No Ron Paul


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Ron Paul Would Be A Frightening President | Addicting Info

Just no.

Ron Paul is anti-woman - He voted against equal pay legislation. He is vehemently anti-choice. Despite his anti-government rhetoric, he is somehow comfortable with the federal government inserting itself inside a woman’s womb. In fact, he has called abortion “The greatest moral issue of our time.”
“Pro-life libertarians have a vital task to perform: to persuade the many abortion-supporting libertarians of the contradiction between abortion and individual liberty; and, to sever the mistaken connection in many minds between individual freedom and the ‘right’ to extinguish individual life.”
In other words, a fetus has more right to liberty than a woman.

Ron Paul believes in States’ Rights - Okay, let’s forget for just a minute that ‘States’ Rights’ is the primary rallying call for white supremacists. The fact is, States’ Rights is a non-starter. Thanks to Laissez-Faire capitalism, a system that Ron Paul is himself an advocate, we are a global society. It’s tough to find a business that doesn’t do some sort of interstate commerce. People are more mobile. Personally, I have lived in six states. Could you imagine being married in one state, having to move because of a job and having your marriage not be recognized? Imagine if a child was to move with his parents, only to be told that his adopted parents are no longer his parents.

Ron Paul is a hypocrite - He wants to abolish every government agency and program that has ever helped anyone, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, FEMA, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the TSA, federal student loans, etc. He also wants to abolish the federal income tax, yet he has no problem accepting a federal income tax paid paycheck.

Ron Paul is anti-regulation - In Ron Paul’s imagination, the free market will take care of everything. Bad word of mouth will shut down restaurants, after they poison their customers. Polluters will stop polluting because??? Actually, I have no idea. Thanks to corporate lobbyists and think tanks, “regulation” has become a dirty word in the American version of the English language, but regulation is just another word for “laws.”

Ron Paul is anti-worker and anti-union - It’s all about the free market, remember?

Ron Paul’s ideas are completely untested - Ron Paul believes in the Austrian School of Economics. It’s never been tested. It’s never been shown to work. I’m not an economist, but neither is Ron Paul.

Good to know. I'm starting to understand why he's in a media blackout.
He also enjoys strangling cute lil puppies & kittens in his spare time too. More misguided demonization of possibly the only honest & brave politican in America. So sad.
He also enjoys strangling cute lil puppies & kittens in his spare time too. More misguided demonization of possibly the only honest & brave politican in America. So sad.

You forgot that he also puts poison in his bird feeder and revels in spitting on babies.


Now I may not agree 100% with Dr. Paul on his policies, but I know one thing for true.

He is honest. I don't think that man could lie if you waterboarded him a quizzillion times or yanked out his finger nails.

What you see is what you get with Dr. Paul. And I for one, in the days of "the politician as a chameleon", admire the hell out of the man.
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He also enjoys strangling cute lil puppies & kittens in his spare time too. More misguided demonization of possibly the only honest & brave politican in America. So sad.

You forgot that he also puts poison in his bird feeder and revels in spitting on babies.


Now I may not agree 100% with Dr. Paul on his policies, but I know one thing for true.

He is honest. I don't think that man could lie if you waterboarded him a quizzillion times or yanked out his finger nails.

What you see is what you get with Dr. Paul. And I for one, in the days of "the politician as a chameleon", admire the hell out of the man.

Well said.
For the record, the reason Paul is on Media blackout is because he makes the Republicans and democrats irrelevant. Paul is not a war monger like Bush/Obama, Dem/Rep. Paul was against the bailouts, stimulus crap budget that Reps/Dems and Obama passed that ultimately got the US downgraded.

Paul not only talks about a balance budget but proposes a way to achieve that budget with both military and social cuts, not a one sided stance that in the end always leads to growth of spending on both fronts like with Obama.

Paul is on blackout because he gives us a real answer to our real problems, that of course shows the one party system we live under for what it is. You might not always agree with Paul but in the end if you want a balanced budget, to shrink the deficit and not roam around the world starting “not wars” then Paul is the only person on the Republican and Democratic stage that offers a solution, all the others literally expand the problem exponentially.

The end of Big Government is coming, it does not matter if Mitt is in office or Obama.
Beyond everything else, the fact that BDBoop doesn't like Ron Paul is all the reason to vote for him.
Ron Paul Would Be A Frightening President | Addicting Info

Just no.

Ron Paul is anti-woman - He voted against equal pay legislation. He is vehemently anti-choice. Despite his anti-government rhetoric, he is somehow comfortable with the federal government inserting itself inside a woman’s womb. In fact, he has called abortion “The greatest moral issue of our time.”
“Pro-life libertarians have a vital task to perform: to persuade the many abortion-supporting libertarians of the contradiction between abortion and individual liberty; and, to sever the mistaken connection in many minds between individual freedom and the ‘right’ to extinguish individual life.”
In other words, a fetus has more right to liberty than a woman.

