No abortion in cases of rape or incest


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Calling out Romney for vague stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest - Video on

Romney claims to be 'outraged' that Obama is saying Romney is against abortion even if rape or incest is involved. However, as the video proves, Romney HAS stated that he is in favor of overturning Roe v Wade, would sign it if it crossed his desk, and he does in fact feel that a pregnancy should never be terminated, regardless.

This is a HUGE part of why I will not be voting for the man. Not just that that is his stance, but that he called Obama a liar for speaking the truth.
Calling out Romney for vague stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest - Video on

Romney claims to be 'outraged' that Obama is saying Romney is against abortion even if rape or incest is involved. However, as the video proves, Romney HAS stated that he is in favor of overturning Roe v Wade, would sign it if it crossed his desk, and he does in fact feel that a pregnancy should never be terminated, regardless.

This is a HUGE part of why I will not be voting for the man. Not just that that is his stance, but that he called Obama a liar for speaking the truth.

Funny, I was unaware Roe vs Wade focused on rape and incest victims.
How could I have missed that?
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All of these states, in the past two years have instituted new abortion bans for rape and incest victims. Republicans going out of their way to change state law in those states so the government will now force rape victims to bear the child of their rapists.

Republicans in the House of Representatives are going to vote tomorrow (now today) on another new abortion ban, again; for rape victims and incest victims, in Washington, DC. This is not theoretical. This is not hypothetical. This is easy to figure out.

The above quote is from Rachel. Since his campaign will not deign to speak to her, this is the question she has for him. "Do you agree with what your party is attempting to do on this front."
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Calling out Romney for vague stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest - Video on

Romney claims to be 'outraged' that Obama is saying Romney is against abortion even if rape or incest is involved. However, as the video proves, Romney HAS stated that he is in favor of overturning Roe v Wade, would sign it if it crossed his desk, and he does in fact feel that a pregnancy should never be terminated, regardless.

This is a HUGE part of why I will not be voting for the man. Not just that that is his stance, but that he called Obama a liar for speaking the truth.

Funny, I was unaware Roe vs Wade focused on rape and incest victims.
How could I have missed that?

That is who the Republican party is currently gunning for. Does Mitt Romeny agree or disagree with what his party is doing with these bills.

Simple question.
I'm convinced that Romney thinks his pandering to both sides will gain him votes from folks who don't pay much attention, and only hear what they agree with.









All of these states, in the past two years have instituted new abortion bans for rape and incest victims. Republicans going out of their way to change state law in those states so the government will now force rape victims to bear the child of their rapists.

Republicans in the House of Representatives are going to vote tomorrow (now today) on another new abortion ban, again; for rape victims and incest victims, in Washington, DC. This is not theoretical. This is not hypothetical. This is easy to figure out.

The above quote is from Rachel. Since his campaign will not deign to speak to her, this is the question she has for him. "Do you agree with what your party is attempting to do on this front."

It would seem that had rape and incest victims been the concern perhaps the push for free and easy abortion on demand should have stopped with rape and incest victims.

Unfortunately we're now to the point where esteemed scholars like Princeton professor Peter Singer are attempting to rationalize infanticide as the "humane" option in cases of financial hardship.

I'm not saying you or anyone else I know supports killing kids because they can't pay the bills but this does seem to be the problem with quite a few social issues liberals push. We never get the full story up front. Edited. Not Allowed Here.

The Rotting Fruit of Pro Choice Labor
I love to see a lifer sit beside a rape victim and tell her that sh must have her rapists baby. Its like she has to be punished for being raped.









All of these states, in the past two years have instituted new abortion bans for rape and incest victims. Republicans going out of their way to change state law in those states so the government will now force rape victims to bear the child of their rapists.

Republicans in the House of Representatives are going to vote tomorrow (now today) on another new abortion ban, again; for rape victims and incest victims, in Washington, DC. This is not theoretical. This is not hypothetical. This is easy to figure out.

The above quote is from Rachel. Since his campaign will not deign to speak to her, this is the question she has for him. "Do you agree with what your party is attempting to do on this front."

I have not checked your facts but, if they are true, that's bloody terrible.
No woman should be forced to carry a rapist's baby.

It's inhuman.
I have not checked your facts but, if they are true, that's bloody terrible.
No woman should be forced to carry a rapist's baby.

It's inhuman.

The lifers would say that it is better than her having an abortion, because the 'baby' did nothing wrong. Neither did the woman, but don't tell them that. Edited. Not Allowed Here.
I have not checked your facts but, if they are true, that's bloody terrible.
No woman should be forced to carry a rapist's baby.

