Non Cliquity Clack Club


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

Don't belong to any particular clique?

Don't belong to any particular group?

Don't belong to any particular political leanings? (but if you do, you can still coexist with folks regardless)

Tired of being labeled if you like the Swings or the Slides and must choose one or the other?

Tired of being told where you can post and where you can't otherwise you will be a traitor or hurt someone's feelers?

Then THIS is the thread for you!!

Have fun, visit, chitchat, joke, laugh, and enjoy USMB at it's finest without the Drama Club dictating what you can and cannot do! This is the Free Zone of all cliquity clack approved hogwash!

Now...whether this thread takes off or not is up to those who populate it. Or not. I am the OP, but I don't "own" it. USMB does. Feel free to do what you want as long as you remember this is in the NO FIGHTING on who is Queen or King, who started what threads or when or where. Just....enjoy. Simple, eh?

And with that ya go. The NCCT club. No entry fees. No hidden agendas. No ruler. :lol:
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Hi, Gracie. How was you day? I just popped in at Cheers to say hello to the sole and proprietary member of the "Electoral Statisticians who get their %s memorized" Clique." :)
Hiya pacer and stat! Yep. Youse guys can post here. Why ask me anyway? Ain't my club to rule. It's USMB's, since they host it, moderate it, keep it cleaned up. I just ran with CK' ever-so-perfect phrase he used cuz it struck a cord with me.

Do as you will in here. You can play on the slide OR the swings OR both!!! Won't that be fun!! :) is my day? Well....ok I guess. I slept in my bed for the first time in a month and I woke up in agony with my back. I can nap on it during the day for an hour or two, but sleep for 7 to 8 hours?

So..tonight...back to the recliner! :)
I never sleep in my bedroom. I do all my living in the living/dining room area and I sleep on the couch by the t.v.
I never sleep in my bedroom. I do all my living in the living/dining room area and I sleep on the couch by the t.v.

My bedroom IS my living room, dining room, tv room, pc room. I share the house with roomies, so I made my space MY space. :lol:
BRRRRRRRRR! Today is FREEZING to me! Overcast, cold, got my heater on. What's happenin' in youse guys neck o' the woods?

Dayum. I wanted to plant some green onions today, too. Shiver shiver.
I take melatonin every night and I have humdingers of dreams. But none are ever political. 99% of them are me trying to "get home". Wherever home is. A lot are quite unpleasant...this attempting to get home. Sometimes I wake up crying. Sometimes I wake up with my heart racing. I MUST get home. I just don't know where home is.

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