Ron Paul believes in States’ Rights - Okay, let’s forget for just a minute that ‘States’ Rights’ is the primary rallying call for white supremacists. The fact is, States’ Rights is a non-starter. Thanks to Laissez-Faire capitalism, a system that Ron Paul is himself an advocate, we are a global society. It’s tough to find a business that doesn’t do some sort of interstate commerce. People are more mobile. Personally, I have lived in six states. Could you imagine being married in one state, having to move because of a job and having your marriage not be recognized? Imagine if a child was to move with his parents, only to be told that his adopted parents are no longer his parents.

Ron Paul is a hypocrite - He wants to abolish every government agency and program that has ever helped anyone, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, FEMA, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the TSA, federal student loans, etc. He also wants to abolish the federal income tax, yet he has no problem accepting a federal income tax paid paycheck.

Ron Paul is anti-regulation - In Ron Paul’s imagination, the free market will take care of everything. Bad word of mouth will shut down restaurants, after they poison their customers. Polluters will stop polluting because??? Actually, I have no idea. Thanks to corporate lobbyists and think tanks, “regulation” has become a dirty word in the American version of the English language, but regulation is just another word for “laws.”

Ron Paul is anti-worker and anti-union - It’s all about the free market, remember?

Ron Paul’s ideas are completely untested - Ron Paul believes in the Austrian School of Economics. It’s never been tested. It’s never been shown to work. I’m not an economist, but neither is Ron Paul.
Good to know. I'm starting to understand why he's in a media blackout.
It's interesting that website set up to:
About Us | Addicting Info
...discredit all the lies and propaganda that the right-wing spreads.
Spreads lies and propaganda about Dr. Ron Paul.

Here is Ron Paul's website. Go there, read through it and then tell us what you don't like:
Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website
And by the way, Ron Paul is in a "media blackout" because he scares the livin' hell out of the MSM! Anyone in his right mind should admire that!
Ron Paul believes in States’ Rights - Okay, let’s forget for just a minute that ‘States’ Rights’ is the primary rallying call for white supremacists. The fact is, States’ Rights is a non-starter.

True. A consequence of the 14th Amendment and at least a dozen Supreme Court rulings.

He also enjoys strangling cute lil puppies & kittens in his spare time too. More misguided demonization of possibly the only honest & brave politican in America. So sad.

He may indeed be honest and brave but he’s completely clueless about the Constitution and its case law. Either that or he has complete contempt for both.

Equally sad.

Paul is on blackout because he gives us a real answer to our real problems, that of course shows the one party system we live under for what it is.

Um, no – the problems are indeed real but Paul’s ‘solutions’ have no basis in reality.
Ron Paul Would Be A Frightening President | Addicting Info

Just no.

Ron Paul is anti-woman - He voted against equal pay legislation. He is vehemently anti-choice. Despite his anti-government rhetoric, he is somehow comfortable with the federal government inserting itself inside a woman’s womb. In fact, he has called abortion “The greatest moral issue of our time.”
“Pro-life libertarians have a vital task to perform: to persuade the many abortion-supporting libertarians of the contradiction between abortion and individual liberty; and, to sever the mistaken connection in many minds between individual freedom and the ‘right’ to extinguish individual life.”
In other words, a fetus has more right to liberty than a woman.

Ron Paul believes in States’ Rights - Okay, let’s forget for just a minute that ‘States’ Rights’ is the primary rallying call for white supremacists. The fact is, States’ Rights is a non-starter. Thanks to Laissez-Faire capitalism, a system that Ron Paul is himself an advocate, we are a global society. It’s tough to find a business that doesn’t do some sort of interstate commerce. People are more mobile. Personally, I have lived in six states. Could you imagine being married in one state, having to move because of a job and having your marriage not be recognized? Imagine if a child was to move with his parents, only to be told that his adopted parents are no longer his parents.

Ron Paul is a hypocrite - He wants to abolish every government agency and program that has ever helped anyone, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, FEMA, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the TSA, federal student loans, etc. He also wants to abolish the federal income tax, yet he has no problem accepting a federal income tax paid paycheck.

Ron Paul is anti-regulation - In Ron Paul’s imagination, the free market will take care of everything. Bad word of mouth will shut down restaurants, after they poison their customers. Polluters will stop polluting because??? Actually, I have no idea. Thanks to corporate lobbyists and think tanks, “regulation” has become a dirty word in the American version of the English language, but regulation is just another word for “laws.”

Ron Paul is anti-worker and anti-union - It’s all about the free market, remember?

