No, Really, How's That Awesome Stimulus Plan Going???

Titanic Sailor

Senior Member
Aug 31, 2009
You dumb chimps. are the poor getting new refrigerators yet? You ass holes. The only thing middle America got is a free trip to the lower class. Yippee. Thanks so much Obama. You ass holes.
I like the story about how Al Gore got millions to start up a green car company that he will be creating in Europe. Now we are stimulating other countries. creating jobs for Europe and making Al Gore rich!! Keep up the good work Dingle Barry!!!
Not too well apparently. I love watching the Hopey Changeys jumping for joy cheerleading for the Wall Street Fat Cats getting richer. These are the same Leftist creeps who used to routinely demonize Wall Street for their greed and corruption. Now they're suddenly Wall Street's biggest cheerleaders. What a scam. Wall Street Fat Cats getting richer does not mean that Main Street is getting richer. In fact it is likely to go the opposite way in the end. Wall Street is now laughing all the way to the bank which is probably the same bank that Tax Payers bailed out. How sad.
Titanic. Hells bells man, I'm still looking for that JOB that the porkulus is supposed to have created. Anyone seen that little sucker anywhere???
No, Really, How's That Awesome Stimulus Plan Going???

-Stock market is up over 50% since stimulus passed

- We have emerged from Recession

- Home sales are up

- Index of leading economic indicators is up for every montyh since the stimulus passed

- I still have my job

- Inflation is low

So I guess, I'd have to say it is working pretty well for me........How bout you?
I don't know.....How is the stimulus plan going for you?

The Recession Is Over! But Not for You--Yet. | Newsweek Business |

The Great Recession, which rolled over our financial lives like one of P.J. Keating's giant pavers, is most likely over. Home sales, while still far below the levels of a year ago, have risen for three straight months—a first since 2004. The stock market has rallied 44 percent since March, thanks to renewed optimism and improving earnings from big companies like Goldman Sachs and Apple. In June, seven of the 10 indicators in the Conference Board Leading Economic Index pointed upward, including manufacturing hours worked and unemployment claims. Macroeconomic Advisers, the St. Louis–based consulting firm, says the economy is expanding at a 2.5 percent annual rate in the current quarter. Economic activity "will increase slightly over the remainder of 2009," Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress.
No, Really, How's That Awesome Stimulus Plan Going???

-Stock market is up over 50% since stimulus passed

- We have emerged from Recession

- Home sales are up

- Index of leading economic indicators is up for every montyh since the stimulus passed

- I still have my job

- Inflation is low

So I guess, I'd have to say it is working pretty well for me........How bout you?
It's not about what's better for you, dummy. It's about what's better for this country, and our economic future as a whole.

Home sales, inflation, and the stock market, are not results of the stimulus package. Jesus, will you Obama worshipers stop giving this man credit, when he's done nothing to deserve it!
No, Really, How's That Awesome Stimulus Plan Going???

-Stock market is up over 50% since stimulus passed

- We have emerged from Recession

- Home sales are up

- Index of leading economic indicators is up for every montyh since the stimulus passed

- I still have my job

- Inflation is low

So I guess, I'd have to say it is working pretty well for me........How bout you?
It's not about what's better for you, dummy. It's about what's better for this country, and our economic future as a whole.

Home sales, inflation, and the stock market, are not results of the stimulus package. Jesus, will you Obama worshipers stop giving this man credit, when he's done nothing to deserve it!

He asked "How's it going"

For me, it is going quite well thank you. The actions taken by Presidents Bush and Obama seem to have turned the tide of the greatest recession in 70 years.
You gotta love self-serving articles that start like this: "The Great Recession, which rolled over our financial lives like one of P.J. Keating's giant pavers, is most likely over".

Oh, it's "most likely" over. What the fuck does that mean? The recession is still in our midst, and many are still affected by it. Just because you as an individual aren't affected by the recession, doesn't mean it's over. Shit, I don't have AIDS, I guess it's been cured, right?
No, Really, How's That Awesome Stimulus Plan Going???

-Stock market is up over 50% since stimulus passed

- We have emerged from Recession

- Home sales are up

- Index of leading economic indicators is up for every montyh since the stimulus passed

- I still have my job

- Inflation is low

So I guess, I'd have to say it is working pretty well for me........How bout you?
It's not about what's better for you, dummy. It's about what's better for this country, and our economic future as a whole.

Home sales, inflation, and the stock market, are not results of the stimulus package. Jesus, will you Obama worshipers stop giving this man credit, when he's done nothing to deserve it!

Oh, so Obama and our government have NOTHING to do with home sales, inflation or the stock market? Do they even teahc economics where you live?
You gotta love self-serving articles that start like this: "The Great Recession, which rolled over our financial lives like one of P.J. Keating's giant pavers, is most likely over".

Oh, it's "most likely" over. What the fuck does that mean? The recession is still in our midst, and many are still affected by it. Just because you as an individual aren't affected by the recession, doesn't mean it's over. Shit, I don't have AIDS, I guess it's been cured, right?

The definition of when you enter a recession and when you emerge is quite rigid. It looks at certain economic indicators and trends. If they are down for a certain number of are in recession
If they are up for a certain number of quarters are out of recession
Yes a half million citizens filed for Unemployment last month yet the Hopey Changeys keep telling us what "Great News" that is. I'm sure those half million citizens would have to disagree with the Hopey Changeys on that one. Like i said,just because the bailed out Wall Street Fat Cats are getting richer,doesn't mean that Main Street is getting richer. It's all just a sad Socialist Nightmare in the end. How sad.
Yes a half million citizens filed for Unemployment last month yet the Hopey Changeys keep telling us what "Great News" that is. I'm sure those half million citizens would have to disagree with the Hopey Changeys on that one. Like i said,just because the bailed out Wall Street Fat Cats are getting richer,doesn't mean that Main Street is getting richer. It's all just a sad Socialist Nightmare in the end. How sad.

Really? Bush was a SOCIALIST??? I never knew!
Not too well apparently. I love watching the Hopey Changeys jumping for joy cheerleading for the Wall Street Fat Cats getting richer. These are the same Leftist creeps who used to routinely demonize Wall Street for their greed and corruption. Now they're suddenly Wall Street's biggest cheerleaders. What a scam. Wall Street Fat Cats getting richer does not mean that Main Street is getting richer. In fact it is likely to go the opposite way in the end. Wall Street is now laughing all the way to the bank which is probably the same bank that Tax Payers bailed out. How sad.
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: Theodoric of York
These are the same dunces who claimed that if they didn't get their "Stimulus",Unemployment would likely rise to a catastrophic 8.5%. Ok so now with their "Stimulus",Unemployment is at an astounding 10.2%. Pretty catastrophic no? This stuff just makes the Hopey Changey spinners sound even more insane. So with their "Stimulus" we now have more Massive spending,Massive Debt,and Massive Unemployment. Yea their "Stimulus" sure is pretty wonderful. Yikes! What a sad Socialist scam.

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