No democratic poll watchers or signs...


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
I just voted, and there was not a single Democrat sign anywhere near my polling place. Nothing but Romney/Ryan and other GOP office candidates signs.

The only poll watcher was GOP. She was a little surprised at the lack of signs and watchers for the Dems.

Either they are supremely confident, or don't have any hope left.

A shame it's not like that all over.

Read This:
There was not a hint of electioneering going on in my voting location.

The NY State (relatively) "new" voting process is pretty fucked up. I wish they had never gotten rid of the old voting machines that worked mechanically and soundly.

But, I guess time marches on and folks imagined that we need to make it a bright new brand new voting process. Like the tests we used to take in school where you had to carefully fill in the circles and not mark outside the lines. Then the scanner better read your shit accurately which is impossible to determine from the perspective of a mere voter.

Still, no black panthers with clubs. No Obama campaign murals. No signs for Hope and Change. No pro-Mitt logos or signs or buttons or murals, either.

The poll workers were not over-worked, but they were knowledgeable, friendly, polite, informative and not at all overtly partisan one way or the other.
Alabama has no early voting, so I expected long lines this morning. I was in and out in 5 minutes. Most of that time was spent with 14 Alabama Constitutional amendments.
Other than President and 2 Board of Education seats, ALL of the races including State Supreme Court (4 seats) were uncontested. The DNC is pretty much irrelevant here.
For 6 thousand years God has said, "These words are intended for men and women to hear; God rules in the kingdom of men and women, and will put politicians in office as needed, and they will be the basest of men." So says Daniel 4:17

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