Ron Paul’s ideas are completely untested - Ron Paul believes in the Austrian School of Economics. It’s never been tested. It’s never been shown to work. I’m not an economist, but neither is Ron Paul.

Good to know. I'm starting to understand why he's in a media blackout.

Dr. Paul has been an honorable servant of his constituents for many years. No scandals at all. And he is honest as the day as long. One can disagree with his policies but to trash him out his way shows how despicable the political climate has become.

This article is so full of shit it would turn blue eyes brown.

Beleiving in States Rights makes one a white supremacist?

States Rights is a non starter?

And as for the rest of the article, all I can say is it's like one big turd and needs to be flushed along with the author.
Ron Paul Would Be A Frightening President | Addicting Info

Just no.

Ron Paul is anti-woman - He voted against equal pay legislation. He is vehemently anti-choice. Despite his anti-government rhetoric, he is somehow comfortable with the federal government inserting itself inside a woman’s womb. In fact, he has called abortion “The greatest moral issue of our time.”
“Pro-life libertarians have a vital task to perform: to persuade the many abortion-supporting libertarians of the contradiction between abortion and individual liberty; and, to sever the mistaken connection in many minds between individual freedom and the ‘right’ to extinguish individual life.”
In other words, a fetus has more right to liberty than a woman.

Ron Paul believes in States’ Rights - Okay, let’s forget for just a minute that ‘States’ Rights’ is the primary rallying call for white supremacists. The fact is, States’ Rights is a non-starter. Thanks to Laissez-Faire capitalism, a system that Ron Paul is himself an advocate, we are a global society. It’s tough to find a business that doesn’t do some sort of interstate commerce. People are more mobile. Personally, I have lived in six states. Could you imagine being married in one state, having to move because of a job and having your marriage not be recognized? Imagine if a child was to move with his parents, only to be told that his adopted parents are no longer his parents.

Ron Paul is a hypocrite - He wants to abolish every government agency and program that has ever helped anyone, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, FEMA, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the TSA, federal student loans, etc. He also wants to abolish the federal income tax, yet he has no problem accepting a federal income tax paid paycheck.

Ron Paul is anti-regulation - In Ron Paul’s imagination, the free market will take care of everything. Bad word of mouth will shut down restaurants, after they poison their customers. Polluters will stop polluting because??? Actually, I have no idea. Thanks to corporate lobbyists and think tanks, “regulation” has become a dirty word in the American version of the English language, but regulation is just another word for “laws.”

Ron Paul is anti-worker and anti-union - It’s all about the free market, remember?

Ron Paul’s ideas are completely untested - Ron Paul believes in the Austrian School of Economics. It’s never been tested. It’s never been shown to work. I’m not an economist, but neither is Ron Paul.

Good to know. I'm starting to understand why he's in a media blackout.

I'm not crazy about Paul...but i do think he's about as honest as you can get (still being a politician). I don't like all his ideas at all, but i would vote for him in a second if he's nominated. I dont believe he's anti-worker, and being anti-union is a plus for him!!

much of what you posted here is baseless and just plain crap.
Dr. Paul has been an honorable servant of his constituents for many years. No scandals at all. And he is honest as the day as long. One can disagree with his policies but to trash him out his way shows how despicable the political climate has become.

True, agreed – I only disagree with his flawed policies.
Beleiving in States Rights makes one a white supremacist?

No, merely ignorant.

States Rights is a non starter?

Correct. See: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).
How many people realize that many times he used to work for free as a physician. Or that he refused to take Medicare or Medicaid payments?

And as far as the author of that piece of garbage calling him a hypocrite for accepting a salary for his work for his constituents, I put dollars to donuts that author doesn't realize or refuses to accept that Dr. Paul refuses to sign up for his government pension that he is entitled to.

According to wiki he calls it "hypocritical and immoral".

Ron Paul believes in States’ Rights - Okay, let’s forget for just a minute that ‘States’ Rights’ is the primary rallying call for white supremacists. The fact is, States’ Rights is a non-starter.

True. A consequence of the 14th Amendment and at least a dozen Supreme Court rulings.

He also enjoys strangling cute lil puppies & kittens in his spare time too. More misguided demonization of possibly the only honest & brave politican in America. So sad.

He may indeed be honest and brave but he’s completely clueless about the Constitution and its case law. Either that or he has complete contempt for both.

Equally sad.

Paul is on blackout because he gives us a real answer to our real problems, that of course shows the one party system we live under for what it is.

Um, no – the problems are indeed real but Paul’s ‘solutions’ have no basis in reality.

Riiiiiight.... So I should take your word over Paul's... Who are you again, do you write laws and have you made the constitution an absolute priority in your life? How are all em wars going that you voted for when you supported Obama?

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