No Debate Allowed in the Classroom


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Evolutionism Versus Creationism: No Debate Allowed in the Classroom

June 1, 2012 by David L. Goetsch


American taxpayers send their children to school and college to be educated, not indoctrinated. While students are being indoctrinated in the finer points of liberal orthodoxy at the taxpayer’s expense, what they are not doing is learning to read, write, calculate, and think; a fact that puts them and America at a competitive disadvantage in today’s highly-complex globally competitive environment. As far back as 1955, the American public was shocked by the revelation that “Johnny Can’t Read.” Well, as things have turned out, the situation is even worse than we thought. Not only can Johnny not read, he can’t write, calculate, or think critically either. Further, Johnny knows very little about the history of his country. To make matters even worse, as William Kilpatrick explains, indoctrination in leftist orthodoxy instead of education is Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right from Wrong (Simon & Schuster).

If America’s schools and colleges do not return to educating young people instead of indoctrinating them and if they do not return to building self-discipline in students instead of self-esteem, the United States will eventually go the way of other great civilizations and suffer a self-inflicted downfall. America needs a president who understands the purpose of education and is committed to using schools and colleges to educate not indoctrinate. We certainly do not have such a president in Barack Obama.

Educators who acknowledge the truth of the Bible above man-centered theories of knowledge subject themselves to the slings and arrows of self-proclaimed intellectuals, but they stand on a far firmer foundation than their critics. The authority of Scripture is supported by massive and compelling internal, archaeological, and historical evidence. On the other hand, all man-centered theories of knowledge contain inherent flaws: flaws the knowledge of which have led, in ancient, medieval, and modern times to skepticism about man’s ability to truly know that he knows anything.

It should be manifestly apparent that if you cannot be certain that you know anything, but then base your philosophy of life on what you presume to know, all of your man-centered philosophies—social, economic, and political—collapse for want of a foundation. This is why liberalism, progressivism, socialism, Marxism, and all other man-centered “isms” lack a sufficient foundation to be valid. America’s founders understood this fact. Let us hope Americans will elect a new president who understands it.

Evolutionism Versus Creationism: No Debate Allowed in the Classroom – Patriot Update
There should be a balance. Young kids shouldn't be allowed to jump up and offer stupid comments about everything they are taught but when a kid offers a legitimate argument to political doctrine there is some leeway. On the other hand colleges and universities should be open to the reasonable exchange of opinion but liberalism has caused colleges to be closed societies where students are denied freedom of expression.
The liberals do have their priorities.
They must make sure that the children
starting in the third grade know how to successfully
put a condom on them selves or their life partner
and how to bring their lover to a complete and fulfilling

The reading and math stuff is not important because
they probably wont get a job anyway when they graduate.
And why should they when Nancy Pelosi and her ilk
feel that unemployment does more to stimulate the economy.
Creationism violates the First Law of Thermodynamics. End of debate.
I am confused here. The OP is implying that honest science such as evolution is some how connected to lax education standards. How are the two even remotely connected? I know I am asking for trouble.
Educators who acknowledge the truth of the Bible above man-centered theories of knowledge subject themselves to the slings and arrows of self-proclaimed intellectuals, but they stand on a far firmer foundation than their critics. The authority of Scripture is supported by massive and compelling internal, archaeological, and historical evidence. On the other hand, all man-centered theories of knowledge contain inherent flaws: flaws the knowledge of which have led, in ancient, medieval, and modern times to skepticism about man’s ability to truly know that he knows anything.


‘Creationism’ is religion: personal, subjective, devoid of any documented evidence – just as it should be; and consequently it belongs in churches, synagogues, mosques, and the home.

It may be debated and discussed in the context of philosophy and religion, but not in the context of science where, unlike ‘creationism’ and religion in general, scientific theories are predicated on facts and evidence.

And as to this ‘man-centered’ idiocy, there is no such thing as ‘man-centered;’ rather, such issues are centered on the Constitution and its case law.
Should it be debated that the sun orbits the earth or the earth orbits the sun?
Educators who acknowledge the truth of the Bible above man-centered theories of knowledge subject themselves to the slings and arrows of self-proclaimed intellectuals, but they stand on a far firmer foundation than their critics. The authority of Scripture is supported by massive and compelling internal, archaeological, and historical evidence. On the other hand, all man-centered theories of knowledge contain inherent flaws: flaws the knowledge of which have led, in ancient, medieval, and modern times to skepticism about man’s ability to truly know that he knows anything.


‘Creationism’ is religion: personal, subjective, devoid of any documented evidence – just as it should be; and consequently it belongs in churches, synagogues, mosques, and the home.

It may be debated and discussed in the context of philosophy and religion, but not in the context of science where, unlike ‘creationism’ and religion in general, scientific theories are predicated on facts and evidence.

And as to this ‘man-centered’ idiocy, there is no such thing as ‘man-centered;’ rather, such issues are centered on the Constitution and its case law.

