No Heroes...........HUH????


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
You cannot fight a war without many brave men taking risks with their lives in order to try to accomplish their mission. Yet can you name a single American hero in either of the two wars going on today in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Chances are you can't--not if you rely on the mainstream media. You may be able to name someone form the littel band of people involved in the prison scandal in iraq or perhaps Jessica Lynch who was resued, but not those who rescued her.

There are apparently no heroes among the more than 100,000 men and women fighting for us overseas--only victims. At least, that is how the news gets filtered and spun in most of the media.

Any reservist whose life is disrupted by being called to active duty has a good chance of making the front page of the New York Times with his laments. But 99 fellow reservists who are focused on their duty are far less likely to be featured.

Enemy casualties, no matter how large seldom get as much publicity as even a handful of American casualities. A whole ghoul school of journalism was preparing for the thousandth death among American troops in Iraq, so that they could run big features on it.

The New York Times covered page after page with the names of those thousand dead. The television wing of the ghoul school did similar things in their broadcasts. The rationale for this is they are "honoring" the dead troops and perhaps showing that the media, too, are patriotically "supporting our troops."

The fraudulence of this can be seen in the fact that Ted Koppel, who sneered at those journalists who wore little American flag lapel pins after 9/11 as people who were "flag waving" has made the display of American dead a feature of "Nightline."

While our troops werre willing to put their lives on the line to carry out their missions, they did not go overseas for the purposes of dying. Nor have they died without taking a lot more of the enemy with them. Every terrorist killed in Iraq is that will never come ove rhere to commit another 9/11.

Anyone who was serious about honoring the fallen troops would honor what they accomplished, not just the price they paid. More than 5,000 Marines died taking one little island of Iwo Jima but they were honored for taking Iwo Jima--a wretched little island in itself, but a crucial foward base for supporting the air attacks on Japan that ended World War II.

Those who are busy "honoring" the deaths of American troops in Iraq seldom have much to say about what those troops accomplished. The restoration of electricity, the re-opening of hospitals and schools, and all the other things being done to try and restore a war -devastated country get little attention, and everything that has gone wrong makes the front pages and TV news for weeks on end.

More than 50,000 Americans died in Vietnam trying to save that country from Communists attacks. Their achievements
included victories on the battlefield that were neglected politically by the way the American press reported the war.

In recent years, Vietnam's Communist leaders themselves have admitted that they lost that war on the ground but hung on because the American anti-war movement gave them hope the they could win it politically. It was well founded hope that the American media helped make come true wqhen we withdrew both our troops and our financial and political backing for the Vietnamese under attack.

At that time, the media had not yet come up with the gimmick of "honoring" American war dead but they were nevertheless able to throw away the victory for which those men sacrificed their lives.

Will they repeat that heady achivement a second time in Iraq? They certainly seem to be trying and it is no honor.
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CSM said:
There is a lot of truth in that article.

After I read it hit me that I couldn't think of any names of heroes becasue all the media had reported on was the dead, and Abu Grahib. I think that's very sad.
Bonnie said:
After I read it hit me that I couldn't think of any names of heroes
Same here. Other than Pat Tillman, and he was famous before he was killed, I can't think of any. So sad!!
In my mind they are ALL heroes. This includes the heroes among our allies as well. All heroes fighting for peace and freedom. God bless them all.

And DAMN the liberal press for lying about how they "support" the troops yet hold back all the heroic stories that they could be telling us about and giving true recognition and support to our troops.
ScreamingEagle said:
In my mind they are ALL heroes. This includes the heroes among our allies as well. All heroes fighting for peace and freedom. God bless them all.

And DAMN the liberal press for lying about how they "support" the troops yet hold back all the heroic stories that they could be telling us about and giving true recognition and support to our troops.

