Nightmare terrorist scenarios


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Nightmare for their ease:

- explosive ladden drones. What do you do about an explosive-ladden 'toy drone' breaching White House perimeter and hovering outside the Oval Office? Watching the speech last night the thought occured. Desk is only a few feet from those windowed-doors. Know the glass is ballistic-resistant but how blast-resistant is it?

- radiological bomb event. Can get low-radioactive substances from any hospital. Wont kill or even make you sick but it'll set off radiation detectors in secured places causing a bit of a panic and global news item. The resulting panic would be more devastating than anything else we've seen thus far.

- faux bio-terror attacks. White powder in randomly mailed envelopes. Is it anthrax? No. Does it look like anthrax? Yes. I still feel uneasy opening my mail after that years back.

- real bio-chem attacks. Ever vigilant about products I buy grocery shopping, I always check things that could be opened, tampered with, then replaced on the shelf. The vanilla I use for cookies has a cap that comes right off with ease. The plastic cover is what's actually protecting the contents. But how many actually take the cap off to check that seal? Spices are the same way. And bags of flour often leak a little bit so how would you know at the store or when you get it home if it'd been dosed with something icky? Ya wouldn't. Mess with commonly used products in a few states and when it is discovered where the infection or poison originated you cause lack of confidence in consumer goods.

How many e. coli or other common contaminates we hear about in our grocery products and produce are really that and not some kind of terror attack they're keeping quiet? Better to say a shipment of meat got messed up at the factory than some Muslim terrorist is going around tampering with things right? And yet, it's so easy to do that, why aren't they? Maybe they are. Next time ya hear about food contaminated by e. coli consider the possibility.

You are not even in the ball park for a nightmare.

There wont be no "Faux" about it. People will get injured and killed on the next attack.

Pay attention to detail, and have some situational awareness.

When the bad guys hit they do so to commit to damage. They maim, kill and injure. They perform damage with the least effort and manpower. The bad guys do have a "M.O" ; and it has been pretty regular and consistent since "9/11".

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