No amount of spin or damage control can save Obama.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
It has been most interesting to watch the abject panic and furious pace of the left and media to do the best possible damage control for Barack Obama's disasterous performance in last night's debate. If the media and left spin any more, they are gonna ascend into the sky faster than a helicopter. Well, there was nothing good to take out of last night for Barack Obama, he got completely pwned.

Whether you love Mitt Romney or hate him, only the epitome of political hacks would think Obama won, or somehow he wasn't completely pwned like he was by Romney last night. Try as team Obama, the media and the left may, there are no moral victories for Obama from last night, there are no cases of "it really wasn't as bad as we thought". Last night was a disaster, and I will explain why.

While most of us have a pretty good idea of who both Romney and Obama are, both of them clearly defined themselves last night. What do I mean by that? They showed who they really are, and by this I mean what you saw last night is what you will get when God forbid, we have to deal with a hostile foreign leader. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, it is who you are. Romney came off as commanding, confident, powerful, intimidating, intelligent, fearless, calculating and strong. Obama when confronted by a man such as Romney was intimidated, rattled and WEAK, a pushover, someone who got walked all over. Obama showed no confidence, he couldn't even look Romney in the eye, he was too intimidated. And what you saw last night is exactly what you will see in a possible intense situation with a hostile foreign leader. If Obama can't deal with Romney, he certainly won't be able to deal with a tougher situation than that. There could be that situation where in meeting with a hostile foreign leader, there will be only one meeting to get things right, and I believe Romney can do it, as where Obama will do what he did last night. There is NOTHING Obama can do to repair that image last night, that is just who he is when confronted like he was.

Now, let's go on to Obama's tough guy talk of:

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

Well Barack, you sure talk a tough game don't you, you sure talk the talk, but after last night's debate, your proved to people you sure can't walk the walk. You had your chances to get in Mitt's face and argue with them, but instead you were completely dominated by Mitt.

And then of course:

‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’

Well, if Romney brought a knife to that fight, Barack didn't bring a gun, what he brough was a wet roll of toilet paper from pissing himself out of fear. You see, all the tough guy talk of getting in people's faces, bringing a gun to a knife fight,...Obama's followers and non-followers all now see it as an empty can rattling the most. It is just an act and nothing more. Obama had a chance to back this tough guy talk, and he failed miserably, there is no recovering from that.

So now we have the supposed fact checkers trying to save Obama's pathetic performance. Several posters in this forum have already proven the fact checkers wrong. And here we go again, if Obama is having to rely on fact checkers to manipulate and lie in hopes of saving him, this is why this guy has no business leading this country.

Is it any wonder why the Democrats rely so heavily on not requiring voter ID. They and their activist judges know that through mass voter fraud, it is their only hope of winning. And after last night, they are really gonna need mass voter fraud.

Obama got hella pwned last night, there is no other way around it, let's face it, the bread is stale, the cheese is moldy, the soda has no pop, the expensive wine turned out to be vinegar, the kosher chef was found out to be a nazi, the dog was all bark and no bite...well you get the picture. In conclusion, no amount of damage control will repair Obama from last night. Romney already has him set up for debate #2.
Calm the hell down, you would think he won the election last night.
It has been most interesting to watch the abject panic and furious pace of the left and media to do the best possible damage control for Barack Obama's disasterous performance in last night's debate. If the media and left spin any more, they are gonna ascend into the sky faster than a helicopter. Well, there was nothing good to take out of last night for Barack Obama, he got completely pwned.

Whether you love Mitt Romney or hate him, only the epitome of political hacks would think Obama won, or somehow he wasn't completely pwned like he was by Romney last night. Try as team Obama, the media and the left may, there are no moral victories for Obama from last night, there are no cases of "it really wasn't as bad as we thought". Last night was a disaster, and I will explain why.