They are all heroes......I saw an interview with a few soldiers that had gotten wounded in Iraq, one in particular lost his legs and yet he biked across the West with his arms to raise money for the returning troops who had been wounded in battle and their families.....They raised millions so far. A few things really stood out about this guy and the others, one was he wasn't bitter at all, and second he was said if he had his legs he would go right back and fight. That just blew my mind!! these are the people in the trenches and the media just exploints them to suit a liberal anti-war agenda, and it was the same during Vietnam. If you talk to a liberal, they will swear on their graves they were helping the soldiers by protesting, but they did just the opposite and they will never see it that way!!!
The article is correct in that regular soldiers don't receive much credit for risking their necks to save comrades and civilians. But that last bit about how the press made us lose Viet Nam is garbage.

For starters, during the first few years of the war, the press provided nothing but pentagon propaganda. The outlets routinely parroted what the White House and Pentagon was saying, that is "Everything is going great! We are winning!" It took years before the fourth estate finally wised up and began printing the truth about what was occurring in that utterly useless war. A war which was started by a beligerent Democratic liberal.

If you want to blame someone for losing Vietnam, you can blame planners in the Pentagon and the White House. You can blame soldiers high on dope. You can blame a Viet Kong army that fought their fucking asses off defending their homeland, but you cannot blame the message bringer. The press only reported what it saw and what it heard from soldiers on the ground. Nothing the press printed shocked and demoralized the soldiers. After witnessing thousands of your friends and enemies turned into dogfood, how can some after-the-fact coverage really affect ones moral more than witnessing the actual carnage.
menewa said:
The article is correct in that regular soldiers don't receive much credit for risking their necks to save comrades and civilians. But that last bit about how the press made us lose Viet Nam is garbage.

For starters, during the first few years of the war, the press provided nothing but pentagon propaganda. The outlets routinely parroted what the White House and Pentagon was saying, that is "Everything is going great! We are winning!" It took years before the fourth estate finally wised up and began printing the truth about what was occurring in that utterly useless war. A war which was started by a beligerent Democratic liberal.

If you want to blame someone for losing Vietnam, you can blame planners in the Pentagon and the White House. You can blame soldiers high on dope. You can blame a Viet Kong army that fought their fucking asses off defending their homeland, but you cannot blame the message bringer. The press only reported what it saw and what it heard from soldiers on the ground. Nothing the press printed shocked and demoralized the soldiers. After witnessing thousands of your friends and enemies turned into dogfood, how can some after-the-fact coverage really affect ones moral more than witnessing the actual carnage.

True a beligerant Democrat liberal got us involved, and we lost that war because it was fought from the White House and not from the Generals on the ground as it should have been, also we didn't have the balls to stand up to the Soviets and so we didn't persue the Communists beyond certain geographical lines, so they were able to run hide, regroup and build uderground tunnels. That's what happens when you don't fight a war 100% with everything you've got. Sure for a while the press went along, but as soon as the protests started which feuled the enemy the press was happy to oblige. I don't hold the press as responsible as I do the radical protesters that gave aid and comfort to the Communists at the expense of our boys lives, by completley undermining our troops efforts by taking small truths and exploiting them to suit their anti-war agenda, the press happily went along with this, just as they distort, makeup, and embelish the truth now. The Vietcong army was not innocent bystanders in this as you seem to suggest, fighting their asses off to defend their homeland....They were trying to take over the other half of a country that did not want to be under communist rule.....Very big difference!!!!! Our soldeirs were spit on when they came home by commie lib scumbag sympathizers in this country, and were accused of killing innocent men, women, and children.........The tragedy of this war was our soldiers never knew who the enemy was, there were little boys throwing grenades into helicopters, how can anyone fight a war under conditons like that??? So yes I stand by my statement!!!!!!
menewa said:
If you want to blame someone for losing Vietnam....You can blame soldiers high on dope. You can blame a Viet Kong army that fought their fucking asses off defending their homeland, but you cannot blame the message bringer. The press only reported what it saw and what it heard from soldiers on the ground. Nothing the press printed shocked and demoralized the soldiers. After witnessing thousands of your friends and enemies turned into dogfood, how can some after-the-fact coverage really affect ones moral more than witnessing the actual carnage.

