent of American workers were unemployed and 9.7 percent were working part-time but wanted a full-time job--yielding an underemployment rate of 20.0 percent. That compares to today’s 19.9 percent underemployment rate.

industry standard

Woot® : One Day, One Deal


The Groupon Guide to: Choosing Your Own Adventure

Thanks to electronic readers and the recent discovery of free will, traditional fiction is increasingly giving way to futuristic hyperfiction that places you in the driver's seat of a book. Uninitiated readers can start activating their adventure synapses with this excerpt from the popular You Live It! series of interactive novels, Escape From Smugglers' Cove.

Page 26: Blind Darby and his assistant with a hook for a hand carry a bag of loot into their smugglers' shack. Your grandfather always warned you not to follow smugglers.

If you follow the smugglers into their shack, turn to page 32.
If you hop onto your motorbike to go find Chief McCullough, turn to page 17.
If you place the old amulet into the swamp in order to raise Swampman to wreak his muddy vengeance on the smugglers, turn to page 9.
Page 32: You deftly creep into the foyer of the candlelit crime shack. The smugglers seem to be gone, but they have left the computer on. You play around on Facebook for a while.

Page 17: You hightail it down the gravel road before realizing that Chief McCullough is on vacation. You pull over and play around on your phone for a while.
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