While most of us have a pretty good idea of who both Romney and Obama are, both of them clearly defined themselves last night. What do I mean by that? They showed who they really are, and by this I mean what you saw last night is what you will get when God forbid, we have to deal with a hostile foreign leader. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, it is who you are. Romney came off as commanding, confident, powerful, intimidating, intelligent, fearless, calculating and strong. Obama when confronted by a man such as Romney was intimidated, rattled and WEAK, a pushover, someone who got walked all over. Obama showed no confidence, he couldn't even look Romney in the eye, he was too intimidated. And what you saw last night is exactly what you will see in a possible intense situation with a hostile foreign leader. If Obama can't deal with Romney, he certainly won't be able to deal with a tougher situation than that. There could be that situation where in meeting with a hostile foreign leader, there will be only one meeting to get things right, and I believe Romney can do it, as where Obama will do what he did last night. There is NOTHING Obama can do to repair that image last night, that is just who he is when confronted like he was.

Now, let's go on to Obama's tough guy talk of:

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

Well Barack, you sure talk a tough game don't you, you sure talk the talk, but after last night's debate, your proved to people you sure can't walk the walk. You had your chances to get in Mitt's face and argue with them, but instead you were completely dominated by Mitt.

And then of course:

‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’

Well, if Romney brought a knife to that fight, Barack didn't bring a gun, what he brough was a wet roll of toilet paper from pissing himself out of fear. You see, all the tough guy talk of getting in people's faces, bringing a gun to a knife fight,...Obama's followers and non-followers all now see it as an empty can rattling the most. It is just an act and nothing more. Obama had a chance to back this tough guy talk, and he failed miserably, there is no recovering from that.

So now we have the supposed fact checkers trying to save Obama's pathetic performance. Several posters in this forum have already proven the fact checkers wrong. And here we go again, if Obama is having to rely on fact checkers to manipulate and lie in hopes of saving him, this is why this guy has no business leading this country.

Is it any wonder why the Democrats rely so heavily on not requiring voter ID. They and their activist judges know that through mass voter fraud, it is their only hope of winning. And after last night, they are really gonna need mass voter fraud.

Obama got hella pwned last night, there is no other way around it, let's face it, the bread is stale, the cheese is moldy, the soda has no pop, the expensive wine turned out to be vinegar, the kosher chef was found out to be a nazi, the dog was all bark and no bite...well you get the picture. In conclusion, no amount of damage control will repair Obama from last night. Romney already has him set up for debate #2.

This is a great observation. Looking at how Obama handled himself with Romney, it was identical to how he handled himself with the latest terrorist attack in Benghazi. First, he lied his ass off, blamed the attacks on an American citizen and then spent a pile of money making an ad that apologized for offending the radicals. To this day, he hasn't come forth with a stern warning for those terrorists who murdered the ambassador and three other innocent people. He sends the FBI 3 weeks after the attack to secure any sensitive documents and assures people that the Libyan government will find those responsible and bring them to justice. Now he and the liberal media avoid this subject like the plague. I am sure Obama is scared to think this will be bought up at a future debate.

If he can't handle small threats and prevent attacks after having plenty of warning, he won't be worth a shit if something big happens and there is no time to waste.

Last night he looked like a coward and spent more time looking at his feet than at Romney. Today, back in his comfort zone with the teleprompter and an adoring crowd, no doubt clutching their Obama phones, he was full of tough talk again.

If you want a guy who quickly apologies to radicals after they murder citizens, he is your guy. If you want someone who won't take shit from those sadistic radicals, Romney would be the best bet.
It has been most interesting to watch the abject panic and furious pace of the left and media to do the best possible damage control for Barack Obama's disasterous performance in last night's debate. If the media and left spin any more, they are gonna ascend into the sky faster than a helicopter. Well, there was nothing good to take out of last night for Barack Obama, he got completely pwned.

Whether you love Mitt Romney or hate him, only the epitome of political hacks would think Obama won, or somehow he wasn't completely pwned like he was by Romney last night. Try as team Obama, the media and the left may, there are no moral victories for Obama from last night, there are no cases of "it really wasn't as bad as we thought". Last night was a disaster, and I will explain why.

