Nine Pages - to find a Romney Thread


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
An interesting observation.

I noticed that there are almost no Romney threads. While people are stewing about whether or not Newt will be the nominee or not, I was sure that there would be a thread on the person everyone INSISTS will be the nominee.

So I actually went back a whole 9 pages before I could find a thread on Mitt Romney himself.
Joe, you aren't still holding out hope that he won't be the nominee are you? You really think this Newtie thing has legs? Really?

So far we've seen the rise and fall of Bachmann, Cain, Perry and now the rise of Newt. It won't be long until he's back down in single digits and good old Romney is left standing alone.

There will be plenty of threads about the cardboard cutout man then, don't worry.
The support for Romney is unenthusiastic. Romney is kind of like taking your cousin to the prom. You don't want to do it but you know he is there if all other options fail.

So far, it looks like Republicans will be taking their cousin to the prom
The one thing I agree with Coulter about..

[ame=]Ann Coulter on 2012 GOP Field: If Christie Doesn't Run, Romney Will be Nominated and Lose to Obama - YouTube[/ame]
The support for Romney is unenthusiastic. Romney is kind of like taking your cousin to the prom. You don't want to do it but you know he is there if all other options fail.

So far, it looks like Republicans will be taking their cousin to the prom

Or in this case a creepy uncle that smells of vitalis.
The support for Romney is unenthusiastic. Romney is kind of like taking your cousin to the prom. You don't want to do it but you know he is there if all other options fail.

So far, it looks like Republicans will be taking their cousin to the prom

The primaries will decide that. It all depends on who has the better campaign.

The press wants Romney, which is why most Repugs don't want him. We don't need another McCain backing down to Obama after the primaries.

Newt is the better candidate and the press will be attempting to bring him down.

Personally I'm for giving the press a big shit-sandwich with a win by Newt. It would also tickle me to no end if the prospect rubbed you the wrong way as well.
An interesting observation.

I noticed that there are almost no Romney threads. While people are stewing about whether or not Newt will be the nominee or not, I was sure that there would be a thread on the person everyone INSISTS will be the nominee.

So I actually went back a whole 9 pages before I could find a thread on Mitt Romney himself.

Keep in mind that what generates threads on this board is saying stupid things. A real blunder will generate threads for weeks

So far, Romney has avoided saying stupid things
An interesting observation.

I noticed that there are almost no Romney threads. While people are stewing about whether or not Newt will be the nominee or not, I was sure that there would be a thread on the person everyone INSISTS will be the nominee.

So I actually went back a whole 9 pages before I could find a thread on Mitt Romney himself.

Keep in mind that what generates threads on this board is saying stupid things. A real blunder will generate threads for weeks

So far, Romney has avoided saying stupid things

Newtie won't be able to resist though... :lol:
An interesting observation.

I noticed that there are almost no Romney threads. While people are stewing about whether or not Newt will be the nominee or not, I was sure that there would be a thread on the person everyone INSISTS will be the nominee.

So I actually went back a whole 9 pages before I could find a thread on Mitt Romney himself.

Keep in mind that what generates threads on this board is saying stupid things. A real blunder will generate threads for weeks

So far, Romney has avoided saying stupid things

No he hasn't. He's said plenty of stupid things. And his flip floppery is becoming legendary. But in comparison to who he's competing with..the nonsense and outright craziness is so vast, that the skew is way off the charts.
All of them will make statements during the primary race that they will have to disavow or moderate when the primaries are over. The conservative purity test is getting to be a pain in the ass for anyone who wants to be a republican politician, no one passes for long.
All of them will make statements during the primary race that they will have to disavow or moderate when the primaries are over. The conservative purity test is getting to be a pain in the ass for anyone who wants to be a republican politician, no one passes for long.

It's amazing, ain't it?
An interesting observation.

I noticed that there are almost no Romney threads. While people are stewing about whether or not Newt will be the nominee or not, I was sure that there would be a thread on the person everyone INSISTS will be the nominee.

So I actually went back a whole 9 pages before I could find a thread on Mitt Romney himself.

Romney is the liberals pick for the Republican nomination.

Romeny is, Its your MONEY people who will force you into him.

He will be your candidate.

You are just making your party look like a clown circus by airing out all the crazies in the party.

It will damage the republican brand for years to come
Romney is a calculated attempt to appeal to the base AND the swing voters, the low information, non-partisan people who actually elect presidents. They know they have the base no matter who gets nominated.


Published: November 15, 2011

To a remarkable degree, the candidates have turned the cringe-inducing moments to their advantage, asserting that they demonstrate an authenticity different from the slick professionalism of politicians in Washington.

But the embarrassing moments are piling up, and some veteran Republicans are beginning to wonder whether the cumulative effect weakens the party brand, especially in foreign policy and national security, where Republicans have typically dominated Democrats.

“It is an ‘Animal House.’ It’s a food fight,” said Kenneth Duberstein, a chief of staff to President Ronald Reagan. “Honestly, the Republican debates have become a reality show. People have to be perceived as being capable of governing this country, of being the leader of the free world.”
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Romeny is, Its your MONEY people who will force you into him.

He will be your candidate.

You are just making your party look like a clown circus by airing out all the crazies in the party.

It will damage the republican brand for years to come

Speaking of clowns, your butchering of the english language and your incapability to spell is comical.

I'm willing to bet you didn't make it through the 6th grade. I'd also bet that the fifth grade was the toughest 4 years of your life.

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