Nobody Loves Bill


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Who’s right and who’s wrong?

That’s simple! We on the Right have always been correct in our warning to you Leftists.

1.We told you how flawed and wrong-headed your welfare policy is, and, after $22 trillion wasted, you’re right where you began.

2. We warned you about selecting your candidate based on melanin, and you gave us eight wasted, failed, and damaging years.

3. We told you what curs the Clintons were, and you saddled the nation with a rapist as President, and a career criminal who has embroiled the nation in the Mueller Fiasco.

Quite a record of incompetence for the Left.

But...... at least one of your failures is admitted by the Liberal establishment….

4. “Dems Finally Fall Out of Love with Bill Clinton

5. It took 20 years, but the Democrats have finally caught up with the rest of us. They now see what's been right in front of their noses all along: Bill Clinton is a disgusting parasite who should be kept as far away as possible from the levers of power.”
Dems Finally Fall Out of Love with Bill Clinton

Yet, for the reliable Democrat voter, the abysmal record of their side…..eludes them.

…well, maybe up until the 2016 election.
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How very many times I’ve posted ‘Bill the rapist Clinton’ and the drooling Democrat shills came back with ….’oh, yeah….what court convicted him???????’

Not anymore, it seems.

6. “ Slick Willie used to be their dreamboat, but now nobody wants him to be their Valentine anymore. Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico:

In a year when the party is deploying all their other big guns and trying to appeal to precisely the kind of voters [Bill] Clinton has consistently won over, an array of Democrats told POLITICO they’re keeping him on the bench. They don’t want to be seen anywhere near a man with a history of harassment allegations, as guilty as their party loyalty to him makes them feel about it...

After booting Sen. Al Franken precisely because they wanted to draw a clear contrast with Trump, Democrats across the party's ideological and geographical spectrum acknowledged the political trouble that any appearance with Clinton would cause.”
Dems Finally Fall Out of Love with Bill Clinton

Can the Democrats be getting ready to admit the huuuuuuuuge mistake they made in propping up the back-stabbing cryto-Islamist snake??????

That would be making real progress for Progressives.
How very many times I’ve posted ‘Bill the rapist Clinton’ and the drooling Democrat shills came back with ….’oh, yeah….what court convicted him???????’

Not anymore, it seems.

6. “ Slick Willie used to be their dreamboat, but now nobody wants him to be their Valentine anymore. Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico:

In a year when the party is deploying all their other big guns and trying to appeal to precisely the kind of voters [Bill] Clinton has consistently won over, an array of Democrats told POLITICO they’re keeping him on the bench. They don’t want to be seen anywhere near a man with a history of harassment allegations, as guilty as their party loyalty to him makes them feel about it...

After booting Sen. Al Franken precisely because they wanted to draw a clear contrast with Trump, Democrats across the party's ideological and geographical spectrum acknowledged the political trouble that any appearance with Clinton would cause.”
Dems Finally Fall Out of Love with Bill Clinton

Can the Democrats be getting ready to admit the huuuuuuuuge mistake they made in propping up the back-stabbing cryto-Islamist snake??????

That would be making real progress for Progressives.

Back in the day, some feminists claimed they'd give Willy a BJ if that's what kept him in office. I don't recall any saying they'd let him rape them while he bit their lip to keep them from struggling.
Your source (PJ Media LoL) aside, agree that Dems need to keep both Bill AND Hill on the sidelines henceforth.

He's losing not only favorability, but his voice and his mind are beginning to fade.
7. “It only took a couple of decades and a sudden cultural shift for Bill Clinton to become political poison. Better late than never, right?

It's not as if anything about ol' Bill has changed. He's still the same Bubba he always was. He's still the guy who stood up in front of the whole world and said this:

And until very recently, if you wanted to remain a Democrat in good standing, you had to make excuses for him. In the timeless words of pseudo-journalist Nina Burleigh, you had to put on your "presidential kneepads." You had to pretend it was just a blowjob, and it was nobody's business but Bill and Hillary's, and everybody lies about sex, and Juanita Broaddrick was probably just crazy, and it didn't matter anyway because the Republicans were just as bad. You had to pretend that the woman who stood by her man all those years, who helped him ruin the lives of his accusers, should be the next POTUS.” Dems Finally Fall Out of Love with Bill Clinton

Just as their predecessors, the Bolsheviks, maintained: morality is what he party says it is. Just one of the pillars of communism that the Democrat Party stands for.