While most of us have a pretty good idea of who both Romney and Obama are, both of them clearly defined themselves last night. What do I mean by that? They showed who they really are, and by this I mean what you saw last night is what you will get when God forbid, we have to deal with a hostile foreign leader. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, it is who you are. Romney came off as commanding, confident, powerful, intimidating, intelligent, fearless, calculating and strong. Obama when confronted by a man such as Romney was intimidated, rattled and WEAK, a pushover, someone who got walked all over. Obama showed no confidence, he couldn't even look Romney in the eye, he was too intimidated. And what you saw last night is exactly what you will see in a possible intense situation with a hostile foreign leader. If Obama can't deal with Romney, he certainly won't be able to deal with a tougher situation than that. There could be that situation where in meeting with a hostile foreign leader, there will be only one meeting to get things right, and I believe Romney can do it, as where Obama will do what he did last night. There is NOTHING Obama can do to repair that image last night, that is just who he is when confronted like he was.

Now, let's go on to Obama's tough guy talk of:

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

Well Barack, you sure talk a tough game don't you, you sure talk the talk, but after last night's debate, your proved to people you sure can't walk the walk. You had your chances to get in Mitt's face and argue with them, but instead you were completely dominated by Mitt.

And then of course:

‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’

Well, if Romney brought a knife to that fight, Barack didn't bring a gun, what he brough was a wet roll of toilet paper from pissing himself out of fear. You see, all the tough guy talk of getting in people's faces, bringing a gun to a knife fight,...Obama's followers and non-followers all now see it as an empty can rattling the most. It is just an act and nothing more. Obama had a chance to back this tough guy talk, and he failed miserably, there is no recovering from that.

So now we have the supposed fact checkers trying to save Obama's pathetic performance. Several posters in this forum have already proven the fact checkers wrong. And here we go again, if Obama is having to rely on fact checkers to manipulate and lie in hopes of saving him, this is why this guy has no business leading this country.

Is it any wonder why the Democrats rely so heavily on not requiring voter ID. They and their activist judges know that through mass voter fraud, it is their only hope of winning. And after last night, they are really gonna need mass voter fraud.

Obama got hella pwned last night, there is no other way around it, let's face it, the bread is stale, the cheese is moldy, the soda has no pop, the expensive wine turned out to be vinegar, the kosher chef was found out to be a nazi, the dog was all bark and no bite...well you get the picture. In conclusion, no amount of damage control will repair Obama from last night. Romney already has him set up for debate #2.

I find all of this hoopla a bit humorous. Winning on style does little if you don't win on substance also. I don't believe Romney won on substance, and I think it opened doors for the Obama campaign. Unless Romney's debate performance actually changes votes, then he didn't win anything. I am waiting to see what happens in the polls over the weekend before making any judgement.

I do find it interesting that out of two undecided focus groups that watched the debate, more actually moved into Obama's camp than Romney's. Now those were both very small groups, so that does not necessarily translate into a national trend, but it will be interesting to see. What do Republicans do if the polling numbers don't change next week or if worse, they move more in Obama's direction?
It has been most interesting to watch the abject panic and furious pace of the left and media to do the best possible damage control for Barack Obama's disasterous performance in last night's debate. If the media and left spin any more, they are gonna ascend into the sky faster than a helicopter. Well, there was nothing good to take out of last night for Barack Obama, he got completely pwned.

Whether you love Mitt Romney or hate him, only the epitome of political hacks would think Obama won, or somehow he wasn't completely pwned like he was by Romney last night. Try as team Obama, the media and the left may, there are no moral victories for Obama from last night, there are no cases of "it really wasn't as bad as we thought". Last night was a disaster, and I will explain why.

While most of us have a pretty good idea of who both Romney and Obama are, both of them clearly defined themselves last night. What do I mean by that? They showed who they really are, and by this I mean what you saw last night is what you will get when God forbid, we have to deal with a hostile foreign leader. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, it is who you are. Romney came off as commanding, confident, powerful, intimidating, intelligent, fearless, calculating and strong. Obama when confronted by a man such as Romney was intimidated, rattled and WEAK, a pushover, someone who got walked all over. Obama showed no confidence, he couldn't even look Romney in the eye, he was too intimidated. And what you saw last night is exactly what you will see in a possible intense situation with a hostile foreign leader. If Obama can't deal with Romney, he certainly won't be able to deal with a tougher situation than that. There could be that situation where in meeting with a hostile foreign leader, there will be only one meeting to get things right, and I believe Romney can do it, as where Obama will do what he did last night. There is NOTHING Obama can do to repair that image last night, that is just who he is when confronted like he was.

