No...This Is Not Rick Perry

"Bush-isms" have become "Obama-isms" which will become "Perry-isms" if we're not careful.
"Bush-isms" have become "Obama-isms" which will become "Perry-isms" if we're not careful.'ll be another crazy bastard that prays to the invisible man in the sky for his decisions. At least it'll be better than when Ronald Reagan was allowing Nancy and her astrologist to make decisions for him based upon the stars and the signs. At least whatever happens in his world will come from his own mind. Although if we're unfortunate enough for him to get alzhemiers like Reagan...Look Out Planet.

Do you realize that Ronald Reagan and Oliver North sent 1500 state-of-the-art ballistic missles to Iran? Do you realize that as far as anyone knows the missles have never been used?
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