It's inhuman.

The lifers would say that it is better than her having an abortion, because the 'baby' did nothing wrong. Neither did the woman, but don't tell them that. XXXXXXX Not Allowed Here.
XXXXXXX Not Allowed Here. it's perfectly OK to abort a child just before it is born.
I have not checked your facts but, if they are true, that's bloody terrible.
No woman should be forced to carry a rapist's baby.

It's inhuman.

The lifers would say that it is better than her having an abortion, because the 'baby' did nothing wrong. Neither did the woman, but don't tell them that. Not Allowed Here.

You however feel it's perfectly OK to abort a child just before it is born.

I said, late term in exceptional situations.
I didn't say just before it was born or specify any time at all.

Not Allowed Here.
The lifers would say that it is better than her having an abortion, because the 'baby' did nothing wrong. Neither did the woman, but don't tell them that. Not Allowed Here.

You however feel it's perfectly OK to abort a child just before it is born.

I said, late term in exceptional situations.
I didn't say just before it was born or specify any time at all.

Not Allowed Here.

I was referring to Noomi, XXXXXX

Not Allowed Here. in the clean-debate-zone.
based on what she has written in this thread.

Not Allowed Here.

Not Allowed Here.

I have not checked your facts but, if they are true, that's bloody terrible.
No woman should be forced to carry a rapist's baby.

It's inhuman.

The lifers would say that it is better than her having an abortion, because the 'baby' did nothing wrong. Neither did the woman, but don't tell them that.
Not Allowed Here.

You however feel it's perfectly OK to abort a child just before it is born.
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Calling out Romney for vague stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest - Video on

Romney claims to be 'outraged' that Obama is saying Romney is against abortion even if rape or incest is involved. However, as the video proves, Romney HAS stated that he is in favor of overturning Roe v Wade, would sign it if it crossed his desk, and he does in fact feel that a pregnancy should never be terminated, regardless.

This is a HUGE part of why I will not be voting for the man. Not just that that is his stance, but that he called Obama a liar for speaking the truth.

Funny, I was unaware Roe vs Wade focused on rape and incest victims.
How could I have missed that?

It's a logic thing.

Some rapes and incest cases result in pregnancy.

If your position is that no pregnancy will be terminated, then your position is to force victims of rape and incest to give birth to children.

In any case..women have a right to have an abortion. Romney wants to recind that.
I feel sad for liberals. It's just shattering their lives to learn that a baby gets the chance to live.
Calling out Romney for vague stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest - Video on

Romney claims to be 'outraged' that Obama is saying Romney is against abortion even if rape or incest is involved. However, as the video proves, Romney HAS stated that he is in favor of overturning Roe v Wade, would sign it if it crossed his desk, and he does in fact feel that a pregnancy should never be terminated, regardless.

This is a HUGE part of why I will not be voting for the man. Not just that that is his stance, but that he called Obama a liar for speaking the truth.

Romney doesn't want to turn the election into a social issue election when the economy is so bad! He wants it to remain on the economy regardless of how bad the Democrats and liberal media want to divert from the economy!
The GOP managers just as badly want to keep the issue on the economy and are beating down Edited. Not Allowed Here. to keep them on topic.
Calling out Romney for vague stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest - Video on

Romney claims to be 'outraged' that Obama is saying Romney is against abortion even if rape or incest is involved. However, as the video proves, Romney HAS stated that he is in favor of overturning Roe v Wade, would sign it if it crossed his desk, and he does in fact feel that a pregnancy should never be terminated, regardless.

This is a HUGE part of why I will not be voting for the man. Not just that that is his stance, but that he called Obama a liar for speaking the truth.

Romney doesn't want to turn the election into a social issue election when the economy is so bad! He wants it to remain on the economy regardless of how bad the Democrats and liberal media want to divert from the economy!

True, he wants to keep the election process focused on jobs and the economy, but finds himself on the defensive too often, playing right into the Obama scheme.

Our Ruling

The ad from the Obama campaign said Romney "backed a bill [not a law ] that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest."

The Obama campaign provides virtually nothing to back that up, however.

It has no evidence that Romney explicitly opposed the exception for rape and incest. While he supported the "human life amendment," there are many versions and the most recent ones allow abortion after rape or incest. And it's worth noting that in 2011, Romney declared that[ he ] has said he supports those exceptions.

In its effort to appeal to women, the Obama campaign has twisted Romney's position to a ridiculous degree. We rate the claim Pants on Fire.

For full context:

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