Now, let's go on to Obama's tough guy talk of:

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

Well Barack, you sure talk a tough game don't you, you sure talk the talk, but after last night's debate, your proved to people you sure can't walk the walk. You had your chances to get in Mitt's face and argue with them, but instead you were completely dominated by Mitt.

And then of course:

‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’

Well, if Romney brought a knife to that fight, Barack didn't bring a gun, what he brough was a wet roll of toilet paper from pissing himself out of fear. You see, all the tough guy talk of getting in people's faces, bringing a gun to a knife fight,...Obama's followers and non-followers all now see it as an empty can rattling the most. It is just an act and nothing more. Obama had a chance to back this tough guy talk, and he failed miserably, there is no recovering from that.

So now we have the supposed fact checkers trying to save Obama's pathetic performance. Several posters in this forum have already proven the fact checkers wrong. And here we go again, if Obama is having to rely on fact checkers to manipulate and lie in hopes of saving him, this is why this guy has no business leading this country.

Is it any wonder why the Democrats rely so heavily on not requiring voter ID. They and their activist judges know that through mass voter fraud, it is their only hope of winning. And after last night, they are really gonna need mass voter fraud.

Obama got hella pwned last night, there is no other way around it, let's face it, the bread is stale, the cheese is moldy, the soda has no pop, the expensive wine turned out to be vinegar, the kosher chef was found out to be a nazi, the dog was all bark and no bite...well you get the picture. In conclusion, no amount of damage control will repair Obama from last night. Romney already has him set up for debate #2.

I find all of this hoopla a bit humorous. Winning on style does little if you don't win on substance also. I don't believe Romney won on substance, and I think it opened doors for the Obama campaign. Unless Romney's debate performance actually changes votes, then he didn't win anything. I am waiting to see what happens in the polls over the weekend before making any judgement.

I do find it interesting that out of two undecided focus groups that watched the debate, more actually moved into Obama's camp than Romney's. Now those were both very small groups, so that does not necessarily translate into a national trend, but it will be interesting to see. What do Republicans do if the polling numbers don't change next week or if worse, they move more in Obama's direction?

Please provide links.

Everything I've read says...undecideds are moving into Romney's camp based on the debates.
The spin is:
1) Romney only won because he lied a lot.
2) Debates don't matter.

On 1), Romney "lied" because he did not say he would propose trillions of tax cuts for wealthy people while increasing taxes on the middle class, which is what the media has been saying he believes. Shame on him for not supporting the media stereotype.
On 2, they dont matter unless they do. Reagan was behind Carter until his debate.
Personally I dont think the debates mattered all that much. Romney has always been ahead of Obama, but that wouldn't make interesting news. So the polls have to fudge to show a tight race where none exists.
It has been most interesting to watch the abject panic and furious pace of the left and media to do the best possible damage control for Barack Obama's disasterous performance in last night's debate. If the media and left spin any more, they are gonna ascend into the sky faster than a helicopter. Well, there was nothing good to take out of last night for Barack Obama, he got completely pwned.

Whether you love Mitt Romney or hate him, only the epitome of political hacks would think Obama won, or somehow he wasn't completely pwned like he was by Romney last night. Try as team Obama, the media and the left may, there are no moral victories for Obama from last night, there are no cases of "it really wasn't as bad as we thought". Last night was a disaster, and I will explain why.

