Night Owls


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
You know the people I'm talking about.

The ones that like to stay up late, doing all kinds of things through the night.

Are you a night owl?

During the summer, I sure am. I stay up to at least 4 am all summer, and I LOVE it!

Alas, this will end soon, but while I still can I dig being a night owl!
You know the people I'm talking about.

The ones that like to stay up late, doing all kinds of things through the night.

Are you a night owl?

During the summer, I sure am. I stay up to at least 4 am all summer, and I LOVE it!

Alas, this will end soon, but while I still can I dig being a night owl!

You have allergies, dontcha.
You know the people I'm talking about.

The ones that like to stay up late, doing all kinds of things through the night.

Are you a night owl?

During the summer, I sure am. I stay up to at least 4 am all summer, and I LOVE it!

Alas, this will end soon, but while I still can I dig being a night owl!

You have allergies, dontcha.

Yeah, I'm allergic to DOUCHEBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know the people I'm talking about.

The ones that like to stay up late, doing all kinds of things through the night.

Are you a night owl?

During the summer, I sure am. I stay up to at least 4 am all summer, and I LOVE it!

Alas, this will end soon, but while I still can I dig being a night owl!

You have allergies, dontcha.

Yeah, I'm allergic to DOUCHEBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually that was supposed to be a serious statement.
(I guess I need a serious emoticon so people know when I'm not being my usual self.) :lol:
Well I'm tired as SHIT! Been out in the shop detailing the truck, sweatin' my ass off. The heat, my God, and the humidity. I thought I'd do it when it "cooled off." Aaaahh... no. It's isn't "cooling off." Sheeeezuz. Had to stop drinking beer and start drinking Gater Aide. FUCK! When is this damn HUMIDITY going to go away? I never thought I'd say this, but I mean I live up in WISCONSIN, up NORTH, where it's supposed to cool off once and awhile. Man, not this summer. This is the pits, but I'm actually looking forward to some COOLER WEATHER.
I'm a creature of the night. If it was up to me I'd basically sleep from 7AM to 5PM every day. It just feels like I have so much more time when I stay up all night doing whatever I want. It's great. Alas, I can't. In fact, I gotta go to sleep now.
I am a night owl. Always have been. I have to force myself to go to bed...which I am about to do now!!

I am a night owl, which isn't the best thing when I have to be up at 8am for work on tuesdays and thursdays, and have to take my son to therapy at 830am mon wed and friday. Plus I have a two and half year old, so there is no sleeping in on the weekends either. So I have been accustomed to getting only 4 to 6hrs of sleep at night. I do get naps every once in awhile, thank god my son still take naps. lol
My allergist claimed night owls were allergy sufferers because allergy attacks are worse in the morning.
Your allergist is partially mistaken.

While some examples of preference for the night might derive from allergies the truly nocturnal dispostion begins in the womb and is erroneously referred to as the Circadian Rhythm Sleep "Disorder" by persons who cannot accept certain differences in the bodily constitution of others. Consequently, many whose individual body clocks are programmed during gestation for peak alertness when most others are asleep are beset by difficulty adjusting to the demands of the nine-to-five world.

I am a prime example of the nocturnal disposition and have always been an extreme night owl, which caused me some problems in school and in the military. But I was fortunate in finding my way into a night job I liked and a wife who was compatible with my lifestyle. As it is I never go to bed until 5 or 6 AM. I function at my peak during the quiet hours of the night and I am relatively uneasy when forced to be awake during the day.
There something about the peace the breaking of the morning brings as a knew day is born. When you set outdoors and watch it happen, you feel as if your a part of it.
Many creative types do their best 'work' in the wee hours of the morning.

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