No protestants on the US Supreme Court


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
I didn't know that until I read it in the paper a few days ago.

Was surprised.
old news - that no protestants are on the US Supreme Court ???

ok - whatever

sorry to be so ignorant
Still interesting if not old or new or JoeB newsworthy.

Demonstrates the weakening hold evangelical Protestantism has on American politics.
Yeah, there will be, but no silly 9000 year folks telling us on it that Jesus rode with dinosaurs.
Still interesting if not old or new or JoeB newsworthy.

Demonstrates the weakening hold evangelical Protestantism has on American politics.

Not really, since the whole Prostestant/Catholic divide doesn't mean all that much anymore.

The thing is, the country is becoming more secular, Churches for most people are just a nice place to have a wedding at, the Churches themselves - the smart ones, anyway- are learning Poltiics is a snake pit they want no part of.

What's interesting is that neither party thinks they can go to Protestants to get a rubber stamp for their view, so all the "Evangelical" justices are Catholics. Most of the "Secular" justices are Jewish.
Reagan and evangelical political Protestantism from the elections of 1980 to 2004 changed American history, JoeB, and your pathetic denial is simply . . . pathetic.
Reagan and evangelical political Protestantism from the elections of 1980 to 2004 changed American history, JoeB, and your pathetic denial is simply . . . pathetic.

Oh, please.

Reagan wasn't the problem. Reagan got Catholics and Protestants to vote for him for the same reason... because he was defending traditional values at a time people weren't willing to go there.

Remember the "Reagan Democrats"? Most of them were Catholic, Urban, working class folks who didn't like what the hippies did a decade before.

Now we've sort of learned to live with most of it as normal.
JoeB pretends that evangelical political Protestantism has not turned America on its head for 30 years.

He can boo hoo all he wants, changes nothing.
I did NOT know that, either Gin, and that truly is an interesting development.

Thanks for the heads-up.
JoeB pretends that evangelical political Protestantism has not turned America on its head for 30 years.

He can boo hoo all he wants, changes nothing.

Oh, it has.

It's gotten a lot of doofuses to vote for Plutocrats like Romney screwing over the middle class...

But it's not limited to the "Protestants". Catholics and Mormons and Jews went along with the gag, too.
Silly, Satan is in control of earthly kingdoms and will be until Christ takes control of His inheritance.. Prophets referred to earthly Kings as princes, because the Kings only thought they were in control.
Ezekiel 28:12-15
Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God.........................
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