CCJ nailed it. This would be like demanding "faith based healing" be taught as an equal next to real medicine. There is 100% nothing to back up Creationism, in fact in teaching it in a school it would constantly be evolving because it lacks one of the most simple rules and that is consistency. The rules of Creationism simply don't hold true even most of the time.
Creationism certainly can be discussed in college philosophy classes. Even high school AP courses in philosophy/world cultures. Has no place in public or even private science classes however.
Liberals have redefined Freedom to mean the government imposing Liberal ideology on everyone. This is why we have the paradoxical situation of fags needing the government to be "free".
If people want to believe in the occult, fine. Teach mystical beliefs in Sunday school.
But pushing this nonsense is merely the first step in what is becoming a Right Wing Christian Taliban. Policing women's bodies is another. Ending education and turning over the nation's wealth to the top 1% are three and four. Voter suppression is five. People in Germany didn't know what the Nazi's were doing. The unfortunate truth is Right Wingers know exactly what they are doing and are doing it anyway. That's why they must be defeated. They don't mean anything good for this country.
There was a terrific show tonight on H2 about Astrobiology which is a combination of biology, astronomy and geology. It was truly amaznig. Seems the oldest rocks on earth are in Australia and South Africa. They go back three and a half billion years. Both locations are the most stable as far as plate tectonics. Normally the earth's surface is very dynamic, but not these two areas. The earth's atmosphere was very different then. The only creatures were single cell. But there were a lot of them and they left mounds in the sea very much like coral. The discovery was made only a couple of years ago. Seems science is constantly learning, constantly adding to the knowledge base.

This is very different than believing children's fables from a book written by people only a couple of thousand years ago who didn't know what a germ is, which is why they didn't wash after wiping. Those occult texts are probably laced with feces from unwashed hands.

The fossil record clearly shows the development of plants and animals from algae and amoebas to the rich diversity that exists today. So far in the fossil record, there are no old white men in sandals or people with wings.
If people want to believe in the occult, fine. Teach mystical beliefs in Sunday school.
But pushing this nonsense is merely the first step in what is becoming a Right Wing Christian Taliban. Policing women's bodies is another. Ending education and turning over the nation's wealth to the top 1% are three and four. Voter suppression is five. People in Germany didn't know what the Nazi's were doing. The unfortunate truth is Right Wingers know exactly what they are doing and are doing it anyway. That's why they must be defeated. They don't mean anything good for this country.

Can you see da progressive/liberal love...:eek:

Let's change the world no oil, coal, sugar, salt, big drinks.
If you want cradle to grave fvcking MOVE!
Who needs a classroom anymore?

I watched this on television when I was in grade school.

[ame=]Journey to the Beginning of Time - YouTube[/ame]

Evolutionism Versus Creationism: No Debate Allowed in the Classroom

June 1, 2012 by David L. Goetsch


American taxpayers send their children to school and college to be educated, not indoctrinated. While students are being indoctrinated in the finer points of liberal orthodoxy at the taxpayer’s expense, what they are not doing is learning to read, write, calculate, and think; a fact that puts them and America at a competitive disadvantage in today’s highly-complex globally competitive environment. As far back as 1955, the American public was shocked by the revelation that “Johnny Can’t Read.” Well, as things have turned out, the situation is even worse than we thought. Not only can Johnny not read, he can’t write, calculate, or think critically either. Further, Johnny knows very little about the history of his country. To make matters even worse, as William Kilpatrick explains, indoctrination in leftist orthodoxy instead of education is Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right from Wrong (Simon & Schuster).

If America’s schools and colleges do not return to educating young people instead of indoctrinating them and if they do not return to building self-discipline in students instead of self-esteem, the United States will eventually go the way of other great civilizations and suffer a self-inflicted downfall. America needs a president who understands the purpose of education and is committed to using schools and colleges to educate not indoctrinate. We certainly do not have such a president in Barack Obama.

Educators who acknowledge the truth of the Bible above man-centered theories of knowledge subject themselves to the slings and arrows of self-proclaimed intellectuals, but they stand on a far firmer foundation than their critics. The authority of Scripture is supported by massive and compelling internal, archaeological, and historical evidence. On the other hand, all man-centered theories of knowledge contain inherent flaws: flaws the knowledge of which have led, in ancient, medieval, and modern times to skepticism about man’s ability to truly know that he knows anything.

It should be manifestly apparent that if you cannot be certain that you know anything, but then base your philosophy of life on what you presume to know, all of your man-centered philosophies—social, economic, and political—collapse for want of a foundation. This is why liberalism, progressivism, socialism, Marxism, and all other man-centered “isms” lack a sufficient foundation to be valid. America’s founders understood this fact. Let us hope Americans will elect a new president who understands it.

Evolutionism Versus Creationism: No Debate Allowed in the Classroom – Patriot Update

Thanks, but I'd like my child to be taught science, not religion. Creationism is religion.

You're free to not believe in evolution. Just so long as you understand that every time you go to the doctor you are going to be treated based on a science whose very foundation is rooted in the theory of evolution - and hence - by your understanding - false. If you don't mind either not going to the doctor, or going to the doctor but getting medicine based on false science - then we've got no problems.
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The liberals do have their priorities.
They must make sure that the children
starting in the third grade know how to successfully
put a condom on them selves or their life partner
and how to bring their lover to a complete and fulfilling

The reading and math stuff is not important because
they probably wont get a job anyway when they graduate.
And why should they when Nancy Pelosi and her ilk
feel that unemployment does more to stimulate the economy.

Actually I'm with Republicans on this one. Children should never be taught about sex - its filthy. They can learn about it after they are married.

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