No wonder she took the 5th....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Emails show IRS' Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

Newly released emails show that Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the IRS scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups’ applications for tax-exempt status, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy.

The email, released by a House committee investigating the IRS, seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t specifically targeted.


In another email, from 2012, Ms. Lerner acknowledges that the agency’s handling of the tax-exempt applications had been bungled at the beginning, though she said they had taken steps to correct it.

“It is what it is,” she said in the email, released Thursday by the Ways and Means Committee. “Although the original story isn’t as pretty as we’d like, once we learned this [sic.] were off track, we have done what we can to change the process, better educate our staff and move the cases. So, we will get dinged, but we took steps before the ‘dinging’ to make things better and we have written procedures.”

That email suggests agency employees knew they had gone overboard in their scrutiny — despite top IRS officials telling Congress that there wasn’t any special scrutiny of conservative groups.

Read more: Emails show IRS' Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times
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Many more than Lois deserve jail time.

The federal bureaucracy manipulated the election. This is the worst abuse of power in living memory.
The Mainstream Media has not put this on the front page for months now.

Therefore, it is not important, and you should ignore it from now on.

Same goes for Benghazi, and the fact that the National Debt hasn't increased since April.

BTW, the Syria issue is now taken care of, and the Mainstream Media will be dropping it soon.

Nothing to see here.

You should concentrate on Miley Cyrus and twerking.

The Mainstream Media
Many more than Lois deserve jail time.

The federal bureaucracy manipulated the election. This is the worst abuse of power in living memory.
Not uncoincidentally, the people who benefited from the abuse are telling us this is a fake scandal.

Ahem. I believe the Obama Approved phrase is "phony scandals".
THE worst abuse of Executive Power in our Republic's history and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't even interested.

Meanwhile, a couple of idiot soldiers pull a few pranks on some POWs at Abu Ghraib and it makes the New Yawk Slimes FRONT PAGE -- Are you ready for it....?

Thirty-Two (32) times in a row...... 32 (thirty-two) In a Row

New York Times Streak of Page One Stories on Abu Ghraib ends at 32 Days! (UPDATED: 34 of 37 days)

Stupid, right?

Not done.

The DISGUSTING FILTH at the New Yawk Slimes kept going.

They had a record of 47 (forty-seven) Front Page Stories about it...

N.Y. Times Buries Abu Ghraib Latest | Fox News

I posted the above link to show the hypocrisy of these scumbags.

The IRS scandal? It hit the Slimes front page only three times. Each time while trying to provide cover or make excuses for the Stuttering Clusterfukk and his minions. Each time more concerned about how Republicans might use the scandal to harm their Living God, The obama...

Media can't ignore Obama IRS, Benghazi scandals | Fox News

Fox says "The Media Can't Ignore The IRS Scandal"

Wanna bet?
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The Mainstream Media has not put this on the front page for months now.

Therefore, it is not important, and you should ignore it from now on.

Same goes for Benghazi, and the fact that the National Debt hasn't increased since April.

BTW, the Syria issue is now taken care of, and the Mainstream Media will be dropping it soon.

Nothing to see here.

You should concentrate on Miley Cyrus and twerking.

The Mainstream Media

The Benghazi terrorist attack is coming before the committee again. Some of the witnesses now have permission to appear and testify about 'some' things. Even if they do, Obama's loyal press corp will likely not push it to the front page...if they mention it at all.
Many more than Lois deserve jail time.

The federal bureaucracy manipulated the election. This is the worst abuse of power in living memory.
Not uncoincidentally, the people who benefited from the abuse are telling us this is a fake scandal.

Ahem. I believe the Obama Approved phrase is "phony scandals".
I stand corrected. Not unlike our President being a phony Constitutional Scholar.
This just slayed me. The plight of Senate Democrats. Really? The FEC gets involved to "save the day"?

A third email shows a stunning intersection of government bureaucracy and partisan politicking in Lerner's office.

Sharon Light, a senior member of Lerner's "Technical Adviser' team, forwarded her a National Public Radio article on July 10, 2012 about the plight of Senate Democrats who found it increasingly difficult to repeat their electoral successes in the wake of court decisions that allowed corporate dollars to flood into statewide elections.

