No, we are NOT building the wall.

We don't need a border wall. nope. What we do Need, apparently escapes Trump. A national identity card. Tied to DNA. Fingerprints, the whole nine yards. if you can't prove your status then you ...shh...cant get a job. Or housing, or exist here legally. And then the feds can legally remove funding to states that ignore enforcing immigration laws. That would be the common sense way to approach this issue.

LMFAO. Did you think about that before posting it? National ID? What happens when YOU become the political minority and you get taken out on the basis of your race, religion, political ideology? Might I quote the Constitution here?

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Have you ever heard of a presumption of innocence?
We don't need a border wall. nope. What we do Need, apparently escapes Trump. A national identity card. Tied to DNA. Fingerprints, the whole nine yards. if you can't prove your status then you ...shh...cant get a job. Or housing, or exist here legally. And then the feds can legally remove funding to states that ignore enforcing immigration laws. That would be the common sense way to approach this issue.
It'd have to be free or it will be ruled discriminatory.
Laws inherently discriminate, that's their purpose. Even on this board, you cant say certain words, because they are banned. I think it's fair to expect people that want to live here, be expected to accept legal immigration standards. And those that hire them, doubly so. The Constitution says no one is above the law. Not even immigration law. Sanctuary states violate the constitution, thence are unconstitutional , aren't they? Is there a constitutional lawyer in the room? Can states just ignore federal laws like this?

You are 100 percent wrong.

What you want cannot be done by virtue of the Printz case. Here is a little background for you:

Trump's Sloppy, Unconstitutional Order on 'Sanctuary Cities' - The Atlantic

Remember: when it comes to foreigners, the CONSTITUTION gives Congress very little in the ways of powers. It states:

"Congress shall have the power ...To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" Article I Section 8

Now let us speak English:

Immigration is the leaving of one's country to enter another for the purpose of permanent residence

is the process of becoming a citizen

If a foreigner enters a state to visit, engage in the free market or just work a job, under a proper interpretation of the Constitution, the immigration laws DO NOT APPLY. All this Orwellian and draconian B.S. you're talking about sounds like Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids. The Constitution gives no such authority to do what you want and states have rights too.

There exists a need for handymen, people to do yard work, work in fast food, janitorial, and sales type of jobs where knowing different languages is necessary.

The small guy, the independent employer, cannot be denied the opportunity to hire foreign labor. It is a violation of the 14th Amendment.

If Americans want those jobs, go out there and get them. Frankly, I get tired of advertising for handymen and no Americans apply. Occasionally, Bubba and his gas guzzling beast gives me an "estimate" for $300 or more per hour for gigs that a trained monkey can do. I offer DOUBLE what the guy who would actually do the job for (and collect his check from Bubba) and people had rather work for minimum wage than use their entrepreneurial skills and help that segment of society that doesn't have a job that pays over $10 or $15 an hour.

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