While most of us have a pretty good idea of who both Romney and Obama are, both of them clearly defined themselves last night. What do I mean by that? They showed who they really are, and by this I mean what you saw last night is what you will get when God forbid, we have to deal with a hostile foreign leader. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, it is who you are. Romney came off as commanding, confident, powerful, intimidating, intelligent, fearless, calculating and strong. Obama when confronted by a man such as Romney was intimidated, rattled and WEAK, a pushover, someone who got walked all over. Obama showed no confidence, he couldn't even look Romney in the eye, he was too intimidated. And what you saw last night is exactly what you will see in a possible intense situation with a hostile foreign leader. If Obama can't deal with Romney, he certainly won't be able to deal with a tougher situation than that. There could be that situation where in meeting with a hostile foreign leader, there will be only one meeting to get things right, and I believe Romney can do it, as where Obama will do what he did last night. There is NOTHING Obama can do to repair that image last night, that is just who he is when confronted like he was.

Now, let's go on to Obama's tough guy talk of:

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

Well Barack, you sure talk a tough game don't you, you sure talk the talk, but after last night's debate, your proved to people you sure can't walk the walk. You had your chances to get in Mitt's face and argue with them, but instead you were completely dominated by Mitt.

And then of course:

‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’

Well, if Romney brought a knife to that fight, Barack didn't bring a gun, what he brough was a wet roll of toilet paper from pissing himself out of fear. You see, all the tough guy talk of getting in people's faces, bringing a gun to a knife fight,...Obama's followers and non-followers all now see it as an empty can rattling the most. It is just an act and nothing more. Obama had a chance to back this tough guy talk, and he failed miserably, there is no recovering from that.

So now we have the supposed fact checkers trying to save Obama's pathetic performance. Several posters in this forum have already proven the fact checkers wrong. And here we go again, if Obama is having to rely on fact checkers to manipulate and lie in hopes of saving him, this is why this guy has no business leading this country.

Is it any wonder why the Democrats rely so heavily on not requiring voter ID. They and their activist judges know that through mass voter fraud, it is their only hope of winning. And after last night, they are really gonna need mass voter fraud.

Obama got hella pwned last night, there is no other way around it, let's face it, the bread is stale, the cheese is moldy, the soda has no pop, the expensive wine turned out to be vinegar, the kosher chef was found out to be a nazi, the dog was all bark and no bite...well you get the picture. In conclusion, no amount of damage control will repair Obama from last night. Romney already has him set up for debate #2.

This is sad and cruel.

Sad that the right had it hopes raised by the first of three ‘debates.’

Cruel in that those hopes will be dashed that much harder when Obama wins.
Obama wins the second one the media plays him off as the comeback kid.

The op is a moron.
It has been most interesting to watch the abject panic and furious pace of the left and media to do the best possible damage control for Barack Obama's disasterous performance in last night's debate. If the media and left spin any more, they are gonna ascend into the sky faster than a helicopter. Well, there was nothing good to take out of last night for Barack Obama, he got completely pwned.

Whether you love Mitt Romney or hate him, only the epitome of political hacks would think Obama won, or somehow he wasn't completely pwned like he was by Romney last night. Try as team Obama, the media and the left may, there are no moral victories for Obama from last night, there are no cases of "it really wasn't as bad as we thought". Last night was a disaster, and I will explain why.

While most of us have a pretty good idea of who both Romney and Obama are, both of them clearly defined themselves last night. What do I mean by that? They showed who they really are, and by this I mean what you saw last night is what you will get when God forbid, we have to deal with a hostile foreign leader. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, it is who you are. Romney came off as commanding, confident, powerful, intimidating, intelligent, fearless, calculating and strong. Obama when confronted by a man such as Romney was intimidated, rattled and WEAK, a pushover, someone who got walked all over. Obama showed no confidence, he couldn't even look Romney in the eye, he was too intimidated. And what you saw last night is exactly what you will see in a possible intense situation with a hostile foreign leader. If Obama can't deal with Romney, he certainly won't be able to deal with a tougher situation than that. There could be that situation where in meeting with a hostile foreign leader, there will be only one meeting to get things right, and I believe Romney can do it, as where Obama will do what he did last night. There is NOTHING Obama can do to repair that image last night, that is just who he is when confronted like he was.

Now, let's go on to Obama's tough guy talk of:

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

Well Barack, you sure talk a tough game don't you, you sure talk the talk, but after last night's debate, your proved to people you sure can't walk the walk. You had your chances to get in Mitt's face and argue with them, but instead you were completely dominated by Mitt.

