North polar ice cap at record low


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
After a period of rapid ice loss through the first half of June, sea ice extent is now slightly below 2010 levels, the previous record low at this time of year. Sea level pressure patterns have been favorable for the retreat of sea ice for much of the past month.

On June 18, the five-day average sea ice extent was 10.62 million square kilometers (4.10 million square miles). This was 31,000 square kilometers (12,000 square miles) below the same day in 2010, the record low for the day and 824,000 square kilometers (318,000 square miles) below the same day in 2007, the year of record low September extent.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Climate change deniers have pretty much lost completely.
When I saw the blue line dip below the trend line for 2 weeks in June, I knew it was a certainty that Global Warming would cause massive earthquakes under the Arctic Sea causing forest fires in Siberia

Snow melts -- in summer? How? When did that ever happen?
Snow melts in summer!

Holy fucking moly!

You lost, Frank.

Just admit it and move on.

He has won massively over your fully brainwashed ignorance on display style of posting.

Getting BACK to one of CF's points:


Please tell us what MAN CAUSED GLOBAL materials caused the Laurentide Ice Sheet and the Cordilleran Ice Sheet to withdraw.

Was it a LOT of shoveling?

Was it campfires?

Was it all those SUV's?

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Liability -

Just because human acitivity can influence the climate does not mean it is the only thing which can influence the climate.

Jesus wept....
Liability -

Just because human acitivity can influence the climate does not mean it is the only thing which can influence the climate.

Jesus wept....


You fucking tool, that's the point!

Now try to follow the logic, dip stick.

Jesus isn't weeping, you idiot. He's laughing AT you.

Let's spell it out for you and your fellow drooling imbeciles:

When global climate change is happening (again), the fact that we humans are now here doing some of that "industry" stuff does NOT mean that we or our activities are causing said climate change anymore THIS time than we could have the LAST time.

Get an adult to help you with this, because it will be on the test, you simpleton.
Liability -

You aren't terribly good at science, are you?

If the world experiences a sudden rise in global temperatures at the same time as an intense season of solar acitivity, it may be the solar acitivity that causes it.

When the world experiences a sudden ruse in global temperatures with no correlating pattern of solar activity - it is probably something else.
Liability -

You aren't terribly good at science, are you?

If the world experiences a sudden rise in global temperatures at the same time as an intense season of solar acitivity, it may be the solar acitivity that causes it.

When the world experiences a sudden ruse in global temperatures with no correlating pattern of solar activity - it is probably something else.


It appears that I am far better at science and logic than you are.

IF something has happened in the past BEFORE humanity COULD have caused it (because we were basically a bunch of cavemen at the time), then if it happens AGAIN today, that doesn't mean that WE ARE the cause this time (either).

If YOU (in your ponderous and unclear manner) are trying to grunt out that we COULD be the cause, this time, ok. Maybe. But the thing is, then, it's up to you to demonstrate it.

And if you are attempting to claim (implicitly or otherwise) that science "knows" that it was solar radiation that caused the ice melts associated with past glaciation, then back up your shit. Because you are full of shit.
Liability -

You aren't terribly good at science, are you?

If the world experiences a sudden rise in global temperatures at the same time as an intense season of solar acitivity, it may be the solar acitivity that causes it.

When the world experiences a sudden ruse in global temperatures with no correlating pattern of solar activity - it is probably something else.

When the "sudden rise" comes from you Warmers fudging the data, we tend to get extremely skeptical.

How do you possibly have an "Average temperature" for Earth to a tenth of a degree?

Whats the average temperature for Jupiter or Mars?

Mars: "Mean Temperature at Solid Surface 186 to 268 K"
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Snow melts in summer!

Holy fucking moly!

You lost, Frank.

Just admit it and move on.

He has won massively over your fully brainwashed ignorance on display style of posting.

Getting BACK to one of CF's points:


Please tell us what MAN CAUSED GLOBAL materials caused the Laurentide Ice Sheet and the Cordilleran Ice Sheet to withdraw.

Was it a LOT of shoveling?

Was it campfires?

Was it all those SUV's?


Caribou flatulence of course !

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