Colonel Harry Summers- 'You know, you never defeated us on the battlefield.'

unnamed North Vietnamese Army colonel- 'That may be true, but it is also irrelevant.'

April 1975

I don't see how you can blame soldiers who performed so well as to never lose a single major engagement.

I don't know how you can't blame a media that depicted the war as being lost when the single most familiar and largest North Vietnamese operation, the Tet Offensive, was an unmitigated disaster for the Communists. No newspaper headlines seemed to mention that fact.
Zhukov said:
Colonel Harry Summers- 'You know, you never defeated us on the battlefield.'

unnamed North Vietnamese Army colonel- 'That may be true, but it is also irrelevant.'

April 1975

I don't see how you can blame soldiers who performed so well as to never lose a single major engagement.

I don't know how you can't blame a media that depicted the war as being lost when the single most familiar and largest North Vietnamese operation, the Tet Offensive, was an unmitigated disaster for the Communists. No newspaper headlines seemed to mention that fact.

Immediately after the Tet Offensive the NVN were looking for surrender demands that they never received. It was a defeat that we worked hard to pull from the jaws of victory.
menewa said:
The article is correct in that regular soldiers don't receive much credit for risking their necks to save comrades and civilians. But that last bit about how the press made us lose Viet Nam is garbage.

For starters, during the first few years of the war, the press provided nothing but pentagon propaganda. The outlets routinely parroted what the White House and Pentagon was saying, that is "Everything is going great! We are winning!" It took years before the fourth estate finally wised up and began printing the truth about what was occurring in that utterly useless war. A war which was started by a beligerent Democratic liberal.

If you want to blame someone for losing Vietnam, you can blame planners in the Pentagon and the White House. You can blame soldiers high on dope. You can blame a Viet Kong army that fought their fucking asses off defending their homeland, but you cannot blame the message bringer. The press only reported what it saw and what it heard from soldiers on the ground. Nothing the press printed shocked and demoralized the soldiers. After witnessing thousands of your friends and enemies turned into dogfood, how can some after-the-fact coverage really affect ones moral more than witnessing the actual carnage.

For starters the great John F. Kennedy got us into that war. At the urging of his cabinet and Johnson. It became Johmsons war after the assination. It was all being run from the penagon and the white house which was the major problem.

The 68 tet offensive was a major US and SVN victory. But it was not portrayed that way in the media. Walter Cronkite himself led the charge claiming we had lost the war and everything was overrun. All the others jumped on the band wagon.

The first years of the war they actually had reporters in the field reporting the action. It was alter they just took the news releases and wrote stories based on them because they didn't want to be bothered going into the field.

Vietnam was lost by the congress. Nixon brokered a ceasefire and withdrew all the combat troops in 72. We had won even tho it wasn't reported that way in the media. Then congress cut off all aid and money to SVN. They had nothing to defend themselves with when the north launched the new war. In actuality there were two wars. The first involved us which was basically a draw as we didn't take over the north, the second was between the north and south with the north supplied by the soviets and the south supported by no one.

Never saw a soldier high on dope the entire time I was there. Combat troops didn't so that. Your basing your assumptions on Platoon and Apocolypse Now. Neither one of which is accurate. The Viet Cong, (its spelled with a C) were not defending their country they were trying to take it over for the north. They were also 90 percent wiped out in 68. They had to be replaced with north vietnamese soldiers. What the press wrote and showed was not seen by the troops over there. That was purely for domestic civilian consumption.

I was in combat more times than I can count. I never saw carnage that was demoralizing. Never saw thousands killed either. Usually it was one or two wounded, more from boobytraps than from enemy fire. It doesn't demoralize you to see this but makes you angry and more determined to take it to the enemy when you find him. The carnage is when you go into a village and find the victims of VC who were executed or mutilated in order to get the village to cooperate. The VC were not brave freedom fighters, they were sneaky murdering little bastards. And the American media was their propaganda tool.

When you spout foolishness expect to be called on it. There are others on this board with the same experience as me that will call you on it as well, so you better read up carefully on your history.

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