And then of course:

‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’

Well, if Romney brought a knife to that fight, Barack didn't bring a gun, what he brough was a wet roll of toilet paper from pissing himself out of fear. You see, all the tough guy talk of getting in people's faces, bringing a gun to a knife fight,...Obama's followers and non-followers all now see it as an empty can rattling the most. It is just an act and nothing more. Obama had a chance to back this tough guy talk, and he failed miserably, there is no recovering from that.

So now we have the supposed fact checkers trying to save Obama's pathetic performance. Several posters in this forum have already proven the fact checkers wrong. And here we go again, if Obama is having to rely on fact checkers to manipulate and lie in hopes of saving him, this is why this guy has no business leading this country.

Is it any wonder why the Democrats rely so heavily on not requiring voter ID. They and their activist judges know that through mass voter fraud, it is their only hope of winning. And after last night, they are really gonna need mass voter fraud.

Obama got hella pwned last night, there is no other way around it, let's face it, the bread is stale, the cheese is moldy, the soda has no pop, the expensive wine turned out to be vinegar, the kosher chef was found out to be a nazi, the dog was all bark and no bite...well you get the picture. In conclusion, no amount of damage control will repair Obama from last night. Romney already has him set up for debate #2.

This is sad and cruel.

Sad that the right had it hopes raised by the first of three ‘debates.’

Cruel in that those hopes will be dashed that much harder when Obama wins.

Spoken like a true non-thinker.

Even if Romney loses a close one...the additional momentum could help propel the senate to the GOP. Akin has passed Clair M. and if Romney cleans up in MO., Akin wins. He could help in four or five other states even if he loses.

You sad bastards just don't get that we don't elect a king (or a god in your case).
It has been most interesting to watch the abject panic and furious pace of the left and media to do the best possible damage control for Barack Obama's disasterous performance in last night's debate. If the media and left spin any more, they are gonna ascend into the sky faster than a helicopter. Well, there was nothing good to take out of last night for Barack Obama, he got completely pwned.

Whether you love Mitt Romney or hate him, only the epitome of political hacks would think Obama won, or somehow he wasn't completely pwned like he was by Romney last night. Try as team Obama, the media and the left may, there are no moral victories for Obama from last night, there are no cases of "it really wasn't as bad as we thought". Last night was a disaster, and I will explain why.

While most of us have a pretty good idea of who both Romney and Obama are, both of them clearly defined themselves last night. What do I mean by that? They showed who they really are, and by this I mean what you saw last night is what you will get when God forbid, we have to deal with a hostile foreign leader. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, it is who you are. Romney came off as commanding, confident, powerful, intimidating, intelligent, fearless, calculating and strong. Obama when confronted by a man such as Romney was intimidated, rattled and WEAK, a pushover, someone who got walked all over. Obama showed no confidence, he couldn't even look Romney in the eye, he was too intimidated. And what you saw last night is exactly what you will see in a possible intense situation with a hostile foreign leader. If Obama can't deal with Romney, he certainly won't be able to deal with a tougher situation than that. There could be that situation where in meeting with a hostile foreign leader, there will be only one meeting to get things right, and I believe Romney can do it, as where Obama will do what he did last night. There is NOTHING Obama can do to repair that image last night, that is just who he is when confronted like he was.

Now, let's go on to Obama's tough guy talk of:

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

Well Barack, you sure talk a tough game don't you, you sure talk the talk, but after last night's debate, your proved to people you sure can't walk the walk. You had your chances to get in Mitt's face and argue with them, but instead you were completely dominated by Mitt.

And then of course:

‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’

Well, if Romney brought a knife to that fight, Barack didn't bring a gun, what he brough was a wet roll of toilet paper from pissing himself out of fear. You see, all the tough guy talk of getting in people's faces, bringing a gun to a knife fight,...Obama's followers and non-followers all now see it as an empty can rattling the most. It is just an act and nothing more. Obama had a chance to back this tough guy talk, and he failed miserably, there is no recovering from that.