But, as the first Republican President noted…. "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
8. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Then we learned that Democrat apparatchiks like this were paying women to make up tales...
"Lisa Bloom tried to put cash in Trump accusers’ pockets"
Bloom also arranged for a donor to make a larger contribution — less than $30,000 — to help Harth pay off the mortgage on her Queens apartment, the website reported.

Another woman, who was not identified at one point demanded $2 million to tell her story.

"REPORT: Feminist Lawyer Promised Cash To Trump Sexual Harassment Accusers " REPORT: Feminist Lawyer Promised Cash To Trump Sexual Harassment Accusers

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

Almost sadly, there will not be the flood of Democrat dolts defending the indefensible, as far as Bill Clinton….

….I really did enjoy trashing them….

….but there will still be morons slithering up to support Hussein Obama or Ted Kennedy….or the Iran deal….

…so, still plenty of targets.
9. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?
Democrat former President is a rapist.

unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim. 2. statutory rape. 3.
Rapist | Define Rapist at

Bill Clinton
Weight 216-236, height 6’2”

Now...after decades of denial.....admitted by:

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient." is this going to effect the whirlwind that the Clintons authored.....the Mueller Investigation?

Wadda ya' think?
3. We told you what curs the Clintons were, and you saddled the nation with a rapist as President, .

You saddled America with the current rapist president.

consensual sex is not rape, moron.

Clinton was accused of rape. Trump was accused of rape.

big difference, Trump's accusers were paid to accuse him. Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary.
3. We told you what curs the Clintons were, and you saddled the nation with a rapist as President, .

You saddled America with the current rapist president.

consensual sex is not rape, moron.

Clinton was accused of rape. Trump was accused of rape.

Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary.
big difference, Trump's accusers were paid to accuse him.

"Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary."

Yes, indeed!

I recommend this book....

3. We told you what curs the Clintons were, and you saddled the nation with a rapist as President, .

You saddled America with the current rapist president.

consensual sex is not rape, moron.

Clinton was accused of rape. Trump was accused of rape.

big difference, Trump's accusers were paid to accuse him. Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary.

You're mentally retarded. That's the difference.

Do you believe that innocent until proven guilty should only apply to Republicans?
3. We told you what curs the Clintons were, and you saddled the nation with a rapist as President, .

You saddled America with the current rapist president.

consensual sex is not rape, moron.

Clinton was accused of rape. Trump was accused of rape.

Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary.
big difference, Trump's accusers were paid to accuse him.

"Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary."

Yes, indeed!

I recommend this book....


I recommend you quit making a fool of yourself.

Kirsten Gillibrand‏Verified account @SenGillibrand

FollowFollow @SenGillibrand


Happy birthday, Pres. @BillClinton! Thank you for your friendship & support as well as your incredible leadership!

But now you don't have to pretend anymore, Dems. You can admit it: He's a bad person. The Clintons are bad people. The influence-peddlers have no more influence to peddle, ….”
Dems Finally Fall Out of Love with Bill Clinton

Now…..when are we gong to admit the truth about ‘the Liberal Lion of the Senate,’ who was a low-life philanderer, reprobate, murderer, and traitor to this nation…..

…..and a Democrat icon.
3. We told you what curs the Clintons were, and you saddled the nation with a rapist as President, .

You saddled America with the current rapist president.

consensual sex is not rape, moron.

Clinton was accused of rape. Trump was accused of rape.

big difference, Trump's accusers were paid to accuse him. Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary.

You're mentally retarded. That's the difference.

Do you believe that innocent until proven guilty should only apply to Republicans?

of course not, it applies to everyone. There is evidence of Clinton's crimes (both Clintons). There is zero evidence that Trump violated any laws, including the tax code.
3. We told you what curs the Clintons were, and you saddled the nation with a rapist as President, .

You saddled America with the current rapist president.

consensual sex is not rape, moron.

Clinton was accused of rape. Trump was accused of rape.

Not even Gloria Alred would handle the "rape" case against Trump

because even that bitch wont take on a case she knows she will lose.
You saddled America with the current rapist president.

consensual sex is not rape, moron.

Clinton was accused of rape. Trump was accused of rape.

Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary.
big difference, Trump's accusers were paid to accuse him.

"Clinton's accusers were actually raped by him and then had their lives destroyed by Hillary."

Yes, indeed!

I recommend this book....


I recommend you quit making a fool of yourself.

LOL, you have that title wrapped up. You, and winger are the resident fools of USMB.

Actually I think winger is a conservative posting as a liberal to show how stupid liberals are, and in that he is succeeding.
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