Democrats had complained to the Federal Election Commission that some tax-exempt groups on the political right should be regulated like political committees instead of charities. The issue was whether the identity of their donors should be subject to public disclosure.

'Perhaps the FEC will save the day,' Lerner added to the email chain.

Lois Lerner emails show IRS official knew agency targeted conservative groups | Mail Online
This just slayed me. The plight of Senate Democrats. Really? The FEC gets involved to "save the day"?

A third email shows a stunning intersection of government bureaucracy and partisan politicking in Lerner's office.

Sharon Light, a senior member of Lerner's "Technical Adviser' team, forwarded her a National Public Radio article on July 10, 2012 about the plight of Senate Democrats who found it increasingly difficult to repeat their electoral successes in the wake of court decisions that allowed corporate dollars to flood into statewide elections.

Democrats had complained to the Federal Election Commission that some tax-exempt groups on the political right should be regulated like political committees instead of charities. The issue was whether the identity of their donors should be subject to public disclosure.

'Perhaps the FEC will save the day,' Lerner added to the email chain.

Lois Lerner emails show IRS official knew agency targeted conservative groups | Mail Online
Yes, because everyone knows the purpose of government agencies is to make sure Democrats are re-elected.

Culture of Corruption. It's the Chicago Way.
This just slayed me. The plight of Senate Democrats. Really? The FEC gets involved to "save the day"?

A third email shows a stunning intersection of government bureaucracy and partisan politicking in Lerner's office.

Sharon Light, a senior member of Lerner's "Technical Adviser' team, forwarded her a National Public Radio article on July 10, 2012 about the plight of Senate Democrats who found it increasingly difficult to repeat their electoral successes in the wake of court decisions that allowed corporate dollars to flood into statewide elections.

Democrats had complained to the Federal Election Commission that some tax-exempt groups on the political right should be regulated like political committees instead of charities. The issue was whether the identity of their donors should be subject to public disclosure.

'Perhaps the FEC will save the day,' Lerner added to the email chain.

Lois Lerner emails show IRS official knew agency targeted conservative groups | Mail Online
Yes, because everyone knows the purpose of government agencies is to make sure Democrats are re-elected.

Culture of Corruption. It's the Chicago Way.

And even when they are caught red's a phony scandal!


They are unreal. What really kills me were the battles on the board with lib posters who were saying the IRS did nothing wrong, when people have been fired, people have resigned, put on leave, reports issued, and apologies in the headlines admitting guilt.

Some days it's the twilight zone in here with the libs.
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With most adults now having the attention span of gnats, the only people who are interested in pushing this are Republicans.

Since the Low Information Voter ( I Love that term.. It fit them perfectly ) only relying on what they get from ABC, NBC, CBS, and the New York Times for their daily dose of "Facts", it isn't hard to understand why they aren't informed as to what the truth really is...

Then of course there are the "True Believers", we all know who they are... They sWallow everything that comes out of Obama's mouth like it was manna from heaven.

There won't impeachment hearings. We would be lucky if we can McCain to stop sucking on Obama's sphincter long enough to remember that he is supposed to be a Republican. Hell, I would be happy if the Republican leadership started acting as Republicans with a backbone instead of Obama's one night stand.
The Mainstream Media has not put this on the front page for months now.

Therefore, it is not important, and you should ignore it from now on.

Same goes for Benghazi, and the fact that the National Debt hasn't increased since April.

BTW, the Syria issue is now taken care of, and the Mainstream Media will be dropping it soon.

Nothing to see here.

You should concentrate on Miley Cyrus and twerking.

The Mainstream Media

The Benghazi terrorist attack is coming before the committee again. Some of the witnesses now have permission to appear and testify about 'some' things. Even if they do, Obama's loyal press corp will likely not push it to the front page...if they mention it at all.

the rule of thumb now is that anything being covered by the conservative press will not be covered by the main stream press.
Many more than Lois deserve jail time.

The federal bureaucracy manipulated the election. This is the worst abuse of power in living memory.

Guy, you didn't lose because your little tea party group didn't get their tax dodge.

You lost because you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot who dissed working people and assholes who thought the word "rape" needed an adjective in front of it.

"Waaaah, the Government scrutinized my attempt to defraud the tax system!"


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