‘No District Is Off the Table in 2018’ - House Democratic campaign chairman


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
so the Democrats will contest every single House election? sounds hard to do.

‘No District Is Off the Table’: Health Vote Could Put House in Play

'All seven of the House Republicans from California who represent districts that Mr. Trump lost voted for the bill, a collective act of political audacity in a state simmering with anger toward the president. While Mrs. Clinton won Representative Carlos Curbelo’s Miami district by 16 percentage points, he also voted yes. And other Republican lawmakers who represent districts that decisively rejected Mr. Trump, like Mr. Roskam and Martha E. McSally of Arizona, supported the measure.

All told, 80 House Republicans from districts Mr. Trump carried by 55 percent or less voted for the health law’s repeal. “Any Republican member of Congress in a seat that the president won by less than 10 points who isn’t concerned needs to be concerned,” said Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster.

One challenge facing House Republicans is the fact that they have not received all of the assistance they had hoped for from the White House. Mr. Stivers, the Ohio congressman, said that during the transition, he shared with senior Trump officials a list of House Democrats in swing districts, suggesting that Republicans could flip the seats if the lawmakers were appointed to administration posts or named to ambassadorships. Mr. Trump tapped none of the names on the Stivers list.'
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They are now Baghdad Bob.

Since Obama took office, Dems have lost over 1000 elected legislative seats around the nation.

Dems are fucked if they don't move towards the center. They have to move away from the message of "AGREE WITH US 100% OF THE TIME OR WE WILL DESTROY YOU!". It's not working....at all.
There are over 20 democrat seats up for reelection in 2018. There are 8 republican seats. What do they think they are going to do?
so the Democrats will contest every single House election? sounds hard to do.

‘No District Is Off the Table’: Health Vote Could Put House in Play

'All seven of the House Republicans from California who represent districts that Mr. Trump lost voted for the bill, a collective act of political audacity in a state simmering with anger toward the president. While Mrs. Clinton won Representative Carlos Curbelo’s Miami district by 16 percentage points, he also voted yes. And other Republican lawmakers who represent districts that decisively rejected Mr. Trump, like Mr. Roskam and Martha E. McSally of Arizona, supported the measure.

All told, 80 House Republicans from districts Mr. Trump carried by 55 percent or less voted for the health law’s repeal. “Any Republican member of Congress in a seat that the president won by less than 10 points who isn’t concerned needs to be concerned,” said Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster.'
Republicans believe all the poor who lose their Obamacare are too stupid to vote. I agree
The Dems picked up seats in the House and Senate in 2016.

People have true buyer's remorse for the Orange Charlatan for whom they voted.
There are over 20 democrat seats up for reelection in 2018. There are 8 republican seats. What do they think they are going to do?

Ummmmmm.... ALL 435 seats are up for reelection. Or in the case of those not running for re-election, a new election.

It happens every two years.

If you're smoking pot I'm gonna have to shoot you in the face.
so the Democrats will contest every single House election? sounds hard to do.

They do it every two years. So do the Republicans. That's uh, why they have political parties --- to organize it all.

Historically whichever party holds the White House, loses seats in the mid-terms. Been that way all but three elections as long as these two parties have existed.
Dems won't win shit because they still don't know why they lost the last election and all they can do is keep doubling down on their vitriol. They don't understand that people are tired of their partisan bullshit and want to get on with fixing our problems.
Dems won't win shit because they still don't know why they lost the last election and all they can do is keep doubling down on their vitriol. They don't understand that people are tired of their partisan bullshit and want to get on with fixing our problems.
It's gonna be so much fun when this trumpcare explodes.
Dems won't win shit because they still don't know why they lost the last election and all they can do is keep doubling down on their vitriol. They don't understand that people are tired of their partisan bullshit and want to get on with fixing our problems.
It's gonna be so much fun when this trumpcare explodes.
Yeah, I'll bet you can't wait for somebody to die so you can blame Trump for it.
There are over 20 democrat seats up for reelection in 2018. There are 8 republican seats. What do they think they are going to do?
Win 28

They definitely think that and just as definitely they will lose at least 5 net senate seats because of they are alienating all but the moonbat left.
No one likes their healthcare bill. Jacking up rates on old people and sick and pre existing conditions. Do you not think you'll never get sick or old?

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