So now we have the supposed fact checkers trying to save Obama's pathetic performance. Several posters in this forum have already proven the fact checkers wrong. And here we go again, if Obama is having to rely on fact checkers to manipulate and lie in hopes of saving him, this is why this guy has no business leading this country.

Is it any wonder why the Democrats rely so heavily on not requiring voter ID. They and their activist judges know that through mass voter fraud, it is their only hope of winning. And after last night, they are really gonna need mass voter fraud.

Obama got hella pwned last night, there is no other way around it, let's face it, the bread is stale, the cheese is moldy, the soda has no pop, the expensive wine turned out to be vinegar, the kosher chef was found out to be a nazi, the dog was all bark and no bite...well you get the picture. In conclusion, no amount of damage control will repair Obama from last night. Romney already has him set up for debate #2.

I find all of this hoopla a bit humorous. Winning on style does little if you don't win on substance also. I don't believe Romney won on substance, and I think it opened doors for the Obama campaign. Unless Romney's debate performance actually changes votes, then he didn't win anything. I am waiting to see what happens in the polls over the weekend before making any judgement.

I do find it interesting that out of two undecided focus groups that watched the debate, more actually moved into Obama's camp than Romney's. Now those were both very small groups, so that does not necessarily translate into a national trend, but it will be interesting to see. What do Republicans do if the polling numbers don't change next week or if worse, they move more in Obama's direction?

Why would the poll numbers more in Obama's direction? Let's be honest here, know as well as I do that Romney mopped the floor with Obama. You can quote skewed "focus groups" until you're blue in the face but that won't change the fact that Romney did great in that debate and Obama barely showed up.

While I think you're right in saying that "most" debates don't sway voters one way or another an awful performance like Barry turned in last night is the exception. It was as bad as Rick Perry's during the GOP debate. Barack Obama's people better get him straightened out before the next debate or they will be talking about this election as the one that Obama debated himself right out of the Oval Office. He's just lucky he wasn't up on stage with six other candidates because he would have been even MORE conspicuous by his rambling, off topic responses. For a guy who supposedly was quick on his feet he looked like he was on Valium.
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Obama wins the second one the media plays him off as the comeback kid.

The op is a moron.

Yeah, right.
The second one is on foreign policy. Since Obama came into office knowing nothing on the topic, and hasnt learned much since, this should be a cake walk for Romney. It doesnt hurt that again Obama will put in the position of defending the biggest failure of any American president.
The spin is:
1) Romney only won because he lied a lot.
2) Debates don't matter.

On 1), Romney "lied" because he did not say he would propose trillions of tax cuts for wealthy people while increasing taxes on the middle class, which is what the media has been saying he believes. Shame on him for not supporting the media stereotype.
On 2, they dont matter unless they do. Reagan was behind Carter until his debate.
Personally I dont think the debates mattered all that much. Romney has always been ahead of Obama, but that wouldn't make interesting news. So the polls have to fudge to show a tight race where none exists.

The claim that Romney lied about everything is touching, considering all the lies that Obama has been spewing since his election (actually even before). But if Romney was telling so many lies during the debate, how is it that Obama - the purportedly smartest president in all of history - was unable to call him on it? Is Obama so far out of it that Romney can lie and he doesn't know it even though all his supporters do? Was Obama still on that old college high?

So Romney lied and Obama didn't know it. I suppose that proves Obama is uninformed and out of touch. Those who say that Romney lied during the debate don't realize they inadvertently called their hallowed president stupid and shallow.

So fucking funny, so fucking sad.
Obama wins the second one the media plays him off as the comeback kid.

The op is a moron.

Yeah, right.
The second one is on foreign policy. Since Obama came into office knowing nothing on the topic, and hasnt learned much since, this should be a cake walk for Romney. It doesnt hurt that again Obama will put in the position of defending the biggest failure of any American president.

No doubt --- Obama will say - "I got Bin Laden." Three seconds of positives and 1:29:57 of empty podium....

...and the right will correctly point out that it wasn't really him who got Bin Laden...

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