No children due to climate change!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So says the New York Times >> No Children Because of Climate Change? Some People Are Considering It

Some considering passing on having children because of concerns of climate change!! Tells skeptics a bit more than they already know. We really are surrounded by more crack monkey mental cases than we thought.......but leave it to these people to further stigmatize alarmists as people who for all intents and purposes, left the reservation long ago.:fingerscrossed: children in the indigenous populations of highly developed nations. The 'immigrants' to those nations and their kin in the lovely third world are breeding like rabbits. The population of Africa is expected to reach 1.9B by 2050. Quite ironically, mostly due to the medical advances created by the very same populations which refuse to breed.
Some considering passing on having children because of concerns of climate change!!

We might be witness to the greatest step in human evolution since the Toba Event.

I fully support this decision on their part.
No more snotty back talking out of control kids? That are in desperate need for good :spank:?.......hmmmmm:rolleyes:
It's a good thing if stupid global warming nutters don't breed. Their idiot genes are not good for society.

It would be even better if they killed themselves by refusing to exhale CO2.

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